The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 815 Huacheng Cup Fireline League!

Chapter 815 Huacheng Cup Fireline League!

Day after day, January time, the blink of an eye has passed.

Today is the registration day for the Huacheng Cup Fireline League. The registration location is located at the Huacheng Stadium, which is also the venue for this year's Huacheng Cup Fireline League.

As the top e-sports event in Huacheng, the Huacheng Cup Fireline League naturally attracted countless Fireline players to sign up. It also made the Huacheng Stadium crowded with people, and there were turbulent heads everywhere. At first glance, it was dark and dense, discussing the topic of crossing the Fireline. The sound is endless, and the whole stadium is very lively.

Zhang Kuai looked at the long queue of registrations and said in surprise, "Damn, there are so many people."

Song Wennuan said: "The Huacheng Cup Fireline League is the top e-sports event in Huacheng. The prize money is so rich that it makes people drool. What's more important is that all the major Fireline clubs in Huacheng will watch the whole game and select outstanding players to join their clubs. It is precisely because of this that it has been trained to be a professional player in the Hundred Cities League and WCG, which has led to such popularity."

The thin man said: "Because of the major merchants and companies investing in the Huacheng Cup Fireline League this year, the championship has a bonus of 50,000 yuan. This is only superficial, and what is more important is the contract made by the major Fireline clubs."

"Professional players' annual salary is set based on their record in the professional game, and the champion of the Huacheng Cup Fireline League does not need a professional game record certificate. If you want to take the path of a professional player, you can directly sign a professional game contract with an annual salary of 200,000. They all came here for this contract, and the top ten contracts are all very lucrative."

Wang Yue was wearing a dark blue sportswear, his hands were loosely inserted in his trouser pockets, and his short hair was dyed black like ink. The gentle breeze blew in, and his slightly longer bangs inadvertently passed his eyes.

The transformation time of January made Wang Yue lose his sharpness, and replaced it with a touch of elegance and softness, with a slight smile, free and easy.

Wang Yue's densely packed crowd couldn't help smashing his lips with a smile. He didn't expect that e-sports would one day develop into such a prosperous situation. The championship bonus is 200,000 yuan, and the annual salary contract is 25 yuan. The total is [-] yuan. It can almost make an ordinary family worry-free for half of their lives.

Wang Yue blinked his dark eyes, and there was a gleam of heat in his deep pupils. With the 25 yuan, he could buy a new building in his hometown in Quecheng, so that his parents would no longer have to live in that cramped place. Old dilapidated building.

Wang Yue looked up at the trophy pattern on the promotional board, with a domineering grin on the corner of his smiling mouth, he was bound to win the championship.

Zhang Kuai said with some regret: "It's a pity that this Huacheng Cup League is an individual competition, otherwise we can fight side by side with sabers again."

The thin man grinned and said, "You're finished, you son of a bitch. I have a hunch that you will definitely meet me in the competition, and then you will be eliminated."

Zhang Kui was unhappy at the time, and said: "This cool is Aka, I have it in the world, hahahaha, tremble, mortal!"

The thin man chuckled, and said, "This is a good pretense, I will give it ten points."

Song Wenwen interrupted the quarrel between the two of them and said, "Hey, even if you two meet in the competition, it's not interesting. It's interesting to let Wang Yue and Xiucai meet."

Zhang Kuai and Shouzi's eyes instantly shifted to Wang Yue and Xiucai who were standing side by side. Wang Yue's strength was unfathomable, and Xiucai's strength was unfathomable. It would be really interesting if these two met in the competition.

Wang Yue and Xiucai turned their heads at the same time, looked at each other beside them, and couldn't help but smile at the same time after looking at each other for a long time. Immediately, they stretched out their hands to hold each other, and said with a smile: "Please advise me."

Wang Yue is looking forward to a showdown with Xiucai, and Xiucai obviously thinks so too. Now they are all participating in the Huacheng Cup Fireline League, and it depends on whether God will give them this chance to compete.

All five of Wang Yue participated in the Huacheng Cup Hotline League. In order not to meet each other in the preliminaries, the five dispersed and stood in different long queues waiting to sign up.

Wang Yue stood in the queue and waited quietly. Suddenly, an arm reached in front of him and pushed him back. Then a burly figure stood in front of him. Obviously he didn't want to line up and cut in the middle of the line.

Wang Yue didn't say much, just waited for a few more minutes, there was no need to make a fuss over such a small matter.

"Hey, why are you jumping in line!"

"Everyone is queuing, do you have order!"

Many people who were waiting anxiously became extremely angry because of the burly man's jumping in line.

It was fine if there was no leader, but with a leader, more and more people joined the ranks of condemning the burly man, and the already noisy environment became chaotic because of the addition of the scolding.

The burly man wanted to be ruthless at first, but seeing that there were too many reprimands, he could only think of another way to appease the anger of the reprimands. In short, he would not walk out of the line with guilt and queue up again.

The burly man turned his eyes and set his eyes on Wang Yue behind him. He first glanced at himself, who was as tall as a mountain, and then at the rather thin Wang Yue. His thick palms were directly on Wang Yue's collar. , pushed Wang Yue out of the team.

The burly man rolled up his sleeves, revealing the ferocious crocodile tattoo on his arm. His eyes were filled with fierceness, and he shouted at the scolder: "Shut up, I. Now that there is one less person, you are not at a disadvantage. Keep shouting, don't Blame me for being rude."

One is because Wang Yue was pushed out and there is one less person, so the burly man's jumping in the queue is not considered a queue jumping, and the other is because everyone is more or less afraid of the burly man's fierce appearance. To pursue, but to line up with peace of mind.

Some bored people looked at Wang Yue who was pushed out of the team with pity. After all, he was considered the unlucky person in this incident.

Wang Yue didn't even look at the burly man, and went directly to the back of the line to line up. This was not forbearance or retreat, but he knew that the consequence of doing this would be that both sides would be disqualified from the competition, and he couldn't participate in Huacheng because of his covetousness. Cup FireWire League, this shows that it is an extremely stupid move.

After about two hours, Wang Yue was finally in line.

When Wang Yue looked at the staff in charge of registration, he was slightly taken aback. Isn't this staff the same Tong Yao who he labeled as a smiling angel.

"Hey, Wang Yue." Tong Yao obviously recognized Wang Yue, and said in surprise.

"Why are you in charge of registration here?" Wang Yue asked curiously.

"Earn living expenses." Tong Yao blinked her big clear eyes and said happily.

Just five words, like a hammer hitting Wang Yue's heart, deeply touched Wang Yue's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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