Chapter 953 Three slaps!

As a girl, Yilan felt angry because of the behavior of Liang Ye and others, and she was even said to be a boy who was born with pity and pity in his bones.

Since Tong Yao refused to leave, Yi Lan also refused to take her away, and Wang Yue did not force her, and even though Xue Feifei and Guaibao, whom she knew, were on the opposite side, she glanced at Liang Ye coldly, with a murderous look hard to hide He said: "Don't talk nonsense, take out your hole cards, background, contacts and all the power you can display, and I will also say a word, if you can walk out of this hotel safely today, I, Wang Yue, will follow you surname!"

Although she had expected it, Xuanxuan couldn't help being taken aback. She never thought that Wang Yue, who is usually calm and calm, would be so angry. This made her unable to help but turn her attention to Tong Yao. Is it because of this girl? ?

"Well said!" Liang Ye was not afraid that Wang Yue would give up if he was not kind, but he was afraid that Wang Yueshan would give up. He raised his foot and stepped heavily on the steamed bun that Wang Yue used to throw him in the face. The steamed bun was crushed into a pancake, and then I tapped it vigorously with my fingers, and said: "In 3 minutes, I will let you eat your steamed bun without any crumbs left!"

Wang Yue said, "Okay, I'll wait."

Liang Ye made a phone call and ordered the other party to come to the scene quickly in a very strong tone. After hanging up the phone, his already strong confidence became even stronger, and he sneered at Wang Yue: "Wait, you will be kneeling right away!" when the earth begged for mercy."

Wang Yue said, "Okay, I'll wait, but before that, shut that noisy mouth!"

Liang Ye smiled and said: "If I want to shut up, I will naturally. If I don't shut up, what can you do to me, hit me?"


A crisp sound rang.

Wang Yue said, "It's done."

There was a clear red mark on Liang Ye's face. Compared with the pain, it was more unbelievable, and he said blankly, "How dare you hit me?"


Another slap on Liang Ye's face.

Wang Yue said, "It's hitting again."

Liang Ye widened his eyes and shouted angrily, "You dare to hit me!"


Another slap on Liang Ye's face.

Wang Yue said: "Fight again."

Liang Ye's face was so red that he was bleeding, it was probably because Wang Yue slapped him three times, and most of it was caused by the humiliation in his heart.

Although his family is not a first-rate wealthy family, it can be regarded as a second-rate wealthy family, and it is also a well-known existence in this flower city.

As the seed cultivator in the family, since he was a child, he has enjoyed the treatment of holding it in his mouth for fear of melting, and holding it in his hand for fear of losing it. I didn't expect that someone would dare to throw him with a steamed bun and beat him today. Three slaps.Humiliation and anger welled up in his head, making him almost lose his mind, like a mad leopard rushing towards Wang Yue viciously.

Wang Yue stayed in place quietly like a tree with roots, neither dodging nor avoiding.When Liang Ye rushed in front of him, he flew up and kicked Liang Ye directly on the chin, causing Liang Ye's body to spin [-] degrees in the air before falling heavily to the ground.

Xue Feifei and Guaibao who witnessed it with their own eyes were too scared to speak out, not because Wang Yue's methods were too cruel, but because they had never seen such an angry Wang Yue.Except when Yang Ke passed away, Wang Yue was the most angry when he faced Jiang Zhishui, definitely this time today.They couldn't figure out how Wang Yue, who had nothing to do with Tong Yao, would be so angry?

At the beginning of human beings, nature is good, everyone is born, he is the most pure and flawless, there is no sadness, no anger, no hatred, no jealousy, no emotions, some are just pure.

This purity is like a blank sheet of paper. As one grows up slowly, this pure idiot will add strength, bravery, perseverance, perseverance, determination, and other qualities.But it will also add negative factors such as anger, hatred, and jealousy because the path is blocked.

No one is perfect, and one cannot get rid of all these emotions and desires. Everyone has some negative factors to some extent, but their positive factors can overshadow their negative factors, so that they can act rationally, act openly and honestly, and have a clear conscience act.Of course, there are very few people whose negative factors outweigh their positive ones, and such people are called bad people.

Wang Yue is neither a bad person nor a good person. He has hatred, anger, resentment, greed, and any negative factors in his heart.Although the positive factors cannot be overshadowed, they are there.But he couldn't see even the slightest negative factor in Tong Yao.

She is strong, and she stepped into the society to sit and work part-time at a fancy age when she was supposed to be carefree and enjoy campus life.

She kept her promise, she said she would invite Wang Yue to dinner, and over there invite Wang Yue to dinner.

She is optimistic, even though the salary she earns from a part-time job is not easy, but she is not stingy about inviting Wang Yue to dinner.

When she smiles, she is always a smiling angel, always maintaining a carefree smile.

Etc., etc.

Although Wang Yue's positive factors can overshadow his negative factors, he didn't think he had the purest pure land in his heart until she met Tong Yao. Belongs to him, but he wants to protect her well.

Soon, a group of people poured into the private room. They were wearing security uniforms. The leader was dressed in a suit and was very neatly dressed. The work badge on his chest had the word manager clearly on it.

The hotel manager quickly glanced at the messy private room. When he saw Liang Ye lying on the ground with red and slightly swollen cheeks, he broke out in a cold sweat. He hurried up to help Liang Ye up, and shouted respectfully : "Young Master Liang."

Although Liang Ye was severely kicked by Wang Yue's kick, he was in his twenties, at the time when his body was at its best, so he was not so fragile. The reason why he fell to the ground before was because of the current situation. I know that I am not Wang Yue's opponent.Now seeing the helper he was looking for came, he immediately pointed at Wang Yue angrily and shouted: "Hit, beat me to death, I'll be the one who kills me!"

Without Liang Ye's words, the hotel manager might have hesitated a little. With Liang Ye's words, and because he knew Liang Ye's background well, he was not timid immediately, and directed at the seven or eight people he brought with him. The security guard shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze, you didn't hear Young Master Liang's order, do it!"

The seven or eight security guards set off in unison, surrounded Wang Yue, just waiting to find a good angle of attack, then captured Wang Yue and handed it over to Liang Ye.

When seven or eight security guards were about to attack together, a woman's voice came: "Don't do it!"

The sound was so loud that three tall, slender, pretty girls with a little makeup and pretty attire rushed in.

The appearance of the three daughters is exactly the ice of the Kawaii family, Huaduoduo, Xiaoyu and the third daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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