Chapter 832 I am not ruthless!

Wang Yue, who was originally in a mess of thoughts and was a little restless, got a promise from Jian Zhongfeng that as long as he won the championship trophy, he would not object to his meeting with A Li and making friends with ordinary friends, he was in a good mood, and he was ready to do anything They can devote themselves wholeheartedly, and the practice effect obtained is more than a hundred times that of daily practice.

Three days later, the Huacheng Cup Fireline League officially started. The competition is initially divided into eleven stages, collectively referred to as the eleventh group competition. Today's competition is the eleventh group competition, which is also the largest knockout match. Lose half of the contestants.

Wang Yue was standing in the long queue of contestants and walking towards the inside of the stadium.

"Wang Yue!"

Wang Yue, who was about to enter the arena, heard someone calling him from behind, turned his head instinctively, and found that the person who called him, Tong Yao, was running towards him.

Tong Yao has very beautiful short hair, wearing a Korean-style striped t-shirt on her upper body, and a pair of plain white leg-slimming jeans on her lower body. The simple dress is very youthful and colorful.

Seeing Tong Yao who came running recklessly, Wang Yue couldn't help pursing his lips into a smile. This carefree girl seemed to have magical powers, always making him smile uncontrollably.

Tong Yao's white neck is tied with a work rope, and the work rope is connected to the staff card. Obviously, she used Sunday to come here to work part-time.

"Here!" Tong Yao ran to Wang Yue's side, her eyes narrowed into lovely crescents, smiling, and handed a candy to Wang Yue.

Wang Yue asked in confusion, "Why did you give me candy?"

Tong Yao blinked her clear eyes, and said quite naturally: "Because this is lucky candy!"

Wang Yue was really amused by Tong Yao's serious appearance, and he held back his smile and asked, "How do you know it's lucky candy?"

Tong Yao pouted her lips, looked at Wang Yue with a look of stupid Wang Yue in her eyes, and said, "It's written on the wrapping paper!"

Wang Yue looked at the wrapping paper of the candy, and it really had the words "Lucky Candy" written on it, but this luck is too far-fetched...

Wang Yue peeled off the candy wrapper and put the crystal candy into his mouth. The sweetness penetrating his internal organs made Wang Yue smile slightly. He seldom eats snacks. This seems to be the second time he ate the snacks Tong Yao handed him. The last time was Chips, this time candy.

Looking at the innocent smiling face in front of him, Wang Yue smiled and said, "Thank you for the lucky candy. It seems that I will win today."

Tong Yao didn't doubt the power of lucky candy at all, and said proudly, "That's for sure!"

Wang Yue said: "I'm going to enter the arena, see you later."

"Well, see you later, no, there is one more thing." Tong Yao scratched her hair, frowned and said nothing: "Hey, what else is there, why can't I remember it all of a sudden."

It's not the first time I saw Tong Yao's little confused Wang Yue, but when I saw it again, I couldn't help but smile wryly, the wry smile was full of love and affection, and I had the urge to touch Tong Yao's little head, no wonder men always say stupid Stupid girls are attractive, indeed.

Wang Yue said: "Don't worry, think slowly, let me know when I come out after the game."

Tong Yao said a little depressed: "Oh, well, I will definitely remember."

Just after Wang Yue took two steps, Tong Yao didn't care about the image of a lady or the people around her, and shouted: "I remembered, I've paid my salary, and I'll treat you to dinner after the game. Thank you for inviting me last time." My box lunch."

Last time, Wang Yue rejected Tong Yao's request for a treat, because he felt very distressed whenever he thought of Tong Yao's hard-earned money to treat him to dinner, but this time, Wang Yue nodded in agreement, because he really couldn't find a way to refuse this girl. reason, because she smiled so happily.

Seeing Wang Yue nodding in agreement, Tong Yao happily waved her small fist at Wang Yue and shouted, "Come on!"

Wang Yue said: "Yes!"

After Wang Yue came in and saw it thoroughly, Tong Yao withdrew her gaze, pursed her lips, and went to work with an innocent smile.

In the crowd like a long dragon, five pairs of blinking eyes took in all the scene just now, and the owners of these five pairs of eyes were the five girls of the Kawaii family.

The five girls recalled the scene just now, with vague bitterness hanging on the corners of their lips. They thought that they could discuss any topic with Wang Yue with a smile like Tong Yao, but now they are talking with Wang Yue Going further and further away, this is the consequence of wrong vision.

Looking at Tong Yao with a smile on her face, the regret in her heart became more and more intense. Tong Yao gave Wang Yue a piece of candy, which made Wang Yue happy. Chat with them like Tong Yao.

Ice and Huaduo sighed softly, but Xue Feifei, Guaibao and Xiaoyu sighed extraordinarily heavily, whether it was light or heavy, the five girls entered the arena with a heart full of regret.

As the president and chairman of Jane's Enterprises, Jian Zhongfeng has a lot of things to do every day, but he knows that today he has stayed in Huacheng and has not left. The main reason is to witness Wang Yue's disqualification from the competition, thus losing the bet with him. about.

Today, Jian Zhongfeng received a call from Zhuo Guoyan, the general manager of the Huacheng Cup Fireline League, saying that he wanted to discuss something face-to-face with him. Of course, Jian Zhongfeng knew what Zhuo Guoyan was up to. He doubled down on his investment in the game.

Normally, Jian Zhongfeng would definitely be too lazy to respond to such unreasonable demands, but now, because Wang Yue has been disqualified from the competition and will completely disappear from his eyes from now on, he feels particularly comfortable, and it will be easier to increase investment Just increase the investment, anyway, he can get a huge return in the near future.

Although it was despicable to make Wang Yue lose the bet in this way, but in order to let Wang Yue leave Ali from now on, he could only be despicable once.

Wang Yue is just a poor boy of the first rank, without social status, social network, and huge contacts, so it is impossible for him to be qualified to compete with him outside of games.

Jian Zhongfeng was touched by Wang Yue's dream, but he couldn't tolerate Wang Yue, who came from a poor family, to be his son-in-law because of his deep-rooted concept of being in a good family.

Jian Zhongfeng clearly knows what the Huacheng Cup Fireline League means to Wang Yue who will pursue a career path in the future. This is a springboard. As long as Wang Yue can jump over it, Wang Yue's future will be brilliant.

The Huacheng Cup Fireline League is about Wang Yue's life, future, and dreams, but Jian Zhongfeng did not hesitate to destroy Wang Yue's life, future, and dreams in order to make Wang Yue leave Ali completely.

Jian Zhongfeng murmured in his heart: "Wang Yue, I am ruthless, my Jian family is not something you can climb up to, so accept your fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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