The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6505 Interests and Situation!

Chapter 6505 Interests and Situation!
The reputation of Country N's e-sports has never been very good. I hope that the glory of Country M's e-sports can change this matter, so I join the faction and fight for Country M's e-sports.

The e-sports department of country Y does not want to serve as a barrier to country M's e-sports, but country N's e-sports hopes to serve as a barrier to country M's e-sports. In this way, country N's e-sports can become the second largest e-sports in the world.

Regarding the strength of Country M e-sports, Country N E-Sports absolutely recognizes it and fully believes that Country M E-Sports has the ability to support Country N E-Sports to become the second largest e-sports player in the world.In the past, Country N E-Sports did not have a suitable opportunity for Country M E-Sports to do this, because Country M E-Sports would not look down on Country N E-Sports, which has a poor reputation.It’s different now. E-sports in country M needs support, and e-sports in country N is seizing this opportunity to show its greatest support to e-sports in country M.It is conceivable that Country N E-Sports will definitely execute the order to leave Country M E-Sports unconditionally.

The Minister of E-Sports of Country Y said: "Right now, E-Sports of Country F has just not taken a stand. If we force E-Sports of Country F to take a stand, it is very likely that E-Sports of Country F will stand on the opposite side of us. This is a situation we do not want to see. As for E-Sports of Country N, The minister said that the e-sports minister of country F is making profits from it as a bystander. I don’t think this kind of thing will happen, because the big interests definitely belong to our group. As for the small interests, that is only if they do not offend us. It can be obtained.”

The Minister of E-Sports of Country B said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether E-Sports of Country F joins our faction. What is important is that he cannot join the e-Sports faction of Country A. In this case, it is not safe for E-Sports of Country F to have the status of a bystander. , so I think we need to use means to get country F e-sports to join us, so as to ensure that country F e-sports will not help country A e-sports.”

The deputy minister of e-sports of country M said: "My thoughts tend to attract the e-sports of country F into our camp. To be honest, I did not expect that the attitude of the e-sports minister of country F was to not respond to the invitation. Although this does not mean rejection, it does not mean The representative agreed. Recently, Archibald from Country F E-Sports is training at the Dream Team’s training base. I thought that the Minister of E-Sports from Country F would cooperate with Country M E-Sports because of this relationship, but I didn’t expect that he would Do such a special operation.

We don’t want to see country F e-sports join country A e-sports. It is not safe for country F e-sports to be a bystander. Therefore, my idea is that all ministers should send an email to the e-sports minister of country F. Inviting in this way is also a way to put pressure on the e-sports minister of country F.In my opinion, the e-sports minister of country F is not a person with that kind of courage. Under our dual operation, he should express his position and join us. "

The ministers nodded and agreed with the idea of ​​the Vice Minister of E-sports of Country M.

The Minister of E-sports of Country N asked: "If E-Sports of Country F still doesn't agree, how should we deal with it?"

The deputy minister of e-sports of country M smiled and said: "That means that the e-sports department of country F is satisfied with the current status. Since he is not satisfied with the current status, then directly deprive him of his status. If the e-sports of country N has excellent performance, it can completely replace him. What’s the status of e-sports in country F?”

The last sentence was very ambiguous, and it was obviously meant to encourage e-sports in Country N.

The e-sports minister of country N was greatly encouraged when he understood the meaning of the deputy e-sports minister of country M.

The status of country F's e-sports in the world's e-sports is not the top, but it is still relatively high, far above that of country N's e-sports.

Under normal circumstances, country N’s e-sports cannot replace the status of country F’s e-sports. Now that they have the opportunity to replace the status of country F’s e-sports, they are naturally very happy.

Other ministers also understood the meaning of the Deputy Minister of Esports of Country M. The meaning was very simple. If you obey the Esports of Country M, you can gain benefits. If you disobey, you will be deprived of benefits.

They know that their e-sports strength cannot replace the status of M country e-sports. In this case, it is the wisest choice to cooperate with M country e-sports. Only in this way can the current e-sports interests be preserved, otherwise they will be replaced by others supported by M country e-sports. .

The deputy minister of e-sports in country M said: "The discussion on e-sports in country F is over. Next, we will discuss the e-sports issues in country R." The meeting progressed very quickly, and there was no nonsense. Every topic was very important.

The e-sports minister of country B frowned and said: "I didn't expect that the e-sports of country R would support the e-sports of country A."

The Minister of E-Sports of Country J said: "I have always regarded E-Sports of Country R as a follower of E-Sports of Country M. I never expected that this follower of E-Sports of Country R would dare to be an enemy of E-Sports of Country M."

The Minister of E-sports of Country N said: "Country R E-Sports made a very stupid decision. In this case, we will make him pay the price for this stupid decision. N Country E-Sports can directly do this."

Having received encouragement and hints, Country N's E-Sports was very active and directly expressed its intention to deal with Country R's E-Sports.

The deputy minister of e-sports of country M said: "The e-sports of country R will definitely pay the price for his wrong behavior, but everyone should not underestimate the e-sports of country R because of this. When the e-sports of country E was still the world's e-sports hegemon, the e-sports of country R could even win from E The country’s e-sports has won a victory there, and its e-sports strength is very strong. Now that it has been in the country for so many years, if R country e-sports has been secretly accumulating strength, I think the power he has accumulated will be very scary.”

When discussing e-sports in country R, ​​the deputy minister of e-sports in country M obviously became more serious. From this, we can also see the special features of e-sports in country R.

Regarding e-sports in country F, the deputy minister of e-sports in country M behaved very blandly, without a solemn expression, but this was not the case for e-sports in country R.

The deputy minister of e-sports in country M said: "It is well known that e-sports in country R is good at cultivating power secretly. Due to this habit, e-sports in country R will be very cautious and will never expose its power easily. The fact that he exposed his power this time shows that he has Have a certain strength and confidence to do this. If I haven’t guessed, country R e-sports intends to be the first e-sports in Asia, and country A e-sports intends to be the first e-sports in Europe. After they achieve this, they will cooperate to deal with it. Country M’s e-sports will become the new overlord in the world’s e-sports field.”

The Minister of E-Sports of Country Y sneered: "Country A's e-Sports wants to become the number one e-Sports in Europe. It's just a fool's errand!"

The e-sports of country Y in Europe will naturally not let the e-sports of country A become the number one e-sports in Europe.If country A’s e-sports has this idea, it’s the idea of ​​​​taking country Y’s e-sports.

The deputy minister of e-sports in country M said: "In dealing with the e-sports in country A, our power is very convenient and very direct, but in dealing with the e-sports in country R, ​​the most convenient and direct ones are not us, but those who Being in an e-sports country in Asia.”

The Minister of E-sports of Country Obstruction is a harder thing to do.”

(End of this chapter)

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