Chapter 6507 Team of ten!

The biggest move is in the Asian e-sports field, because the Minister of E-sports of Country N personally led the entry into the Asian e-sports field in a big way.

Country L, which belongs to Asian e-sports, stands on the side of country M e-sports, so country L e-sports is used as a temporary base by country N e-sports.

The Minister of E-Sports in Country Y has set his sights on E-Sports in Country H, hoping to use Country H’s E-Sports as a base for E-Sports players in Country Y in Asia.

Country L e-sports clearly supports country M e-sports, so country N e-sports can move in smoothly.At present, Country H E-Sports has not expressed its position. Country Y E-Sports needs to do this well first.

Before Country Y E-Sports had time to do this, Country R E-Sports launched a battle.

The operation of Country R E-Sports is to arrange a ten-member e-Sports team to challenge Country L E-Sports.

The e-sports members of country N are stationed in country e-sports of country L and challenge the e-sports of country L. In fact, they are also aiming at the e-sports of country N.

Regarding the behavior of Country R E-Sports challenging Country L E-Sports, N Country E-Sports' attitude is to watch on the sidelines because he wants to understand the situation through the battle between Country R E-Sports and Country L E-Sports, which will help him deal with Country R E-Sports.

Country R e-sports team played ten games with Country L e-sports team, and Country R e-sports team won ten games.It can be seen from this result that the L country e-sports team is no match for the R country e-sports team.

If country L e-sports loses, it is the turn of country N e-sports to take action. The e-sports minister of country Y led the elites of 200 elites to country L. He selected 10 people from them to form a team to deal with the e-sports team of country R. The competition mode was still ten games, and the result was that the e-sports team of country N lost ten games.

In just one day, Country R E-Sports defeated Country L E-Sports and Country N E-Sports.

The strength of country L's e-sports is very ordinary, and it is normal for country R's e-sports to defeat country L's e-sports.

Although the reputation of N country's e-sports is not very good, its e-sports strength is not weak.Under the leadership of the Minister of E-sports of Country Y, his abilities will be enhanced, but he will lose ten times out of ten.This is definitely not because N country’s e-sports capabilities are incompetent, but rather that R country’s e-sports capabilities are too strong.

The news of the failure of Country L E-Sports and Country N E-Sports was immediately spread to the temporary office of the E-Sports Faction of Country M. Each country arranged for e-Sports representatives to stay in this office, which was located in Country J.According to the arrangements of country M e-sports, the European e-sports battle will be dominated by country J e-sports.

The temporary office immediately took action to analyze the matter. The result of the analysis was that the ten-member team of R country e-sports is very complicated. Each member has his own characteristics and each member can be independent.Previously, Country A’s e-sports team also consisted of ten people.

It can be seen from the same number of team members that the cooperation between Country R E-Sports and Country A E-Sports is not a day or two, so they have already cultivated a ten-person e-Sports team.There is no preparation for this in e-sports in other countries. Although teams are also developed, the number may not be ten.In this case, their team is naturally not as strong as the country R e-sports team and the country A e-sports team.

In terms of e-sports in country A, three teams have appeared, namely the Star Team, the Rock Team, and the Water Team.

In terms of country R e-sports, the team that defeated country L e-sports and country N e-sports was called Feng Lin Team. Country L E-Sports and Country N E-Sports were not willing to fail. They combined their forces and went directly to Country R E-Sports, intending to directly challenge Country R E-Sports. However, they were defeated by the Volcano Team.As a result, another team was formed.

The R country e-sports team is very unique, because the names of the two teams combined are "Fenglin Huoshan".These four characters were split into the names of two teams, Fenglin Team and Huoshan Team.

The Feng Lin team that attacked Country L E-Sports stayed in Country L E-Sports and played ten games every day against Country L E-Sports and Country N E-Sports, while Country L E-Sports and Country N E-Sports lost ten games every day.

This situation lasted for five days. During these five days, the Feng Lin team of Country R E-Sports was able to defeat Country L E-Sports and Country N E-Sports every day.

According to this situation, the deputy minister of e-sports of country M and the e-sports ministers of various countries held another meeting. The atmosphere of this meeting was obviously much heavier than the last time because the e-sports strength of country R was too strong.

In addition, on the battlefield of European e-sports, the situation of the Country M E-sports League is not optimistic. The Star Team of Country A E-Sports once again dispatched to defeat Country X E-Sports.Although this is only the early stage of the battle, and the e-sports faction of country M has not yet arranged the power to suppress the situation, this is enough to illustrate the power of country A's e-sports.

After the Star Team of Country A E-Sports defeated Country X E-Sports, they then flew to Country T and successfully defeated Country T E-Sports.

It can be said that the e-sports of country R shines brightly on the Asian e-sports stage, and the e-sports of country A shines brightly on the European e-sports stage.

The reason why the new meeting is so divided is that Country F E-Sports and Country H E-Sports have yet to express their support for the M Country E-Sports faction.

Country M E-Sports Alliance contacted Country F E-Sports many times, hoping that Country F E-Sports could join the alliance, but Country F E-Sports was unmoved, neither agreed nor refused.

For acquaintances of the Minister of E-Sports of Country F, they feel that the behavior of the Minister of E-Sports of Country F is strange because it does not conform to the character of the Minister of E-Sports of Country F. The Minister of E-Sports of Country F is not particularly strong-minded.If he meets someone with stronger opinions than him, he will easily follow him. This situation will not change until Archibald appears. With Archibald making decisions for the e-sports minister of country F, the e-sports minister of country F does not need to have an independent opinion. Just follow Archibald's ideas.

Country M E-Sports has long considered this situation, so it also transferred Archibald from the Minister of E-Sports of Country F.What makes people feel strange is that in the absence of Archibald, the e-sports minister of country F is so calm-minded.

In addition to the weird attitude of the e-sports minister of country F, the attitude of the e-sports of country H is also weird. In the past, the e-sports of country H was eager to join the e-sports circle of country M. Now the e-sports of country M actively invites the e-sports of country H to join, but the e-sports of country H has not expressed its position.

The only thing that makes Country M E-Sports happy is that Country E E-Sports has been standing still and there has been no movement.For Country M E-Sports, as long as Country E E-Sports Department participates, he doesn't care at all no matter how many games it loses. As long as Country M E-Sports uses its real power, it can defeat Country R E-Sports and Country A E-Sports at any time. After all, Country M E-Sports Jingke has the dream team, the strongest team on the planet.

M Country E-Sports knew that this incident had been planned for many years, and he wanted to see how far this matter could develop, so M Country E-Sports did not take action immediately, but let other e-Sports countries perform.What M Country E-Sports did not expect was that other e-Sports countries were so vulnerable and were no match for Country A E-Sports and Country R E-Sports.

(End of this chapter)

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