The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6494 Wang Yue’s identity!

Chapter 6494 Wang Yue’s identity!
Chief Instructor Jesses belatedly realized that there were loopholes in his words, and he was angry at Wang Yue's behavior of seizing on his loopholes.His face, which was already full of anger, became even more furious.

When Chief Instructor Jesses was about to vent his anger towards Wang Yue, the deputy manager said solemnly: "Instructor Jesses, remember your identity and watch your words!"

Hearing this sentence, the students at the scene were surprised, because the deputy manager's words were obviously a lesson to the chief instructor Jesses.The reason why Chief Instructor Jesses was reprimanded was of course because he said something he shouldn't have said.

In fact, everyone will say things that shouldn't be said. The key is in whose face you say the things you shouldn't say.

Chief Instructor Jesse can say things he shouldn't say in front of lower-level members, he can also say things he shouldn't say in front of mid-level students, and it's okay even if he says things he shouldn't say in front of upper-level members.

However, Chief Instructor Jesses shouldn't have said something he shouldn't have said in front of the acting minister of China E-Sports.

From the perspective of e-sports training, Wang Yue is just an inferior member. Chief instructor Jesses scolded Wang Yue until he was bloody, but his insults must not involve Huaxia E-sports. Once it involves Huaxia E-sports, Wang Yue will Yue will transform from a lower-level member to the acting minister of China E-sports.

As a Chinese E-Sports player, Wang Yue would not allow Chief Instructor Jesse to insult Chinese E-Sports. As the Acting Minister of Chinese E-Sports, Wang Yue would not allow Chief Instructor Jesse to insult Chinese E-Sports.

The deputy manager stopped Chief Instructor Jesses from speaking, lest he say inappropriate words again and Wang Yue would catch him. However, Chief Instructor Jesses did not shut up, but said: "He wants to rely on the acting minister of China E-sports It is absolutely impossible for me to show off my identity and show off my power!"

The video conversation between Wang Yue and the manager continues.

After listening to the words of Chief Instructor Jesses, Wang Yue said to the manager in the video: "Who has the highest authority on this island? Is it you, the manager? Or Jesses? If the highest authority is Jesses , then I will skip Jesses and communicate with the Deputy Minister of E-sports of Country M. If the highest authority is not Jesses, but you, the manager, I hope you can shut up Jesses. He is not qualified to communicate with me. !"

Hearing Wang Yue say that he was not qualified, the angry chief instructor Jesse wanted to punch Wang Yue in the face.

The chief instructor in the video said in a deep voice: "Instructor Jesses, I hope you can stay quiet. Minister Wang Yue and I are communicating at the moment, not you and Minister Wang Yue."

The students present were shocked again.The manager's words meant that the chief instructor Jesse was indeed not qualified to communicate with Wang Yue.

The chief instructor Jesse can resist the deputy manager's obstruction, but the chief instructor Jesse knows she cannot resist the manager's obstruction.

The manager in the video asked Wang Yue: "Jesse's disrespect for China E-sports is purely a personal behavior, and does not represent the island, let alone M country e-sports. Jesse's disrespect for China E-sports is indeed It’s a serious mistake. Of course I will deal with Jesses who made the mistake. I wonder what Minister Wang Yue’s needs are?”

The manager repeated his old trick and once again gave Wang Yue the right to handle things.

Of course, he didn't really teach Wang Yue his rights. He just wanted to give Wang Yue face in this way, and hoped that Wang Yue could also give him face.He hopes to resolve this matter by giving each other face, rather than bringing this matter to the M Country E-Sports Department or the world e-Sports field.

In the previous incident, he used this method to make Wang Yue reduce the big matter to a trivial matter.In his opinion, Wang Yue is a smart man, and Wang Yue's actions are also smart.He hoped that Wang Yue would continue to do so.

Wang Yue said in a deep voice: "Those who insulted China E-Sports must apologize to China E-Sports!"

Hearing Wang Yue's words, Chief Instructor Jesse suddenly became furious. Wang Yue actually asked him to apologize to Huaxia E-Sports!He never thought that one day he would apologize to China E-Sports, so he did not plan to apologize to China E-Sports today!

The manager said: "That makes sense!"

In the manager's view, Wang Yue's request for an apology was reasonable and reasonable, so he was willing to support Wang Yue.If Wang Yue had made excessive demands, he might still have a chance to find a breakthrough. On the contrary, Wang Yue's demands were too reasonable and not excessive at all. This gave him no chance of breakthrough at all and he could only do what Wang Yue said.

The manager said: "Jesus, as the manager of the training base, I ask you to apologize to the acting director of the Chinese E-sports Department."

The manager's words gave Jesses leeway and also allowed him to retain a certain amount of face.Because Jesses did not apologize to Wang Yue, but to his identity as the acting minister of China E-sports.In this way, Jesses still has face in front of the students, because the person he is apologizing to is not the inferior student Wang Yue.

After hearing the manager's words, Chief Instructor Jesses said decisively like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "I will never apologize!"

The manager's face became a little uncertain. He knew the character of Chief Instructor Jesses and knew how difficult it would be to get him to apologize.Therefore, he hoped in his heart that Wang Yue could take a step back and not let Chief Instructor Jesses apologize.

When the manager was thinking about how to convey his thoughts to Wang Yue in a clever way, Wang Yue, who had already judged by his face, said in a positive tone: "Manager, I hope you can understand the situation. At this moment The reason why you have the right to handle this matter is not only that you have the right to handle this matter, but that I give you the opportunity to handle this matter. My needs have been told to you. If you cannot meet my requirements, I think There is no need for me to give you a chance to deal with this matter, because from the perspective of status, we are not equal. I am the acting director of the Chinese E-sports Department, but I am just the manager of a training base. Even the M Country E-sports Department The top brass are not even included!”

Wang Yue's words made the manager feel uncomfortable, but he did not refute what Wang Yue said because what Wang Yue said was true.If Wang Yue is determined to communicate with the Deputy Minister of E-Sports of Country M, he must convey Wang Yue's ideas to the Deputy Minister of E-Sports of Country M. The Deputy Minister of E-sports of Country M may not interact with Wang Yue, but Wang Yue is definitely qualified to interact with him.

The manager did not dare to be careless. He knew that the M Country E-Sports Department valued Wang Yue, and he also knew that the Chinese E-Sports Department was not what it used to be. In addition, the M Country E-Sports Department had a special purpose in arranging Wang Yue to come to this island. The combination of reasons made him afraid to confront Wang Yue who was in the right position.

The manager said in a deep voice: "Instructor Jesses, there are two ways before you. One way is for me to remove you as an instructor as the manager of the Kojima training base. The other way is for you to apologize to China E-Sports .”

(End of this chapter)

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