Pinnacle player

Chapter 220 Population and Army

Chapter 220 Population and Army

After careful consideration, the Lingqiong Pavilion, as its own guild, must be invited, and the population limit of more than 700 people does not have any suitable invitees.

It is said that it is easy to invite God but it is difficult to send God away, and it is easy to offend people if you rush after you invite God.

Moreover, random invitations will not help the territory much. It is better to wait for the population to increase before inviting the "Hillbilly Club". Anyway, most players already have guilds, and the number of guilds will not change too much. Ascension is much more stable.

Under such circumstances, Yun Xiaohan finally decided to invite only one Lingqiong Pavilion to settle in, and he added Lingqiong Pavilion to the invitation list.

After sending out the invitation, the guild still needs to accept it, but for Yun Yanhan, it was a matter of self-invitation. He clicked on the guild menu and accepted the invitation.

As soon as this side accepted it, all members of Lingqiong Pavilion received a system prompt. The previous server announcement made them tickle, but Yun Xiaohan was busy looking at the territory and did not respond.

Now that the station was set up, they became even more excited. One or two asked in the guild channel.

In fact, after setting Ajaccio Village as the guild's resident, the members of the Lingqiong Pavilion will have an extra skill to teleport back to the resident, and they can just teleport back to the resident. There is no need to ask, but these guys didn't look carefully.

However, the cooling time of their teleportation skill is longer than that of Yun Xiaohan's, and it takes 24 hours to CD.

Seeing how lively they were, Yun Xiaohan was too embarrassed to continue ignoring them, so he reminded them.But now it is the [-]th period, Yun Xiaohan still told them to level up first, and then send them over after leveling up.

Even though Yun Xiaohan specially instructed, there were still a few who were in a hurry and sent them over immediately.

Yun Xiaohan ignored them and continued his inspection tour of the territory.

The most important thing about a territory is its people.

There must be no real army in a remote village like Ajaccio Village. There is only a 50-member militia team composed entirely of NPCs, and they are all human races.

Because the people on the island are tough, their personal strength is not bad, they are basically above level 25, but they have hardly undergone any training. In other words, there is not even a training ground in the village, and there is no place to train, and team discipline is even more difficult. Don't even think about it, morale is also extremely low, it's a bunch of mobs.

Yun Xiaohan handed over the militia to the command of Giuseppe. After the follower ceremony, his loyalty was already full, so there was no change.

Giuseppe is a legendary hero template with a very high AI. After taking over, even though there is no training ground in the village, he can still train the militia to a certain extent.

At present, there is only one military camp in the village, and the maximum number of troops is 200. However, it costs 5 silver per person to recruit soldiers, and 100 pounds of grain (Note 1). The village does not even have a granary, so naturally there is no food in storage, so recruitment cannot be carried out.

As for Giuseppe's [Red Shirt Army], it cannot be activated at this stage, because Giuseppe is a follower of Yun Xiaohan, so he has requirements for Yun Xiaohan's title, and he himself has to be promoted to Viscount first.

Secondly, the Red Shirt Army is also known as the Army of Thousands, and it must be at least a thousand people to form an army.

Finally, it is also the most troublesome place for Yun Xiaohan. The Red Shirt Army needs (number of people * 1 gold) military equipment training funds, and the recruitment and maintenance costs will be calculated separately. Even if the recruitment costs are not considered, at least 1000 gold is required. How could Han not change so much money?

Looking at the construction cost, and then looking at the cost of forming an army, Yun Xiaohan can only sigh, being a lord is really a waste of money.

The NPCs in the village can still have some interactive functions, but in most cases they can only make some relatively simple responses to the players.

Because it is a game, the growth rate of NPC is still accelerated. It only takes a week for a baby to grow from birth to adulthood, and it will slow down after adulthood.

But this is just an ordinary NPC, the special NPC with a name will grow much slower, and the key NPC will grow according to the plot.

Now the natural population growth rate of Ajaccio Village is 2% per day, that is, an increase of 30 people per day. The lord can increase the natural population growth rate by building medical and sanitary buildings.

Policies can also be promulgated to attract refugees, but attracting refugees will reduce the security of the village, and the level of security will affect the natural population growth rate and popular support.

In addition, the fastest way to increase the population is to merge tribes, which can be conquered by force, or sent to persuade, or you can slowly do related tasks to increase the favorability, and finally merge.

Conquest by force will not work in the short term, because NPC troops must be used, and players cannot be used to conquer. Relying on 50 militias is completely hopeless.

Sending people to persuade also requires NPCs to complete, and it depends on the strength gap between the village and the tribe. The strength of Ajaccio Village is just one word: "scum", and Giuseppe's political and diplomatic potential is only 3 stars. Can't get through.

So in fact there is only one way: to do tasks, all players in the guild can do related tasks, but they can only do tasks that increase their favorability, if they do not do well, they may lose favorability, the lord and the guild management You can check the task details to see which players are deliberately doing bad things.

The last key task of merging needs to be completed by the lord himself.

The current security degree of the village is 70, which seems to have exceeded the passing line of 60, but the full value of the security degree is 1000, ten times that of 100, so it is very low.

If the law and order degree exceeds 60, policies to attract refugees can be promulgated, but after thinking about it, Yun Xiaohan still gave up, because he just took over the territory, and the popularity is too low, only a pitiful 40, and the full value of the popularity is also 1000.

Yun Xiaohan was very skeptical, as long as he dared to do this, the villagers would riot soon, so it's better to be steady.

After owning the territory, Yun Xiaohan's upper limit of servants has increased from the original 12 to 100. From now on, he will no longer be free to recruit servants. He needs to spend (level * 5 copper) game coins to convert them into servants It also needs (level * 2.5) meritorious service, and also needs to consume the population of the village.

In contrast, the servants recruited in their own villages have better qualifications and a higher probability of being gifted. The lord can also open the right to recruit to the resident guild, and can limit the upper limit of the number of recruits per day.

But because the current population growth rate of the village is really not high, Yun Xiaohan did not open this authority to Lingqiong Pavilion, but only opened the right to use some buildings.

PS: On the last day of March, if you ask for a monthly pass, it is a waste to keep it in your hand.

(End of this chapter)

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