The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 958 He knew that she was an angel!

Chapter 958 He knew that she was an angel!

"Damn it?" Ice repeated it. She obviously didn't understand the wording, and asked, "You mean Feifei hit Tong Yao?"

Wang Yue ignored ice, he had already said everything he wanted to say, and he had said enough.

Wang Yue didn't care about his reputation, he just wanted to have a clear conscience, but Xuanxuan couldn't bear someone to misunderstand Wang Yue, so he took out his phone and found the video he just recorded to show ice.

In the video, Liang Ye and others put a table full of delicacies and ignored them, but kept asking Tong Yao to make tea and pour wine. This scene lasted for more than ten minutes.

Ice cannot deny that the behavior of Liang Ye and others is really hateful, but what does this have to do with Xue Feifei? Is it just because Xue Feifei is also a member of the dinner table?

But Xue Feifei never asked Tong Yao to make tea and pour wine?

When ice wanted to ask, Xue Feifei appeared in the video. When she saw Xue Feifei coldly asking Tong Yao to make tea, she immediately knew that it was Xue Feifei's jealousy. She was jealous of Tong Yao and Wang Yue getting closer. So take this opportunity to toss Tong Yao.She secretly blamed Xue Feifei. As Wang Yue said, what Xue Feifei did violated the word friendship. No wonder Wang Yue abandoned this friendship?

Ice withdrew his gaze from the phone screen and said, "I see."

Xuanxuan said: "No, you don't understand, you continue to read."

Ice was stunned, didn't the picture of Xue Feifei tossing Tong Yao already appeared, could there be something else?

Ice looked at the phone screen again, and what appeared was Xue Feifei poured out the hot tea that Tong Yao had just made, and then ordered Tong Yao to make tea.

"Feifei, how could you do this!" Ice gritted her silver teeth, her small face also showing anger.No wonder Wang Yue would categorically give up the friendship with them, no wonder Wang Yue uttered the terrible four-character words of adding insult to injury, everything was because Xue Feifei had done too much, to the extent that she even looked down upon her. not go down.

"I...I...I..." Xue Feifei wanted to defend, but she couldn't utter a word of defense except me.In fact, it would be strange if she could speak in defense.

Huaduo saw ice's sudden change of attitude, and raised her head to glance at the video on the phone.When she saw Xue Feifei teasing people without saying a word, pouring out the freshly made hot tea because she couldn't drink it, and then ordering Tong Yao to pour the tea, she also felt angry in her heart.

Huaduo said angrily, "Feifei, you're going too far!"

Xue Feifei had known for a long time that ice and others would not stand by her when they learned the truth, so she kept silent in an attempt to cover up the truth.Unexpectedly, ice and the others finally learned the truth of the matter, and then they really did not stand by him.

Ice said, "Wang Yue, I'm sorry."

Wang Yue ignored ice, once the trust cracked, no matter how perfect the repair was, it was impossible to return to the original state.

Lu Zhenhai was still a little hesitant at first, because he heard from Liang Ye that Wang Yue and others did it first and smashed the private room, but he didn't expect that it was Liang Ye and others who made things difficult for the waiter first.

On the contrary, the waiter had been making tea and pouring wine seriously, but with such a good attitude, Liang Ye finally ordered him to pick up and feed him vegetables in a rogue tone.

No wonder Wang Yue refused to give up, if this matter was placed on him, he would never give up.This is not a matter of face, it is a matter of dignity.

Lu Zhenhai, who was hesitant at first, completely dispelled his hesitation after learning the truth, and completely stood by Wang Yue's side. This matter meant breaking the sky, and Wang Yue was also on the right side.What Wang Yue was wrong was that he acted impulsively, but compared with Liang Ye's incompetence, it was nothing short of a big deal.

Wang Yue said, "Apologize!"

Liang Ye said coldly, "What if I say no?"

Wang Yue smiled and said: "I have no good solution, the only way I can think of is to hit you!"

Liang Ye glanced around, and he found that his group of cronies had already abandoned him, and now he was alone, even if he called his father, his father sent someone to solve it, but before the visitor arrived, he was already in Wang Yue suffered a lot in his hands.

It seems that Wang Yue, who started his footwork and was getting closer and closer, was scared by Wang Yue's previous kick. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry!"

Wang Yue said lightly: "It's useless to tell me."

Liang Ye's face was so red that he was bleeding, this was the first time in his life that he apologized, but he got useless results, and he had to say it again, which was worse than killing him.

Wang Yue knew that Liang Ye hated him, but he had to do it. If he compromised because of fear, then Wang Yue would not be Wang Yue.

Liang Ye pointed at Tong Yao, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry."

Tong Yao said: "It's okay, I forgive you, but don't you hate the king, okay?"

For a moment, Wang Yue's heart was as warm as summer.He knew she was an angel.

Ice began to understand a little bit, understood why Wang Yue wanted Liang Ye to apologize to Tong Yao at all costs, understood why Wang Yue got close to Tong Yao, but kept getting farther and farther away from them.

"Well, I don't hate it." Liang Ye said so, but he hated Wang Yue psychologically. As soon as he left the hotel, he used his father's relationship to find someone to deal with Wang Yue. He must get back what he paid today. , and it is ten times and a hundred times repayment.

Wang Yue knew that Liang Ye hated him, and knew that Liang Ye would use his relationship to retaliate against him after he left, but he never took it to heart. If he was afraid, he would not do it in the first place, let alone smash the private room. Behavior.

Now that Liang Ye had already apologized, Wang Yue didn't need to entangle, he made way and let Liang Ye and others leave.

"Are you scared?" Wang Yue said softly to Tong Yao, which was in positive and negative proportions to the sarcastic remarks he had made when facing Liang Ye before.

"No." Tong Yao said.

"Aren't you afraid?" Wang Yue asked curiously.

"Because you did the right thing." Tong Yao said.

"You know I'm doing the right thing, so why don't you do it?" Wang Yue asked.

"Because I came out to work part-time." Tong Yao said.

In a word, just a short cross, but it tells how much helplessness and vicissitudes.Yes, many people have bent over because of reality and life.

Because she came out to work part-time, she knew she had no right to refuse.

Because she came out to work part-time, she had to know how to bow her head instead of holding her head up.

Because she was right, she could turn against Liang Ye, but what would be the consequences of turning against Liang Ye?

Lose your job.

Wang Yue said, "Give me your mobile phone."

Tong Yao handed the phone to Wang Yue without thinking.

Wang Yue entered and saved his mobile phone number, then pointed to his mobile phone number, and said to Tong Yao: "I have the habit of turning off my mobile phone at night, but starting today, I will get rid of this habit."

(End of this chapter)

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