Chapter 6488 You are finished!
Wang Yue said: "This small island has its own rules. I will abide by the rules of this small island, but this does not mean that I lose my principles. Hungry Wolf and others will mess up Archie and I every night." In Bird's dormitory, I thought this was the rule of this island, so I didn't do anything, and this situation has continued since we came to this island until now. Make a mess in the dormitory and wet the quilt with water , you should know this situation, right? I think so, the rules are like this. In order to show his strength in front of women, Hungry Wolf ordered me to buy this and that, and I think it’s okay. The reason why I think it’s okay is because these are these The rules on this small island.

The reason why tonight is different is very simple. The hungry wolf can bully us in terms of rules, but he must not treat my friends with violence.What kind of skill does it have to bully a person in a wheelchair or bully two women?
You just told me that things are very simple, and I am telling you now that things are very simple.You can either leave or get involved directly. "

Branch did not change his mind because of Wang Yue's explanation, and said calmly: "Wang Yue, if you think of me as a hungry wolf, you are totally wrong. The hungry wolf may not be able to subdue you. I have plenty. I'll subdue you! If you want to beg for mercy by then, I'll tell you it's too late. Now, you have one last chance, which is to kneel down and apologize."

Wang Yue said: "Take back your last chance, we don't need it."

Branch was angry!Punch Wang Yue!
With his height of 1.9 meters, he pumps out his fists, and the image is very impactful.

Wang Yue didn't panic at all and kicked Bolanqi's knee. Bolanqi's body immediately became unstable and lost his balance.At this moment, Wang Yue punched Bolanqi in the chest. Bolanqi completely lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Wang Yue, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, was knocked to the ground by Wang Yue like this!
Everyone at the scene was stunned!

They didn't expect that Wang Yue would dare to take action against Bolanqi!

Hungry Wolf and Bolanqi are both middle-level students, but their statuses are different.

Among the middle-level students, Hungry Wolf's e-sports level is only in the top fifty, while Branch is ranked in the top three.

Branch felt that with his status, Wang Yue would never dare to attack him. Unexpectedly, Wang Yue knocked him to the ground neatly.

Blanche was extremely angry!
Facing lower-level students, he can bully them directly, and no lower-level students dare to disobey him.

Facing the middle-level students, he is also a star-studded presence, because his e-sports ability ranks among the top three among the middle-level students.

Branch felt that his identity was enough to solve the problem, but he didn't expect that Wang Yue didn't take it seriously.

When he attacked Wang Yue, he never thought that Wang Yue would dare to fight back because the identity gap between him and Wang Yue was very large.What he didn't expect was that Wang Yue not only dared to fight back, but also knocked him to the ground neatly.

Bolanqi, who was lying on the ground, wanted to get up from the ground. Wang Yue stepped on his chest and stepped back to the ground as he was about to get up.

Branch roared angrily: "Wang Yue, you are finished! I will definitely kill you!"

Branch, who had never been treated like this before, roared!

Wang Yue did not speak, but moved the foot that was on Bolanqi's chest to Bolanqi's neck.The meaning is very simple. If Bolanqi continues to say things he shouldn't say, Wang Yue will kick him in the neck, and Bolanqi will stop talking at that time.

After seeing Wang Yue's methods, the people around him couldn't help but feel fear.This state of play is like a mouse in a greenhouse seeing a cat in the wild.

The hungry wolf hiding in the crowd felt numb. He thought that the appearance of Bolanqi would solve Wang Yue's problem. Unexpectedly, Wang Yue not only refused to give Bolanqi face, but also knocked him down!Wang Yue still treated Branch like this.If he is caught by Wang Yue, his fate can be imagined.The hungry wolf subconsciously wanted to continue to retreat, but there was a wall behind him and there was no way to retreat.

Bolanqi stared at Wang Yue and said, "All middle-level students will not let you go!" Hearing Bolanqi say this, Wang Yue removed his call from Bolanqi's neck.

Just when people at the scene thought Wang Yue was scared, Wang Yue said calmly: "You can find as many middle-level students as you can. As long as the middle-level students want to participate in this matter, I will do it."

Bolanqi was stunned when he recovered. He didn't expect that this was the reason why Wang Yue let him go.Wang Yue was actually willing to let him find someone.

After Branch got up from the ground, he first kept his distance from Wang Yue, and then said to the middle-level students he brought with him: "Let's go together! Fight to death!"

More than 40 people rushed towards Wang Yue. You can imagine the scene!

However, Wang Yue was not afraid, because these people felt too ordinary to Wang Yue.

These people are all e-sports players. They don't have much power at all. They mainly rely on their own body strength to fight.Dealing with these people is very simple for Wang Yue. In terms of combat skills, Wang Yue defeats them completely, but there are more of them than you, which consumes a lot of Wang Yue's physical strength.

When he was in Country Y, Wang Yue faced more than 100 gangsters armed with weapons. Those people often fought and had very strong fighting abilities.Even so, Wang Yue dared to fight.Not to mention these e-sports players who have no fighting ability.

Archibald threw a belt towards Wang Yue and said, "Go on!"

Wang Yue holds the belt in his hand. With the belt as a weapon, Wang Yue does not need to simply use fists and kicks to knock him down, which can save Wang Yue's physical strength.

Ten minutes later, more than 10 people led by Bolanci all fell to the ground.There were belt marks on their faces and bodies.As for Wang Yue, although he also suffered some injuries, Wang Yue was the one standing, not the one who fell.

There were two people standing, namely Hungry Wolf and Branch, but their bodies were trembling slightly.They began to feel that Wang Yue was not the same person as them at all.This is like a devil coming to the fairy tale world.

What happened here naturally alarmed the top brass of this island.

When the senior executives arrived on the ninth floor, they were all stunned when they saw nearly a hundred people lying on the ground.Was this really done by one person?
Male instructor Jessie and female instructor Susanna also had surprised expressions on their faces.

Daisy also came, she also had a look of disbelief on her face, and the surprise on her face lingered.

On this small island, the person with the most power is the general manager, followed by the deputy manager, and then the two chief instructors.

Now, the deputy manager and two chief instructors have arrived, and they are all extremely surprised by the scene in front of them.

Daisy looked at Wang Yue and couldn't help but said: "Wang Yue, did you do all this?"

Wang Yue did not reply, because there was no need to reply, the matter was just there.

(End of this chapter)

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