Chapter 907 Scared me to death!

Women all have a sixth sense, and they can always predict unknown dangers to some extent. After all, women are the most terrifying creatures on earth, bar none.

Jian Xi, who was walking, suddenly felt that something was wrong, so she turned her face to look back, and saw a basketball flying towards her face.

If Jian Xi was face to face, with her proficiency in various fighting skills, she would be able to escape easily, but at this time she found out too late, and the basketball was almost hitting her face, so she had no time to dodge at all, and even used There is no time to cover your face with your hands for protection.

Feeling the wind speed of the basketball hitting the front door, and affected by instinctive fear, Jian Xi immediately closed her eyes, and her body stayed in place like a rooted tree, unable to move.


The people around breathed a sigh of relief, secretly sighing at Zhou Yunhang's ruthlessness, even such a beautiful girl can accept it, the goal of the basketball is still the girl's flawless little face, fortunately they didn't force it just now Keep your scalp strong, otherwise the basketball will be thrown in their faces.

A perverted smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Yunhang's mouth, his pupils dilated, and the basketball in his pupils became bigger and bigger, getting closer and closer to Jian Xi's small face...

1 seconds.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

All sounds are silent.

With her eyes closed, Jian Xi wrinkled her delicate little nose. Just a moment ago, the wind speed caused by the basketball hitting like a cannonball was like a knife, cutting her face painfully.

As the pain from being cut by the wind speed increased, Jian Xi knew that it was the result of the basketball getting closer to her. When the pain reached a critical point, when she thought that the basketball would hit her face hard, everything stopped, without the wind speed, There is no pain, no fear and oppressive feeling in my heart.

Jian Xi quietly opened her eyelids, and there was a piece of whiteness in her eyes, and when she opened it wider, the whiteness was the back of a palm.

Opening all her eyes, she saw the basketball thrown from Zhou Yunhang's hand to her face, but it was blocked in front of her, and the white palm that was almost touching her nose was only held in the palm.

Jian Xi raised her eyes wide and looked up along the back of her hand blocking her eyes.

When she saw the very familiar handsome face, she was a little nervous before and the little face suddenly smiled, but the little mouth pouted, and then threw herself into the boy's arms very aggrieved, and cried pitifully: "Brother-in-law!"

"Hey." Wang Yue agreed with a smile, and his heart that was hanging in the air also fell down.

When he heard someone accosting Jian Xi with an obscene tone on the phone, and Jian Xi's phone was suddenly hung up, he was shocked. If something happened to Jian Xi in Huacheng, let alone Ah Li, he might not forgive her. He, he himself can't forgive himself.

One was so impatient that she wished she could teleport directly from the dormitory to the school gate. After running fast, fortunately, she arrived in time and blocked her hand in front of Jian Xi at the most critical moment. face basketball.

The sudden turning point made the hearts of the audience a little unbearable, and what surprised everyone the most was the hand blocking Jian Xi's face.

Originally, according to the influence of the impact force, even if the palm of the hand touches the basketball, it will retreat a certain distance. Since the palm is almost close to Jian Xi's small face, this retreat will directly hit Jian Xi's face, although it is not like being directly hit by the basketball. Serious, but not much better.

What everyone couldn't imagine was that the palm was not affected by the impact, and stood motionless in front of Jian Xi.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, but heard it from hearsay, they would definitely think that this was an impossible scene, but what actually happened in front of them forced them to believe it.

What everyone is most curious about is the owner of the palm, who can do this kind of behavior.

When they saw the face of the owner of the palm, their puzzled faces were shocked at first, and then slowly relieved in relief.

Surprised because the owner of the palm turned out to be Wang Yue, and relieved because anything impossible can be done in Wang Yue's hands. This is not blind trust, but the confidence accumulated by countless iron-like facts .

Jian Xi hugged Wang Yue's waist with both hands, raised her pitiful face, and said aggrievedly: "Brother-in-law, you scared me to death."

"Isn't it all right?" Wang Yue pampered Jian Xi's little head, such a well-behaved Jian Xi is rarely seen on weekdays.

Jian Xi's brother-in-law and Wang Yue's response was undoubtedly a blockbuster to everyone, and it exploded in their minds.

They had heard Jian Xi say that she came to find her brother-in-law before, but they didn't think about Wang Yue at all. They didn't expect that Wang Yue was Jian Xi's brother-in-law.

Thinking of this, a pair of eyes teasingly looked at Zhou Yunhang who threw a basketball at Jian Xi earlier.

This guy is the vice-captain of the basketball team, has a group of players under him, and has the support of the captain on top. He is very arrogant in school on weekdays. Picking up a conversation is something he does almost all the time, regardless of whether the girl being picked up is willing or not.

Being approached by a girl is due to Zhou Yunhang's high status in Youth University. Although he is upset, he doesn't care about him. After all, being approached is also attractive.

Although today's incident was also caused by Zhou Yunhang's accusation, it obviously won't be easily overturned like in the past, because they all know Wang Yue very well.

If you don't touch his bottom line, he is very friendly to you and has no airs. If you touch his bottom line, then there is absolutely no way to let it go. The incident of Jian Xi being thrown a basketball is obviously the existence of Wang Yue's bottom line.

Some people who don't like Zhou Yunhang usually sneer, but this time Zhou Yunhang will kick the iron plate.

As the owner of the incident, Zhou Yunhang was also surprised by the sudden situation in front of him. First, he was surprised that the palm of his hand could block his powerful basketball, and then he was surprised that the owner of the palm was actually Wang Yue.

Although Wang Yue's basketball team played exchange games with other schools outside the province when Wang Yue was shining in Youth University, he also heard about Wang Yue's existence after returning to school.

She also knows a thing or two about Wang Yue's methods and character. She didn't expect to meet Wang Yue in this way today, and she didn't expect that Jian Xi's brother-in-law was actually Wang Yue.

No wonder Jian Xi said how powerful his brother-in-law is. Indeed, with Wang Yue's prestige in Youth University, as long as his sister-in-law does not violate the principles and school rules, she can almost walk sideways in Youth University.

Wang Yue's appearance made the already troublesome matter even more troublesome. As the source of the incident, Zhou Yunhang not only didn't have the slightest worry, but even sneered. He knew that today's matter seemed difficult to solve, but so what? Woolen cloth?

(End of this chapter)

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