The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 996 Tong Yao's Boyfriend!

Chapter 996 Tong Yao's Boyfriend!


After the answering ring rang for a while, Tong Yao answered the call made by Wang Yue.

Tong Yao said: "Wang Yue."

Wang Yue said, "Tong Yao, are you free now?"

Tong Yao said, "I'm free, what's the matter?"

"That... this..." Wang Yue didn't know how to speak, and he didn't say a single useful word after talking about this and that for a long time.

Compared with Wang Yue's mother-in-law and mother, Tong Yao was obviously wrong, and said directly: "I know you must call me because you have something to do. We are friends. If you have something to say, just say it."

Wang Yue said: "I have a friend who has something to go to other places, so she asked me to take care of her three-and-a-half-year-old child. I am really a little confused about the little ancestor. If you have time and it is convenient, I hope you Come and help me take care of it."

The little Jiajia on the side heard Wang Yue's word for word, pouted her lips unhappily, and said, "What, I don't know how good he is."

Wang Yue rolled his eyes, he was quite obedient, he didn't cry or make trouble, but the boring problem of those idol dramas was much more lethal than crying and making trouble.

Hearing that Wang Yue was instantly speechless because of Xiao Jiajia's words, Tong Yao couldn't help but pursed her lips into a smile. The boy who was said to be omnipotent in the youth university also had an embarrassing side of being unable to handle things.

Tong Yao said, "You tell me the address, and I'll be there in a while."

Wang Yue told Tong Yao the address of Sister Yan's home, not because he didn't want to pick up Tong Yao, but because he couldn't leave because of the little ancestor pestering him to answer questions about idol dramas.

Little Jiajia stared into Wang Yue's eyes, and said seriously: "Wang Yue, when my mother comes back, I will report you to my mother. You don't take good care of me, and you use me to chase girls, and then you don't like me. Do me a favor."

Wang Yue was about to go crazy, and looked at little Jiajia like a monster. Now this kid's IQ is simply too monstrous. A three and a half year old kid actually knows how boys chase girls.

Little Jiajia said: "If you don't speak, it's acquiescing. You can choose, whether to let my mother and I give you a small report, or you to give me a favor."

Wang Yue patted little Jiajia on the head lightly, and said, "When did I use you to chase girls?"

Little Jiajia said, "You just used me to chase girls."

Wang Yue said, "I was looking for a friend to take care of you."

Xiao Jiajia said: "You lied, you obviously used me as an excuse and took the opportunity to be alone with that girl."

Wang Yue is going crazy, what is this all about?

Little Jiajia said, "Wang Yue, is the girl you called pretty?"

Wang Yue said, "It's beautiful."

Little Jiajia said, "Is my mother more beautiful?"

Wang Yue said, "It's different."

Little Jiajia said: "Then do you like my mother or the sister you called?"

Wang Yue broke down completely, and said, "Eldest sister, please let me go, what kind of weird questions are you talking about?"

After suffering for more than half an hour, I finally heard the life-saving doorbell.

Wang Yue hurriedly got up to open the door, and it was Tong Yao who came.

Tong Yao was wearing a long white dress. Such a simple dress gave Tong Yao a different flavor.

Wang Yue said apologetically, "I'm sorry, but I called you here on Sunday, but I really can't deal with that little ancestor."

Tong Yao smiled slightly: "It's okay, I don't know if I can coax it well."

Wang Yue led Tong Yao to Xiao Jiajia. The strange thing was that Xiao Jiajia, who had a small mouth before, was sitting obediently on the sofa now.

Wang Yue said: "Boss, what kind of game are you playing?"

Xiao Jiajia first glanced at Tong Yao who was beside Wang Yue, then looked at Wang Yue and said seriously: "We are all women, why should women make things difficult for women, I think we need to give each other face."

Wang Yue slapped his forehead with his palm, okay, I dare you to embarrass me on purpose.

Little Jiajia said to Tong Yao very flatteringly: "Sister, you are so beautiful, even better than the heroines on TV."

Wang Yue wondered, why did this little aunt's mouth suddenly become so sweet?

He took a closer look at Tong Yao, and it turned out that Tong Yao didn't come empty-handed, she was holding a big bag of healthy snacks in her hand, and this little aunt was staring at the snacks in Tong Yao's hand.

Tong Yao handed the snacks to Xiao Jiajia, and the two became acquainted after a while.

Seeing that little Jiajia was eating snacks and not making a fuss at all, Wang Yue was really depressed, why didn't he think of such a simple thing.

With Tong Yao taking care of little Jiajia, Wang Yue was completely liberated.

The two girls, one big and one small, watched the idol drama seriously, discussing a few words from time to time.

Wang Yue was lying on a corner of the sofa, and fell asleep unconsciously.

It's also fortunate that the person Wang Yue recruited was Tong Yao, but any girl with a narrow mind would think that Wang Yue's behavior is really not the way to treat guests.

I don't know how long it took before the sleeping Wang Yue woke up slowly.

Wang Yue opened his eyes, Xiao Jiajia was playing on the sofa with the doll that Tong Yao bought for her, but Tong Yao didn't know where she went.

Wang Yue asked, "Where's your sister Tong Yao?"

Xiao Jiajia said: "Sister Tong Yao received a call from her boyfriend, so she left."

Wang Yue was taken aback, he didn't remember that Tong Yao had a boyfriend?

Xiao Jiajia said: "Wang Yue, Sister Tong Yao's boyfriend came to pick her up just now. You fell asleep and didn't see it. Sister Tong Yao's boyfriend is very handsome. He is taller and whiter than you. I see you It is very difficult to snatch sister Tong Yao from her boyfriend."

Wang Yue smiled helplessly, and said: "I said boss, I am serving you to eat, and I am also serving you to drink. There is no credit but hard work. Even if you don't praise me, you won't hurt me so much, right?"

Xiao Jiajia said: "But I'm telling the truth. Sister Tong Yao's boyfriend is that you are taller and more handsome than you."

Wang Yue squinted his eyes slightly, not knowing what was going on, when he heard Xiao Jiajia say that Tong Yao had a boyfriend and Tong Yao's boyfriend was as perfect, he actually felt a little uncomfortable.

Tong Yao is so perfect, her heart is so pure and innocent, and she doesn't know what kind of person Tong Yao's boyfriend is.It's all because he fell asleep just now. If he hadn't fallen asleep, he would have been able to meet Tong Yao's boyfriend just now, and by the way, he would have been able to take care of Tong Yao.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue shook his head. Although he and Tong Yao are true friends, they haven't gotten to know each other enough to be her boyfriend.

"Wang Yue, I'm hungry."

"Wang Yue, I'm thirsty."

"Wang Yue, speak up."

Xiao Jiajia yelled three times in a row, but Wang Yue didn't reply, because the uncomfortable feeling in his heart became more and more intense with the passage of time.

 I am a somewhat sentimental person. I saw someone in the book review area saying that the recent plots are getting uglier. It immediately affected my mood for the day. The bottleneck is a mouse and keyboard.

  When Jian Li left, Xue Bing took over as the heroine, but Xue Bing left, but no one took over as the heroine. I think this may be one of the reasons why it is not exciting.

  After all, I think the main attraction of this book is the love story.

  In fact, I want to say that after Xue Bing left, there was a heroine who took over, but the heroine who took over did not love Wang Yue deeply like Jian Li and Xue Bing from the beginning.

  In short, I am in a particularly bad mood. If you see this passage, please give me your opinion in the book review area, so that I can see my own shortcomings.

  There will be an update later, around 23:[-], it is not recommended to wait.



(End of this chapter)

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