The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 930 Yan Hong's Revenge!

Chapter 930 Yan Hong's Revenge!

After about 10 minutes, this behavior of throwing mud gradually stopped, but Wang Yue's body was covered with mud, and he was in a panic.

"Wang Yue, do you still recognize me?" A voice sounded.

Wang Yue glanced at the voice and said, "Oh, it's you."

"Are you surprised?" The person who appeared was none other than Yan Hong, who was defeated by Wang Yue in basketball in the morning.

"Okay, the dog backs down, and the tiger comes up." Wang Yue said lightly, without showing the slightest discomfort because his body was covered in mud.

"You!" Yan Hong didn't expect that Wang Yue would dare to speak harshly at such a time. He just raised his fist, and before he swung at Wang Yue, a protruding palm grabbed his arm, preventing him from hurting Wang Yue. more.

It was a man with a soft four-point smile on his face, five-point cold eyes, and a dangerous man in the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Kai." Yan Hong called out respectfully.

"En." The man called Brother Kai responded lightly, released the palm that stopped Yan Hong from waving to Wang Yue, and looked at Wang Yue.

He first took a good look at Wang Yue, then raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, every move revealed a chilling danger.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Lei Kai."


"I heard you're good at pretending?" Lei Kai asked with a smile, but before Wang Yue answered, his smile turned into a sneer, and he grabbed Wang Yue's collar.

Relying on his height of 1.9 meters, Lei Kai easily picked up Wang Yue, who was around 1.7 meters in height, so that Wang Yue could barely touch the ground with his raised toes.

"Come on, stand in front of me and pretend to be one, let me see how good you are!" Lei Kai sneered coldly, and the cold light that shot out from those snake-like eyes was like a knife, cutting the surrounding area. The faces of the few people were sore, and they took a few steps back quickly.

Because he knew that Lei Kai, who was going crazy, would take care of everything, no matter if he was an enemy or one of his own.

The people around looked at Wang Yue with pity. They couldn't bear it just because they were affected, let alone Wang Yue who met Lei Kai's gaze.

Soon, their pitiful gazes were replaced by surprise.

Wang Yue's face was smeared with a few pieces of mud, and he looked a bit embarrassed, but his eyes were very bright, and there was no trace of fear at all, and there was even a slight smile.

"You are very good at pretending." Lei Kai also saw Wang Yue's smiling eyes, and said, "But people who love to pretend usually don't end well. This time it's ice water, and next time it may be hot water. Mud one time, maybe rocks next time."

Wang Yue ignored Lei Kai who was pulling his collar, making him breathless, but asked Yan Hong: "Is this your revenge?"

"Yes, the revenge is very successful, isn't it?" Yan Hong nodded and said with a smile: "Look at your muddy appearance, how pitiful."

"I don't think so, but I'm very glad, because as this guy from Lei Kai said, it's mud, not stones. If it's a hard stone, then I'll be miserable."

Lei Kai grabbed a lump of mud from nowhere, pressed it on Wang Yue's face, and squeezed it hard.

The large lump of mud kept squeezing and rubbing back and forth on Wang Yue's face like this, and finally disappeared. The result was the redness and swelling on Wang Yue's face.

"Although mud is not as hard as pebbles, nor is it as painful as pebbles hit the body, but it can also make people feel uncomfortable. Guys who like to pretend, how do you feel?"

"Why do I feel that you are the one who can pretend the most?"

Lei Kai stared, let go of the palm of Wang Yue's collar, leaned forward, held Wang Yue's neck tightly, and said coldly: "I want to see how long you can pretend, how long can you smile? "

"I don't know either." Wang Yue suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, is it done? I'm so sleepy and want to go back to the dormitory to sleep. I'll go back first if I have nothing to do."

The people around were stunned for a moment, and looked at Wang Yue like a monster.

Do you think we are a display?

Do you think Lei Kai is a kind person?

Since I caught you, I will let you go.

However, that was only what the people around him thought, not what Lei Kai thought.

Lei Kai said: "I know you are very good at crossing the line of fire, and I know that you also want to take revenge on me in your heart. You can't do it in terms of fists, so use your most powerful crossing the line of fire to take revenge."

Wang Yue asked: "Interesting, let's hear it."

Lei Kai said: "Tomorrow is the eighth stage of the Huacheng League, the top 128 match, and I will be your opponent."

Wang Yue said: "Oh, you want to play in my field, such a person is either a fool, or..."

"It's someone who has real skills." Lei Kai rushed to say.

Wang Yue pouted, meaning Lei Kai was right.

"It's already very embarrassing to hit you, so I will naturally give you a chance to take revenge." Lei Kai said.

"Why do I feel that you want to humiliate me for the second time?" Wang Yue asked with narrowed eyes.

"Don't say that, that's your best field, and I'm just going to humiliate myself, but..." Lei Kai paused, and the palm holding Wang Yue's neck increased a little bit of strength, and said arrogantly: "But ,is it possible?"

Lei Kai let go of Wang Yue's neck, but he did so by throwing Wang Yue out.

Wang Yue fell to the ground, just sat up, before standing up straight, Lei Kai walked over, looked down at Wang Yue, and said: "Remember to use your best tricks tomorrow to laugh off my big teeth, the muddy kid."

Lei Kailang laughed, turned and left, and Yan Hong and others also left. Although he was a little dissatisfied that it ended so quickly, he was quite satisfied with the ice water and mud.

At this time, Wang Yue suddenly said: "Wait a moment."

When everyone heard Wang Yue's words, they secretly cursed Wang Yue to die. If Lei Kai was angered, it would not be an ordinary beating. Losing an arm and breaking a leg is very likely.

"What's the matter?" Everyone thought that Lei Kai would deliver the goods, but Lei Kai who turned around asked with a smile.

"Do you mind if I take some mud?" Wang Yue asked.

"Of course I don't mind, you can take whatever you want, but I think the ones on the ground may not be enough, I'll give you some more." Lei Kai raised his palm, and a ball of mud remained on Wang Yue's forehead impartially.

Seeing Wang Yue's muddy face, everyone laughed, and Yan Hong laughed the most.

Everyone thought that Wang Yue would curse a few times with the anger of a rabbit that would bite people when it was in a hurry, but in the end Wang Yue said thank you very flatly.

"Boy, come early tomorrow. If you make me late, one second late, you will be thrown a piece of mud, two seconds late, you will be thrown two pieces of mud, and so on, there is no limit." Lei Kai said.

"Definitely." Wang Yue said.

Lei Kai led Yan Hong and others laughing and left. Wang Yue grabbed a few handfuls of sticky mud from the ground and put them in his pocket, then got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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