Chapter 844 You are a pig!

Looking at Jian Xi's smirking eyes with some malicious intentions, Wang Yue curled his lips and said, "What do you want?"

Jian Xi stuck out her tongue and said, "Hee hee, I want to eat ice cream."

"Aren't you eating?"


"You pig!"

"You dare to say that Miss Ben is a pig, I will fight with you!"

Jian Xi opened her small mouth and bit Wang Yue, and Wang Yue put his hand on her forehead to prevent her from approaching him.

Jian Xi, who couldn't get close to Wang Yue, was still very dishonest, and said with her teeth and claws: "You dare to say that Miss Ben is a pig, I will kick you to death, I will bite you to death, I will kill you with my eyes, me, me, anyway, I will never end with you !"

Wang Yue said lightly: "Enough of the trouble, I'm going back to school."

Wang Yue got up, and just two steps away, Jian Xi, who was sitting on the bench, burst into tears. Although Wang Yue knew that he was pretending to cry, he still couldn't help turning around. After all, she was Ah Li's younger sister asked, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Jian Xi was crying, her acting skills were amazing, and she said aggrievedly while crying: "It is said that brother-in-law loves sister-in-law the most, but you don't love me at all!"

Although he knew that this girl was trying to gain sympathy on purpose, but the girl's words still hit his heart hard like a hammer, yes, she is A Li's younger sister, and A Li is not here, should I take care of him?

In Wang Yue's memory, except for coaxing his own sister when he was a child, it seems that he has never coaxed other girls. His sister belongs to the kind of very well-behaved girl, and there is no need to coax him at all. He almost does what he says.

Because there is no experience in coaxing girls, and because Jian Xi is too savage, Wang Yue, who likes to be quiet, instinctively wants to stay away from him. The same point that Jian Xi is A Li, Wang Yue immediately felt sorry for it. Jian Xi, who was still pretending to cry, said, "Let's go, I'll take you to buy ice cream."

Jian Xi immediately raised her little head from between her knees, and smiled like a little fox, with no tears in her eyes. She bounced to Wang Yue's side, stuck out her little tongue at Wang Yue, with a look I look proud that I won.

There is no mango-flavored ice cream in the cold drink shop nearby, so Wang Yue can only take Jianxi to a cold drink shop far away to buy it. On the way there, Wang Yue asked her a few questions. This little devil seems to be in a good mood. He didn't continue to lose his temper, and gave Wang Yue answers one by one.

It turned out that Ming Kai was just a contestant who was bribed by Jian Xi in private. She told him all the news about A Li, and Wang Yue finally figured out why Ming Kai knew that A Li had a light red birthmark on the sole of his foot. She and Ali are sisters, knowing these secrets is simply a normal thing.

Ten minutes later, Wang Yue and Jian Xi came out of a cold drink shop. Jian Xi was satisfied with eating mango-flavored ice cream, and the appearance of calming down was exactly the same as that of A Li. I was really deceived by this girl.

Wang Yue squinted his eyes. Jian Xi is A Li's biological sister, so he must know where A Li is at the moment, so he asked, "Where is A Li?"

"You said my sister, she is..." Looking at Wang Yue's expectant eyes, Jian Xi pouted at Wang Yue, and snorted, "I won't tell you."

If it was placed before, Wang Yue would definitely roll his eyes because of this girl's savagery, but after he figured out that Jian Xi is A Li's younger sister, he has infinitely tolerated her, even if she was rejected by Jian Xi, he still patiently Asked: "Girl, I already bought you ice cream. Although it's not worth a lot, it's still short-sighted. You won't be so unreasonable?"

Jian Xi obviously didn't like to be reasonable, and hummed: "Cut, I asked you to buy ice cream for my sister's sake, if it wasn't for my sister, it would be like if you wanted to buy it for me, I wouldn't eat it. "

Wang Yue didn't give up on this savage little devil, so he could only say helplessly: "Okay, then why do you want to tell me about A Li?"

Jian Xi blinked and thought for a while, then said: "I'll tell you when you win the Huacheng Cup League Championship, even if I tell you now, it won't be of much use to you, now you won't be able to survive my father and mother's life. closed."

Wang Yue kept silent, it was true, he really couldn't pass Jian Zhongfeng's level now.

Although Jian Zhongfeng won the Huacheng Cup league championship, he can meet with A Li and communicate normally, but now he has not won the championship, even if he knows the news about A Li now, it is not of much use, it is better not to ask any more , to start a struggle with the goal of getting the news of Ari, and then go looking for Ari after winning the championship.

"A word is settled!"

"calm down!"

"You came to see me, does your father know?" Wang Yue frowned and said.

"Of course I don't know. My sister was cheated by you and my father was furious. If I was cheated by you too, he would probably jump his feet, but he didn't let me come and I insisted on coming, so I ran here I'm looking for you." Jian Xi said, blinking her lively eyes.

Wang Yue looked helplessly at the girl in front of him who looked exactly the same as A Li but had a completely different personality. It seemed that she was out of balance, and gave this girl all the activeness that A Li should have, and all the gentleness that this girl should have. A Li, so that A Li is as gentle as water, but this girl has become a little monster.

"Are you going home? I'll take you back."

Wang Yue remembered that A Li's grandmother lived in Huacheng. Although he didn't have a good impression of the old lady who strongly opposed him being with A Li, it didn't affect him to send Jian Xi there.have to

"I'm not going back. My grandmother is nagging me all day, it's so annoying." Jian Xi, who was somewhat rebellious, pouted her lips and said.

"Then you can't keep walking on the street." Wang Yue said helplessly.

"Isn't there still you, you play with me, brother-in-law, you won't leave me alone, will you?" Jian Xi shook Wang Yue's arm with both hands, with a pitiful look, like an abandoned one The kitten, the more Wang doesn't want her, she will live on the street.

Wang Yue originally wanted to say that I still need to practice crossing the line of fire, but because she is A Li's younger sister, Wang Yue's original unshakable practice time was made an exception because of this girl, and said: "Where do you want to go?"

Jian Xi rolled her eyes and said, "I said brother-in-law, why don't you stay like this? Have you ever seen a boy ask a girl where to play?"

"Let me take you to see the art exhibition, Ali likes to see art exhibitions the most."

"No, it's so boring!"

"How about going to the concert, Ali likes to listen to some quiet songs the most."

"It's even more boring!" Jian Xi glared at Wang Yue angrily, and said angrily, "Brother-in-law, do you want to bully people like this? I just look exactly like my sister, but we have different personalities, okay? You can't put my sister's liking on me just because you like my sister, by the way, you not only like my sister, you also like a lot of girls."

(End of this chapter)

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