The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 869 The 1st Form of Buddha Jumping!

Chapter 869 The first form of Buddha jumping spy!

Watching the battle gradually subside, the people in Turkey Internet Cafe headed by the curly woman slowly relaxed the brows that did not know when they frowned.

The intensity of the battle was far beyond their imagination. Everyone thought that it was impossible for Wang Yue to make big waves in Tang Siwen's hands, but in fact, in the end, Wang Yue, who had tried his best, forced Tang Siwen to take out Lian Jingshun used all methods to fight.

There are still many people in the audience who think that Wang Yue is an unlucky guy, because with Wang Yue's skills, if he hadn't met Tang Siwen, who is not at the same level as the league, he would definitely be able to continue in the league, and he might make a big splash. Glory, money, honor, women, these are all things that may be harvested in the future, but they all disappeared after Tang Siwen defeated Wang Yue.

"It seems that I won." Tang Siwen smiled faintly. Although the game was not over yet, the skills that dictated the outcome had already determined the outcome.

Wang Yue shook his head, and denied in a deep voice: "No, you lost!"

Tang Siwen really wanted to ask with a smile, oh, where did I lose, but Wang Yue's unquestionable tone made him frowned unconsciously.

Wang Yue curled his lips and said: "I thought there was something special about Huacheng's famous master, the gentle killer, but it turned out to be nothing!"

Tang Siwen's face was gloomy, and he said in a low voice: "It seems that I need to help you correct your teacher or elder's problem of talking nonsense."

Tang Siwen manipulated the characters to rush towards the area where Wang Yue was. Although the game was only a little over halfway through in terms of record, harvesting the remaining heads was only a matter of minutes under the premise of knowing the outcome of the skill.

Wang Yue looked cold, and said: "I don't think you are qualified to teach me instead of my elders or teachers!"

"I have, because..." Tang Siwen obviously had something else to say, but the latter words stopped abruptly like fragments.

What caused this was a bullet that pierced through the head, and the person who was pierced through the head was the person on the front line controlled by Tang Siwen, and he had turned into a cold body at this moment.

"Impossible, it's impossible."

Tang Siwen, who has been in the game field for many years, has such a vicious vision. He quickly recognized the techniques used by Wang Yue, but it made him exclaim again and again, as if it brought back memories he hadn't mentioned for a long time, and the memories attached to them Sense of fear.

Wang Yue pursed his lips, aroused a touch of pride, and said, "Now do you still think that you are qualified to teach me instead of my teacher?"

Tang Siwen's calm and breezy face that had been hanging on his face all year round disappeared, and he said in horror: "The Three Laughing Buddha is your teacher? He taught you the Buddha jump?"

Wang Yue smiled, neither admitted nor denied, but in Tang Siwen's eyes, this was the default.

As an older generation of e-sports players, no one knows the name of Three Laughing Buddha and the name of Buddha Jumping Sniper. In that era, these two names represented invincibility and legend.

In the past, when the Three Laughing Buddha shined brilliantly in the field of e-sports with the help of the Buddha Jumping Sniper, Tang Siwen was just a newcomer in the game field. Not his naive idea alone, but the naive idea of ​​all the young people of that era.

But until Sanxiaofo retired, there was no news that Sanxiaofo taught others how to dance. In addition, with the rapid development of e-sports in recent years, several e-sports kings were born, and the kings and masters emerged one after another. That era was a bit too old, so long that many young people didn't even know the existence of the Three Laughing Buddha and the Buddha Jumping Sniper.

But Tang Siwen, who belonged to that era, never forgot that mythical figure and legendary skills, because for the gamers of that era, it was an indelible memory, and what Tang Siwen didn't expect was that the Buddha jumped into the sniper again one day. He actually reappeared, and he happened to be the witness.

Tang Siwen, who had fantasized about mastering the Buddha's jumping sniper, now saw that Wang Yue had mastered this unique skill that he had been thinking about day and night. Your experience is several times more than yours, and it is still easy to beat you."

Tang Siwen frowned, with an unprecedented solemnity on his face, and his footwork was more ghostly and swift than before. The appearance of the Buddha Tiaoshou obviously made him use all his strength to deal with it.


Tang Siwen aimed at Wang Yue and took a quick snipe.


Wang Yuetong aimed at Tang Siwen and fired a shot.

This time, it wasn't Wang Yue who was helpless against Lian Jingshun, but Tang Siwen who had used Lian Jingshun's technique to its peak.

Wang Yue narrowed his eyes, met Tang Siwen's terrified eyes, and said lightly: "The first form of the Buddha's jumping spy, the breaking instant form!"

In the battle with Jiang Zhishui, Wang Yue successfully mastered eight methods of killing the enemy, and stepped into the threshold of the Buddha's jumping spy. After more than a month, Wang Yue successfully comprehended on the basis of these eight methods. The first form of Buddha jumping and spying is the breaking instant form.

Although Wang Yue has mastered the instant-breaking style, he has no chance to practice it. After all, the people around him are good at rifles but not sniper rifles, or they are good at sniper rifles but their instant sniper skills are far from meeting Wang Yue's practice requirements. .

The appearance of Tang Siwen just made up for this gap in practice. His proficient Lian Jing instant technique provided Wang Yue with the opportunity to practice the instant-breaking formula, allowing Wang Yue to fully master this special cracking instant-sniping technique in actual combat. Skill.

Accompanied by Tang Siwen's most powerful technique, the instant cracking of the mirror, Tang Siwen, whose other skills are all mediocre, has already lost the victory. No matter how much he uses the instant tricks of the mirror in the future, he is really serious in front of the Buddha's jumping and breaking the instant. A little vulnerable, not to mention that Wang Yue also captured Lian Jingshun's various weaknesses through his display, knowing himself and the enemy, which made Tang Siwen lose again and again.

In the end, Wang Yue took the lead in killing 40 enemies, and won the tiebreaker with a record of 4 heads ahead of Tang Siwen, successfully achieving two victories.

Not long after, Wang Yue passed the tenth stage of the top 512 competition, and the broadcast of the ninth stage of the top 256 competition sounded.

The name Wang Yue is not very well-known, on the contrary, Tang Siwen is known to many people. After hearing the news of Tang Siwen's failure, Wang Yue, as the defeater, instantly attracted the attention of everyone. It is unimaginable that this age seems to have just passed 20 years The old boy actually defeated the older generation of e-sports player Tang Siwen.

Although it was only the tenth stage of the competition, the name Wang Yue had already been firmly remembered by many people.

There was a section of the auditorium, and there was a group of people, their eyes were wide open, and their mouths were even slightly opened because of excessive surprise. This group of people was the people in the Turkey Internet Cafe headed by the wave army woman.

(End of this chapter)

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