The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6484 Wang Yue calmed down!

Chapter 6484 Wang Yue calmed down!

Archibald, who was born with disabled legs, is sitting in a wheelchair. He has no force value and was grabbed by his collar just now by a hungry wolf.

Jin Baili, who knocked down several people, was attacked by a hungry wolf and fell to the ground.

Monica was pushed to the ground.

In this case, Hungry Wolf proudly said as a winner: "I'll tell you again, don't think you are different just because you are outstanding players in the e-sports All-Star Game. I don't treat you at all." Why do these people take this seriously? On this small island, you are the lower class students and I am the middle class student. This gap is enough for me to completely crush you!
I know you must be dissatisfied in your heart, but the reality is cruel. No matter how dissatisfied you are in your heart, you can't change one thing, that is, you can only be bullied by me!
In this world, even cats and dogs have a chance to survive, so don’t say I don’t give you a chance to survive.If you are willing to apologize to me, I can give you a chance and tonight's matter can end here. "

The expressions on the faces of Archibald, Kim Bailey, and Monica did not change at all.

Why do they want to apologize to Hungry Wolf?
What is wrong with them?
From the beginning to the end, Hungry Wolf used his status as a middle-class student to bully these low-class students.

Nowadays, the hungry wolf not only bullies them, but also demands an apology from them, which is really funny.

Seeing that Archibald and the others were indifferent, Hungry Wolf sneered and said, "If you don't intend to apologize, I won't force you, but you must be prepared to pay the price."

After saying this, Nu Hung clenched his fist, shook it at Archibald and the other three, and said, "The price is very simple, that is, each of you will receive a punch from me in the face!"

The three Archibalds remained expressionless.

Seeing this, Hungry Wolf was already sure that Archibald, Kim Bailey, and Monica would not give in, so he walked up to Monica, squatted down, shook his clenched fists and said to Monica: "I hope I can knock you out with one punch so you don’t have to take a second punch.”

Monica gritted her teeth, looked at the hungry wolf angrily, and said, "You are easy to bully if you don't want us!"

The hungry wolf smiled impudently: "Sorry, I just thought you were easy to bully!"

Jin Baili said coldly: "If you dare to take action, this matter will never be over!"

Archibald said in a deep voice: "I can guarantee that you will be safe and sound tonight. I can also guarantee that you will not be safe and sound tomorrow."

Simply relying on his own strength, Archibald has no way to defeat the hungry wolf. If he uses the power of his family and F country e-sports, Archibald has many ways to make the hungry wolf pay a heavy price.

Hungry Wolf didn't take it seriously at all.

It is an unspoken rule on this island that he bullies Archibald and others. Intermediate students will support his actions, upper-level students will support his actions, and the top management of the Dream Team will also support his actions.If Archibald and others want to challenge this rule, it is equivalent to challenging the island and the dream team.The hungry wolf didn't think Archibald and others had such abilities, so he didn't take it seriously at all.

Hungry Wolf said: "I really don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I know that I have the ability to knock you three out now."

After saying this, Hungry Wolf clenched his fists and prepared to hit Monica in the face.Suddenly, a bucket was thrown over and directly on the hungry wolf, deflecting the hungry wolf's body and preventing the hungry wolf's fist from hitting Monica's face.

The sudden change caused everyone at the scene to turn their attention to the source of the bucket, and saw Wang Yue standing at the door of the dormitory with a frown.

Archibald, Kim Baili, and Monica also set their sights on Wang Yue.

Monica immediately said: "Maybe Ms. Daisy can help us!"

She thinks the wisest thing to do right now is for Wang Yue to leave here quickly and look for Daisy's help.Although Daisy is not the leader of this island, Daisy brought these people here. If she asks for something, Daisy will not refuse.As long as Daisy is willing to come forward, I believe that the hungry wolf will not act recklessly, because Daisy is a staff member of the Dream Team and represents the dream team invisibly, and the hungry wolf will not be stupid enough to violate the majesty of the dream team.

Wang Yue did not speak, nor did he do what Monica wanted. Instead, he walked up to Monica and lifted Monica up from the ground. Then Wang Yue helped Jin Baili up.In the process of being helped up, Jin Baili's face showed pain.She was attacked by a hungry wolf and kicked, and the damage was still affecting her to this day. If Wang Yue hadn't helped her up, she wouldn't have been able to get up.

Wang Yue helped Monica and Jin Baili up, then looked at Archibald and said, "Are you okay?"

Archibald said: "I'm okay. Kimberly and Monica helped me stand up, but they got involved and they were the ones who got hurt."

Wang Yue said calmly: "I understand."

The hungry wolf who had just been thrown a bucket by Wang Yue had recovered. He looked at Wang Yue with extremely angry eyes, and his eyes were incredibly dark.He didn't expect that Wang Yue, who had always been patient, would dare to take action.

From Hungry Wolf's point of view, Wang Yue's patience was very good. Whether it was ignoring his provocations, enduring the mess he made in the dormitory every day, or asking Wang Yue to go to the supermarket to buy this or that, Wang Yue would always be confused. Being patient.

Hungry Wolf always knew that Wang Yue was patient, but he didn't care about Wang Yue's patience.As long as Wang Yue does not become a middle-level student, no matter how much Wang Yue endures, there will be no point.According to the information he had, Wang Yue did a very stupid thing, which was to try to master both realms of domination. This also caused Wang Yue's learning to stagnate. In this case, Wang Yue became a middle-level student. Students will be in the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

In short, as long as Wang Yue does not become a middle-level student for a day, Hungry Wolf can bully Wang Yue as much as he wants.Moreover, his bullying was tacitly approved by the island, so he didn't need to have any scruples.

The hungry wolf rushed in front of Wang Yue in a fierce manner, but before he could punch, Wang Yue's hand was already on his face.

Hungry Wolf was stunned. He didn't expect Wang Yue to sell it so quickly.At this moment, his face was held by Wang Yue's hands, and it felt like being held down by a tiger's claws.

Jin Baili immediately stopped; "Wang Yue, calm down!"

At present, Wang Yue's identity is still a lower-level student, and he is not suitable to have a conflict with Hungry Wolf, who is a middle-level student.

Although Hungry Wolf is just one person, Hungry Wolf represents more than just one person. He represents the unspoken rules of this island and also represents the interests of all middle-level students.If Wang Yue dares to beat up a middle-level student, it will be a slap in the face of all middle-level students. Then all middle-level students will target Wang Yue, and the unspoken rules of this island will also target Wang Yue. This will be something Wang Yue cannot bear. price.

(End of this chapter)

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