Chapter 882 Poppy!

Wang Yue looked at the almost perfect body in front of him, so beautiful that it took one's breath away. After being fascinated for a while, he said lightly: "No, I just learned to dance this afternoon. I can't dance well. After finally finishing one, I stopped going up to make people laugh."

Su Wanyi smiled gently: "A Li told me that you are very smart, I believe you can dance very well."

The relationship between Su Wanyi and A Li made it impossible for Wang Yue to refuse. He stood up, bent slightly, stretched out his hand to Su Wanyi, and said with a smile: "Beautiful lady, can I ask you to dance?"

"Sir, it's my honor." Su Wanyi handed Wang Yue her hand, and it was delicate and smooth like a jewel.

Wang Yue took Su Wanyi's plain hand to the center of the dance floor, and held Su Wanyi's right hand with her left hand. There was a hint of ice orchid in her palm, which made it very comfortable to hold, and her right hand rested lightly on Su Wanyi's willow waist , the place is smooth and flat without a trace of fat, if he hadn't been prepared, it would probably slide down, even if it is beautiful jade.

Su Wanyi put her hands on Wang Yue's shoulders, and the two danced gently to the graceful and soft music.


I don't know who yelled in a low voice, and everyone's eyes focused on the man and woman who put their arms around their shoulders and danced lightly in the middle of the dance floor. When they saw that the man was Wang Yue, their expressions didn't change much. When they saw that the woman was Su Wanyi, they were taken aback, and their brains buzzed like thunder.

what happened?

Su Wanyi is dancing!

with who?

And a boy who just passed the age of twenty.

Everyone couldn't imagine that the perfect body of the man who turned the entire Flower City upside down was actually danced by a young boy.

Both pairs of eyes are unabashedly showing jealousy, what they want to do but can't do every dance is actually done by others.

How does he deserve to dance with Su Wanyi?

How could he be worthy of hugging the body of that masterpiece of God.

The most intense envy is hidden in the color of jealousy, and it is precisely because of this envy that arouses jealousy.


Xu Yiqing suddenly let out a cry of pain, her hand that was originally held by Cheng Shaoling was tightly clenched, and the hand that was originally gently resting on her waist was like an eagle's claw raised, clasping the tender flesh of her waist forcefully.

She suffers from pain but dare not cry out for pain. Her bright and bright star status on the screen is desirable but unattainable in the eyes of those watching, but in the eyes of wealthy children like Cheng Shaoling, it is like cheap Chinese cabbage is about the same, sometimes not as good as cabbage.

Xu Yiqing cautiously looked into Cheng Shaoling's eyes. At this moment, there was a sullen and throbbing silver snake running in those originally soft eyes. The portrait in the pupils was a dancing man and a woman.

With sharp eyes, she quickly recognized that the man was Wang Yue, who had previously rejected her invitation and caused her a lot of embarrassment. She was about to clenched her teeth tightly out of hatred, but the moment they closed, they were instantly shocked by surprise. After they separated, the woman who was being danced with by Wang Yue with her arms around her willow waist was Su Wanyi!

Su Wanyi would dance with a man at the ball, she was still a very young boy, Xu Yiqing's whole body froze when she heard the news.

Feeling Xu Yiqing's stiffness, Cheng Shaoling laughed, even women couldn't accept the fact in front of them, so what about him?

There are two ways to deal with what you can’t get, one is to give up, and the other is to lower your requirements and settle for the next best thing. Cheng Shaoling never denies the fact that he has a sister obsession, and close to 30 years old, he is a woman for a lifetime Su Wanyi, who has the strongest flavor, is what he considers the most perfect target.

The problem of age does not hinder him, because it is exactly what he needs, but he knows that it is impossible for him to conquer a gentle woman like Su Wanyi who has evolved to perfection, so he retreats to the next best thing and chooses to pursue a woman who is better than Su Wanyi. Wanyi and Murong, who has some opportunities, fall in love.

Although the current Murong Qingqing is far inferior to Su Wanyi in terms of femininity, he believes that Su Wanyi's difference is only in age. When Murong Qingqing reaches the age, she will naturally have a feminine charm that is not weaker than Su Wanyi.

Cheng Shaoling underestimated the difficulty of conquering Murong Qingqing, and he didn't expect the variable Wang Yue to appear, let alone imagine that Su Wanyi, who was indelible even though he had no choice but to give up, would have something to do with Wang Yue, even She never accepts anyone to dance with her, and will dance with Wang Yue.

He can not get some things, but he will never let others get them, let alone those who are weaker than him and younger than him.

Cheng Shaoling smiled slightly, he seemed to have forgotten the feeling of being a hunter...

In the center of the dance floor, Wang Yue and Su Wanyi danced lightly, shoulder to shoulder.

"Why?" Wang Yue looked for a reason for the stupid things he did.

"I didn't force you, did I?" Su Wanyi smiled and said gently.

Wang Yue sighed: "Woman, how many emperors have been lost!"

Su Wanyi smiled and asked, "Are you angry?"

Wang Yue asked back: "You seem to be determined by me?"

"You won't be angry with me, will you?" Su Wanyi kicked the ball to Wang Yue again.

"Maybe so, but that doesn't mean I don't have a temper."

"I'm Ali's aunt, you dare not."

"Maybe dare!" Wang Yue hugged Su Wanyi a little tighter, which was beyond the contact during dancing.

"It must be very interesting, you can try it, and I am also looking forward to it." Su Wanyi said with a sweet smile.

After the song ended, Wang Yue took Su Wanyi's hand and returned to the rest area.

Wang Yue held Su Wanyi's hand from the beginning, but Su Wanyi said: "Because of the etiquette of a female dance partner, as a man, you should tell me that dancing with you is a kind of enjoyment or that you dance so beautifully." Wait for some kind words."

Wang Yue didn't have the slightest meaning to this, and said with a smile: "I seem to have danced with a fairy."

"Thank you." Su Wanyi smiled back, and didn't stay any longer, stepping on her silver high-heeled shoes, and left slowly.

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Yue felt the gazes of different people from different directions gathered on him. He knew that his life in the future would not be very easy, because of dancing with Su Wanyi, causing Those who each possessed impressive abilities more or less remembered him.

Su Wanyi, she is a poppy.

Wang Yue is quite satisfied with his evaluation.

Unable to understand what the intention was, he glanced around, those people were looking at him, and he was also trying to remember them.

Wang Yue was going to the bathroom, just got up and walked a few steps, a gorgeously dressed woman bumped into Wang Yue just in time, and the wine in the woman's goblet spilled on both of them.

Looking at the wine on his body, Wang Yue frowned slightly, but he didn't take this matter too seriously. The other party also had an unintentional mistake. Anyway, he had to go to the bathroom, just to clean it up. It's just a pity that Murong Qingqing bought him this body Good clothes for the price, because red wine is hard to wash off.

Wang Yue was in a hurry to clean it, but he was grabbed by the back corner of his clothes, and then a sarcastic female voice sounded: "Are you making a mistake? You deliberately bumped into me on such a wide road. You can't just apologize." Just want to leave, there is no door!"

(End of this chapter)

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