Pinnacle player

Chapter 204 Jackal King 2

Chapter 204 Jackal King 2

PS: I was confused in Chapter 198 yesterday. For the sake of balance, I set the suffocation effect of [Chop Wind] to be invalid compared to creatures with a taller protagonist. I forgot when I wrote the book. Thank you book friend "Jian Lingxiao" "Reminder, the previous article has been revised, I am really sorry.

By the way, ask for various tickets, recommendation tickets, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets.

The frightened players started to run around. Because of their panic, some people directly led to the ordinary gnolls next to them, and the scene became even more chaotic.

However, there are also smart people who run directly to the Lingqiong Pavilion team, with the intention of attracting disaster and seeking asylum.

But at this time, a very interesting scene appeared. The jackal king directly waved the flail in his hand, and made the chain hammer at the front end of the flail spin at a high speed. The next moment, several phantoms of the chain hammer suddenly flew out , and hit the backs of several fleeing players.

In the blink of an eye, the phantom of the chain hammer hit the target accurately, and several players who were hit were either knocked into the air, or rolled on the ground for several times, or were directly hammered into the ground.

Although the process of expression is different, the result is the same. They all have 3 times the critical damage, and the terrifying huge red number floats above the head of each hit player, and then they are directly killed in seconds.

A total of 6 phantoms of chain hammers flew out, and 6 players were instantly killed.

Seeing this scene, Yun Xiaohan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

The jackal king's hard work of clearing the field continued for a short period of time. More than 30 players were killed, and the rest were scared away. The target of the boss's hatred finally shifted to the members of the Lingqiong Pavilion.

Yun Xiaohan had already prepared for this. He had been standing in front of the player group of Lingqiong Pavilion for a long time. As soon as the Jackal King and the four bosses ran over, he immediately went up to meet him and handed in a set of skills.

First, a [Thrilling Roar] caused a 10-second forced attack effect, holding back the Jackal King and the 4 bosses, and then Yun Xiaohan began to use other skills to consolidate the hatred. This time he will not work like before. .

He asked other players not to make a move in the team channel, and the priests did a good job in the "healing chain". And they are interlocking, so they are called "healing chains". In this way, multiple priests will share the healing amount, so that the hatred value of a certain priest will not accumulate too high, which is extremely effective in the hatred accumulation stage.

When Yun Xiaohan was consolidating his hatred, he used the authority of the team leader to mark the Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the heads of the four leaders.This is not only convenient for Yun Xiaohan and others to command, but also the team members' focus attack sequence. In order to prevent the hatred from getting out of control (OT), he prohibits any team members from using group attack skills.

After a while, Yun Xiaohan found that the difficulty of the Jackal King is not too great. His advantage is that he has a high attack speed and not slow attack speed. The attack range can only be said to be average, but it can cause damage to all enemies within the melee range. That is to say, his attack has a strong ripple effect, even a basic attack has a group damage effect, so it is especially not suitable for melee players to siege.

Because the attack speed and attack are above the standard line, the output of the jackal king is quite explosive. It is easy to be seconded when the defense and blood volume of the T position is low, but once there is a T position that can resist, the difficulty is much less.

Yun Xiaohan estimated that, except for himself, other T-rank players would have to change to 30 equipment after level 30 to be able to top, and they might even have to wait until level 31 for the second job to fight this boss.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, the players who ran away gathered back together again, but they were out of the scope of hatred, and the records of the damage they caused before were also cleared, so they had to start all over again.

And after the moment just now, they were also a little frightened, because they were worried that Yun Xiaohan would not be able to hold back the boss, and did not dare to output vigorously after OT again. Besides, they couldn't see what Yun Xiaohan did on the head of the jackal leader. The team mark, which can only be seen by players in the team.

So for a while, these cheap guys also hesitated, not knowing what target to focus on first.

In fact, they don't know that except for [Trembling Roar], Yun Xiaohan's [Burning Roar] and [Tyrant Blast] are range attacks, which can accumulate a lot of hatred. As long as they don't hit the wrong target, group hatred is still Relatively stable.

By adjusting his position, Yun Xiaohan deliberately separated the jackal leader with the number 1 mark on his head from the jackal king, so that melee players could come up occasionally to output without being affected by the boss.

But in Yun Xiaohan's view, even if he provides some convenience for melee players, it is an extravagant hope for melee players to enter the top 20 in the contribution ranking, after all, there are too few output opportunities.

Those non-Lingqiong Pavilion players are not stupid after all. After observing for a while, they finally determined the fire target and started to output. There were even more impulsive force fighters who came up directly and tried to fight for a round before retreating.

However, this guy was very unlucky. When he came up, he just caught up with the explosive set of skills of the wolf man. He was slowed down by a skill of the boss, and then he was affected 4 times in a row and was taken away directly. Because of the slowdown, he ran away. It was too late to run.

From the beginning to the end, the boss never looked back, never attacked him head-on, but was affected by the chain hammer, this unlucky reminder died directly, and 3% of the level experience was just given away, and it did not exceed 1.5 from the beginning to the end. Seconds, he is still a professional fighter. Although he said that the critical strike rate of the Jackal King has been greatly increased due to the difference in level, all players still took a breath when seeing this result.

Looking at Yun Xiaohan, who has been single-handedly resisting the BOSS, the sense of gap arises spontaneously. The few players who planned to wait for the BOSS to run out of blood before opening the PK mode to clear the BOSS also retreated for a while. They were very uncertain about their output. Can you drop Yun Xiaohan in seconds? If you can't drop it in seconds, you will be in big trouble.

We are all players, how can there be such a big gap?It turns out that Yun Xiaohan is 4 levels higher than them, the level is much worse, and the immunity is also higher, but now it is only 2 levels away, and it still looks a lot worse.

Among the cheap players, there is no melee player who dares to rush up rashly. They can only watch some of the melee players in the Lingqiong Pavilion occasionally come up and output. They all know that if this continues, the boss and the four bosses will be the ones who will own the drops. Can't get it.

It doesn't matter if the leader's drop is lost, but the right to drop the boss is so handed over to others, they are not reconciled, but they can't make a move now, because everyone understands the situation in front of them, except Yun Xiaohan, in "Decision" Can't find a second T position that can resist the Jackal King in front of him.

Now that Yun Xiaohan is killed, then no one will fight against the boss, no one will be able to fight, and no one will gain anything after making a grudge, no one is willing to do such a stupid thing.There may be brain-dead players who like to hurt others and benefit themselves, but they definitely don't include leading players like them.

(End of this chapter)

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