Pinnacle player

Chapter 1461 Communication with Crocodile Fried Dumplings

Chapter 1461 Communication with Crocodile Fried Dumplings
"As expected of Yun's thigh, this thigh is really thick, this thigh is really strong"

"Yun Dazu said, you lie down and watch me play. It's nothing to do with you, just don't hold me back."

"Yun's thighs are no longer enough to describe the boss. It's time to change my name to Yunshen's legs. What if I'm slow? I'm a god's leg, and I'm not afraid of being broken by you at all."

"Yunshen's legs are too ugly, it's better for Yunshen to sound better."

"The cloud god is mighty, I want to hug this leg too."

"Who doesn't want to hug? Now think about it, 10 gold to buy a battle quota is really profitable. Not to mention the players who participated in this battle, the players in the last battle also each took a faction professional skill slot, Not to mention other rewards, if someone leads the team, even if you give 50 gold, you won’t be able to get the faction’s skill slot.”

"The biggest advantage of our territory is the boss."

"That's absolutely true, the president is really too strong."

Yun Xiaohan enjoyed the flattery on the Territory channel for a while and then left. Although the flattery sounds good, there is still work to be done, and the money for the crocodile fried dumplings has not yet been paid.

Yun Xiaohan had already added a friend of crocodile fried dumplings before, emailed him the promised 500 gold, and then sent him a private message.

"Fried dumplings, where are you, 500 gold has been sent to you, go to a roadside mailbox, check the email, and then send me your cash transfer account number, I will also transfer 40 Huaxia coins to you .”

"Okay, okay, I'm going to check the mailbox right now, God Yun, you are too polite, it's okay to be late, this battle is also fought very well, we have stabilized the evolution of history this time."

"Well, it's stable."

"I really took advantage of it this time. The battle rewards are so good. I didn't even dare to think about it before. I can also get a battle movie and get legendary degrees. Hehe, I got a little bit of this money." I'm sorry, otherwise, Yunshen, you should give me less."

"No, as much as you say is as much as you say. I always keep my word."

"I didn't say that, Yunshen, you are too reliable. I have never seen anyone more reliable than you. If you take historical evolution, you can take historical evolution. You are so much higher. There is really no suspense.

Yunshen, do you know that many people in Nanxi City are now discussing how you scored your score, and they all think that you are cheating. To be honest, if I hadn’t fought the battle with you, I would have It will feel like you are cheating. "

"They will definitely ask you when the time comes. Don't tell them too much about the details of the battle, especially my information. You have to hide it for me," Yun Xiaohan said deliberately.

In addition to money, the crocodile fried dumplings also took so many benefits in the battle, and owed him a lot of favors. For this, the crocodile fried dumplings also recognized it very much, otherwise they would not have said that Yun Xiaohan could give some less money.

Since he felt that he owed a big favor, asking him to do small things for himself would further deepen the relationship between the two parties, making him feel that Yun Xiaohan regarded him as a friend, so he asked for confidentiality.

It's as if A and B have a good relationship, but B is more capable, so A always asks B to help him with affairs. If the request is always unilateral, the relationship will deteriorate in a short time, but if B occasionally makes A Do something for him, even if it's just a little thing, this friendship can be better maintained.

Although crocodile fried dumplings can't help Yun Xiaohan much, but many friends have multiple ways, and Yun Xiaohan plans to build a branch here in Nanxi City, crocodile fried dumplings is one of the candidates.

Of course, Yun Xiaohan didn't intend to bring up the matter of poaching people, it's better for others to bring it up by themselves.

So he deliberately said, "I'm going to find the Evil Rat later."

"Why are you looking for him?" The crocodile fried dumplings were a little curious.

"He said he wanted to quit and join my territory."

"Ah, the retreat will join your territory, is that okay? If possible, I also want to quit the club and hang out with you."

"It wasn't very good at first. You also know that there is a distance limit for teleportation. Territory teleportation can't let you teleport directly from Nancy City to my territory. But I got a reward for this battle, so I can solve this problem. "

"What reward? What method?"

"When the historical evolution is settled, I can get a station in Strasbourg, and there are a certain number of free directional teleportation places. I can teleport from this station to my territory for free. I still need to transfer from the teleportation array. You can't park your car, and only the first directional teleportation is free every day, and you have to pay half price for the second directional teleportation." Yun Xiaohan roughly explained to the crocodile fried dumplings.

"That's great, one free directional teleportation is enough, and you don't have to run around all the time."

"Well, I think so too, so I plan to build a branch here in Nancy City, and then let this branch settle in my territory."

"This is great! I want to join, I want to join, Yunshen don't forget me, I have long wanted to find a territory to join, I can refund my current guild now, regular membership fees or territory construction I can pay whatever you want."

"My guild does not charge membership fees, nor does it charge territory construction fees. I can pay the money myself."

"Isn't that too much investment? I heard them say that building a territory is very expensive."

"Territory is very expensive. If I have more than one territory, it will cost even more."

"Ha, there is more than one territory, yes, Yunshen, you are so good at fighting, it is not easy to get the territory, but if this is the case, then you have to pay more.

Yunshen, you don’t have to be polite with me, I’m rich, I’ve already spent a lot of money playing this game, besides the current guild, there are only slightly bigger guilds, there are not many guilds that don’t pay the dues, the one I’m staying at now There was always a membership fee.The key is that after paying the money, the welfare of the guild is not enough. "Crocodile Fried Dumplings interrupted anxiously before Yun Xiaohan could finish speaking.

"Hehe, no matter how rich you are, you can be richer than me. Don't you read the wealth list?"

"Let me see, do it! More than 3000 gold!!!!

Yunshen Niu X is indeed a boss, he is convinced. "

"If you want to find a territory to join, why don't you join a guild with a territory in Nancy City? Your strength is quite good, and you are still rich. No guild will refuse you to join."

"Uh, I'm the strongest in the guild I'm in now, but you, Yunshen, say that I'm pretty good. That's why you, Yunshen, are qualified to say that."

"Hehe, don't mind, you know, in my position, everyone I can come into contact with must be good hands. The more you see, the better your vision will be."

"Yes, yes, I know, I am stronger than others, but I am weaker than you. If you lead me to a battle, I don't know how I won in the end. It's too outrageous. "

"What? Not satisfied?"

"No, I'm too satisfied, I lie down so comfortably, please let me lie down a few more times."

PS: ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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