The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 847 Willing to admit defeat!

Chapter 847 Willing to admit defeat!

Wang Yue blinked helplessly, forget it, let her play, firstly, this little monster's skills are not bad, and secondly, he is by his side, even if something happens, he will take care of it.

The woman with wavy curly hair was very angry at Jian Xi's voice. She admitted that Jian Xi was a beautiful youth, and she was not fake. Puffing smoke rings on her face, imagining that she would be corroded by smoke, but she is not an old woman, she snorted secretly in her heart, to see how she will teach this little girl who knows nothing about heights and heights.

Jian Xi and the curly woman did not discuss the game mode and map. This is not a fair game. Most of the games in Internet cafes are played by transport ships, and this practice will not be changed unless there is a special request.

Jianxi Lurker, wavy woman defender, battle of killing 40 enemies, preparation, start, progress bar loading...

The game officially started. The FireWire character used by Jian Xi is the enchanting and charming spokesperson Linghu Zhe in the FireWire world. Holding an m4a1-Lily, she quickly trotted out of the base.

The front-line character used by the wavy woman is a mandala with an exquisite figure, and the gun she uses is ak47-dawn, which is the same as Jian Xi's attack route, both rushing out from the opposite corner, which also makes the two face each other at the beginning meet.

Jian Xi immediately shot the wavy woman, and the wavy woman also shot Jian Xi. The two of them failed to headshot each other in the first shot, and could only continue to shoot intermittently, adjusting the bullets to the opponent's head. In the end, Jian Xi slightly won One step ahead, take the lead in killing the curly woman.

With one hit, Jian Xi, who won the first kill, wrinkled her proud little nose at Wang Yue. After getting a serious look from Wang Yue, she turned her gaze back to the live screen on the computer screen, and manipulated the character to roll towards the woman with waves. Charge in the area.

Jian Xi pressed the gun very precisely, and also had some skill in controlling the gun. The combination of the two allowed her to kill the curly woman 4 times in a row before dying once, which is also a good record.

Men single-handedly cross the line of fire. This happens all the time in Internet cafes. Although there are many women single-handedly crossing the line of fire, there are not many of them. The competition was full of interest, and a group of people stood behind each of the two girls, forming a semicircle, surrounding them.

As time went by, Jian Xi continued to expand her lead, and soon changed her record to 20-14, a record that can be regarded as far ahead.

Jian Xi stuck out her small nose, and said proudly: "That woman, can you do it anyway? Can you play happily if you are so weak?"

The wavy woman didn't feel discouraged or anxious because of her lagging behind in the record. Instead, she pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Little girl, don't shout. Today, my mother will let you see what it means to be strong and have a strong hand. Let you be good!" Let me be a back-beating girl for my old lady."

Jian Xi cut it off with disdain, who wouldn't speak harshly.

Wang Yue on the side frowned. It is true that the record of the curly woman is behind, but he discovered through watching the battle that the woman with the curly wave obviously has reservations, and there are quite a few reservations, so he doesn't think the curly woman It's talking harshly.

The development of the battle was as expected by Wang Yue, and the wave-curled woman really launched a counterattack. Jian Xi's tried-and-tested adjusting burst method was cracked in the hands of the wave-curled woman without much effort, and she launched a strong counterattack. After a while, he overtook Jian Xi, who was in the lead, and his record was like riding a rocket, only forcing 40 kills to represent victory.

Jian Xi was in a hurry, she didn't expect that the curly woman had been hiding all this time, and she regretted that she had only played FireWire for more than a month before betting with someone, but she was about to lose, and she was about to become someone else's back-beating maid.

She herself didn't retreat at all, so she could only cast a help-seeking look at Wang Yue at the side. She followed Wang Yue for more than a month, and she dared not say that she knew Wang Yue well, but she also said that she knew him well. For her brother-in-law She knows exactly how terrifying the cross-fire technique is.

Wang Yue rolled his eyes helplessly. This little girl thought it was a martial arts competition. A few words from a casual expert could turn defeat into victory. The only way to improve the skill of crossing the line of fire is to practice hard.

It is certainly a shortcut for someone to give advice, but taking a shortcut does not mean not walking. You still need to practice more to improve your skills.

Regarding the little goblin's cry for help, and the implying that you teach me two tricks to turn defeat into victory, Wang Yue could only give her a helpless look. It's not that he doesn't want to help, but it's impossible to help at all.

In the end, the match came to an end when the wave-curled woman took the lead in killing 40 enemies and leading by 7 heads. The title of loser was undoubtedly worn on Jian Xi's head.

After defeating Jian Xi, the wavy woman finally let out the sulking air of a woman, and proudly said to Jian Xi: "Little girl, I am willing to accept the bet, and my wife has won now, so you can obediently squeeze her shoulders and beat her back. "

Jian Xi said angrily: "I, I, I lost, but you must give me a chance to come back!"

"I'm not stingy with giving you a chance to compete again, but what are you betting on this time?"

Technology may improve in an instant, but it is absolutely impossible to make a qualitative leap. Therefore, the curly woman can't find a reason to refuse Jian Xi's request for another fight. Winning or losing is not her concern. It was already doomed, what she cared about was Jian Xi's price after losing again.

Jian Xi blinked and thought for a while, then said: "If I lose again, I will not only beat your back, but also call you pretty sister while beating your back. In short, I will say whatever you want to hear."

The title "Pretty Sister" doesn't have any substantive effect, but the curly woman immediately nodded her head in agreement, her eyes full of satisfaction. Although the title "Beautiful Sister" is not very useful, it is still very useful for people who like others to flatter her. The woman with curly hair is extraordinarily useful, not to mention the flatterer is a beautiful and outrageous little beauty.

The curly woman lit a ladies cigarette, took a puff, and said, "Let's get started."

Jian Xi smiled slyly, and said: "Hee hee, whoever said I was going to compete with you, I just said give me a chance to come back, but I didn't say that I must compete with you."

The wavy woman frowned. It's really interesting that this little girl cheated on him. She would definitely not allow this kind of thing to happen in other places, but in this Internet cafe...

(End of this chapter)

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