Chapter 950 Pour tea!

A handsome man pointed at Tong Yao's empty teacup, smiled and said, "Please."

Tong Yao quickly came to him, and poured a cup of steaming hot tea for the man.

Before Tong Yao stood back to her original position, a woman with heavy make-up raised a goblet with no drink at Tong Yao again.The conscientious Tong Yao hurried to her side and poured a glass of red wine for her.

A table of delicious delicacies with excellent appearance, but no one cares about it at this time, it seems that this is not a banquet, but a feast of wine and tea, everyone is drinking tea and drinking non-stop, Tong Yao has to keep giving They pour wine and tea.

The strange thing is that Liang Ye, who asked Tong Yao to pour the wine for him at the beginning, has been pouring the tea and wine by himself since then, and has never troubled Tong Yao.Even if Tong Yao did his best to tell me to come, he would still smile and say you take a break, and I will do it myself.

Liang Ye, who never bothered Tong Yao, was in stark contrast to everyone who had been bothering Tong Yao.

Like the most elegant gentleman, Liang Ye gently shook the goblet in his hand. The viscous red wine in the glass rippled layer by layer, and the faint fragrance of the wine lingered in Liang Ye's sense of smell, making Liang Ye Ye took a sip of his drink with great enjoyment.

The reason why flowers are beautiful is because they are set off by green leaves, and the reason why beautiful women are beautiful is because they are set off by unbeautiful women.People in this world are not short of flowers, nor are they short of women. If there is no companionship, the so-called flowers and beauties are just the most common things.

It is quite difficult to construct a perfect image of a good man, at least not in three days or two days. With the background, the originally difficult construction can be completed in the blink of an eye.

Liang Ye, who was not much different from everyone else, naturally became a lot more perfect with the support of everyone who troubled Tong Yao endlessly.

Everyone was drinking one cup after another, and drinking tea one cup after another, but people's capacity and drinking capacity are limited. As time went by, everyone obviously couldn't drink any more.

Tong Yao could finally take a rest, the endless pouring of tea and wine, plus walking around the large table, made her little face blush a little under a little fatigue.The white and reddish tender complexion made the men unable to recognize her eyes, until Liang Ye, who had already regarded Tong Yao as his personal property, coughed dryly, and those men reluctantly looked away.

Liang Ye frowned slightly, although it was almost the same, but he still felt that it was still a little short of fire.He could also tell that everyone couldn't drink anymore. After looking around, they set their eyes on Xue Feifei and Guaibao.His cousin and the girl brought by his cousin hadn't had a few drinks, so with the help of the two of them, it should be almost as good as he needs.

Both Xue Feifei and Guaibao are very clever girls, and they understood the former's intention when Liang Ye cast his eyes on them.Guaibao was a little hesitant, but Xue Feifei drank the tea in front of her in one gulp, then waved to Tong Yao very bluntly, and said, "Pour tea!"

Before Tong Yao came over, Guaibao whispered in Xue Feifei's ear: "Feifei, isn't it a bit too much for us to do this? It's fine if we ask her to pour tea after drinking the tea, but our behavior at this time is obvious. It's not like asking her to pour the tea after drinking it."

"Isn't it normal for the waiter to pour tea?" Xue Feifei said, if it was someone else, even if Liang Ye was her cousin, she might not bully others like this, but if it was Tong Yao, she would be jealous of Tong Yao's close relationship with Wang Yue She is going to do it last time.

"Our relationship with Wang Yue is relatively distant. If Wang Yue knows that we treat his friends like this, he will definitely cut off contact with us completely." Guaibao said worriedly.

"How is it possible? Wang Yue is not here. If you don't tell me, I don't tell you, and everyone doesn't tell you, how could Wang Yue know." There are many."

Tong Yao came to Xue Feifei's side and poured her a cup of tea. Before she could move, Xue Feifei drank the hot tea that had just been filled, and then raised the teacup to Tong Yao with a grim expression. Tong Yao filled Xue Feifei's teacup with tea again.

After drinking four or five cups in a row, Xue Feifei said slowly, "Baby's tea is cold, replace it with hot tea."

Tong Yao nodded, then poured out the somewhat cold tea in Guaibao's teacup, and filled it with hot tea.

Xue Feifei whispered in Guaibao's ear, "It's a good sister who is on my side."

Guaibao hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed to move her pink chin.Although her prejudice against Tong Yao is not as strong as that of Xue Feifei, it still has some prejudices.

Xue Feifei and Guaibao reached an agreement, so, the second daughter, you have a cup, and I drink the tea in the teacup, leaving Tong Yao with no time to rest.

Liang Ye rolled his eyes, and there was a little satisfaction in his eyes. He didn't expect her cousin to not only be enlightened, but also to help him so wholeheartedly.Now it is only waiting for Tong Yao to lose his temper, and then he can carry out his heroic mission of saving the United States.

There are many things in the world that people cannot control, such as Tong Yao at this time.

If Liang Ye was replaced in Tong Yao's position, and someone kept asking him to pour tea, even if he was a waiter, he would definitely be furious because of the other party's playful behavior.Unexpectedly, not only did Tong Yao not lose her temper, she even poured tea for Xue Feifei and Guaibao with a serious look on her face.

Xue Feifei and Guaibao drank too much tea, the two girls couldn't drink anymore, but Xue Feifei didn't want to let Tong Yao go, especially Tong Yao's serious appearance, which in his eyes was a typical affectation and makeup .

However, she really couldn't drink the tea, and it was impossible to bite the bullet and drink it. She rolled her eyes and thought quickly for a while. After making up her mind, she poured the hot tea she had just poured, and then said to Tong Yao with a cold face: "Pour tea!"

Xue Feifei's move made everyone who was tired of watching Tong Yao pour tea stare away. If it is to drink tea non-stop, it is too much to ask Tong Yao to pour tea, but it is still reasonable. Filling up the hot tea and throwing it away, and then asking Tong Yao to pour the tea, it would be a bit of a bully.

Liang Ye pursed the corners of his lips and held a faint smile. He didn't understand the specific situation, and he secretly thought that this cousin was really mean. In order to help him, he even didn't hesitate to be a villain. It seems that he must find a chance afterwards and thank this cousin. Well, he just had to wait, because the show was about to begin, and he was about to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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