Pinnacle player

Chapter 223 Yun Xiaohan's Worries

Chapter 223 Yun Xiaohan's Worries

At this time, there are no other territories that can easily establish trade relations, and the work of Ajaccio Village has come to an end.

Now because the warehouse has not been built, there is no material reserve for trade, and the shortage of various conventional materials has not been alleviated, so the population growth rate is still 2%, but with the normalization of the circulation of various conventional materials, the population growth rate will gradually increase. (Refer to the setting of the stand-alone game Sea Merchant 3)

It was already 21:00 when the boat returned to Ajaccio Village. Yun Xiaohan sent back to Xueman, and put all the equipment and skills that he had acquired in the past few days and bought by the opportunity on the auction house. Basically stabilized, and things can be sold.

There are a total of 18 pieces of equipment and 6 skills, all of which are level 30, including 4 pieces of blue equipment and 2 general skills.

This does not include the two skills of [Blood Vampire Battle] and [Cat Walk], including [Cat Walk] and [Forced Stealth]. Among these skills, there are 2 stealth skills. When the price is unstable, it focuses on the acquisition of such skills.

It's not a skill, but all these equipment can be sold for at least 15 gold.

On the one hand, the price of level 30 equipment is a bit higher. On the other hand, the current currency value has dropped a lot after all. When Yun Xiaohan collected things, 1 gold could be sold for 2000 real coins, but now it can only be sold for 800, so the selling price of the equipment generally increased.

As for skills, Yun Xiaohan still hopes to switch to level 4 skills that are suitable for him. He is still lacking in level 4 skills. Now many players have been promoted to level 28, and most of the first-line players have been upgraded to level 29. , and you can use Tier 4 skills.

(Here is the difference between the store and the auction house. If you are careful, you will notice that before Yun Xiaohan bought food directly from merchants and players, because the auction house can only put the equipment and skills that players have acquired. , and other dropped things cannot be sold through the auction house, such as dropped potions, especially products produced by players and NPCs. Some special products can only be sold through shop buildings, such as ships built by players themselves. )

After hanging up the things, Yun Xiaohan went offline to rest.

After owning the territory, even with the help of Giuseppe, there is still a lot of lack of officials in the territory, and many affairs need to be handled by him personally, especially because there is no chief trade officer, and the supplement of various goods transactions needs to be approved by Yun Xiaohan, Zhu As the deputy village head, Sepe can only follow Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, and deal with it according to the trade settings set by Yun Xiaohan.

Setting Giuseppe as the chief trade officer can solve this problem to a certain extent, but it is even less cost-effective. The trade chief is not considered the main manager, and Giuseppe's [Noble and Incorruptible] talent will not work. Moreover, Giuseppe's political and diplomatic potential is only 3 stars, and his business ability is not strong. Compared with the effect that he can play as a military chief and deputy village chief, it is far away.

After much deliberation, Yun Xiaohan still let Giuseppe continue to be the deputy village head. The deputy village head is the main manager and has certain comprehensive authority. This is the choice to maximize the benefits, but this choice will inevitably affect Yun Xiao Han's leveling efficiency has a certain negative impact.

Yun Xiaohan was still thinking about this while lying on the bed. He was still a little worried, worried that he would take care of both ends, and in the end he would not be able to develop himself and his territory well, but "Choice" is different from the previous online games, and no one would know What will happen in the future, no one knows how much the territory will help personal development.

But now that there is such a good opportunity, it would be a pity to give up, Yun Xiaohan decided to continue on like this.

After thinking about it, Yun Xiaohan fell asleep, and when he woke up, it was already 2:5 in the morning, and he had only slept for less than [-] hours.

After washing his face with cold water, Yun Xiaohan hurriedly went online, didn't even brush his teeth, the game house is like this, when the time is tight, he seldom pays attention to personal hygiene, he can forget to eat, and it is normal to only overeat once a day, so the body The quality and competitive level tend to start to decline after the age of 24.

Yun Xiaohan is pretty good in this regard. Although his personal hygiene is relatively sloppy, he still cares about his own level of competition, and with his master's precepts and deeds, he still pays more attention to work and rest and diet rules, and he will be regular Although the amount of physical exercise is not large, it is still very useful, not to mention that he does not smoke, drink, or drink carbonated drinks.

In addition, he is crazy about playing games, and he spends all his energy on games, not to mention doing "big health care". The "Five Girls" have no time to use them. Maintaining physical fitness is also helpful.

To be honest, it is really not easy for a 25-year-old man who has almost no expenses other than Internet fees, meals and tea money.

Yun Xiaohan is very sloppy when it comes to food, clothing, and use. He stares at the game while eating, thinking about routines, and often has no taste for food.The tea he drank was not good tea, he couldn't drink good or bad tea, and he might not go out once a month. The fair-skinned ones were comparable to the vampires in the movies, and naturally he didn't need to buy clothes. To be honest, with a Dervish is not much different either.

Of course, this is not advocating this way of playing games. Yun Xiaohan's approach is already a bit crazy, and it is extremely rare among top players. It's just that in any industry, the success of top practitioners has never been a fluke.

The kind of rookie who has just started to play online games doesn't put in any effort and just wants to get ahead by luck, so he can only give him four words: "Daydreaming."

As soon as it went online, Yun Xiaohan saw a faction announcement, which was released at 1:4 on January 0th, that is, two and a half hours ago. The Duke of Sardinia, Sardinia, Sicily, and Corsica officially became the territory of the empire, all of which were fiefdoms.

Although this is just a simple acknowledgment, it is extremely important to Liya.

Generally speaking, taking down a territory does not mean that the territory will belong to you. You need to wait for the reward after the war is over. Usually, a nobleman has laid down 2 or 3 territories before he can have a reward for him.

And there are also NPC nobles who like to pick peaches and enjoy themselves.In fact, in the subsequent games, because of unfair rewards from superiors, there have never been many players who triggered the plot to rebel.

However, the situation of the Sardinian collar is quite special. First of all, the Sardinian collar is inherited through blood relationship, and the empire cannot deprive it at will without sufficient reasons.Secondly, the nobles and citizens of Sardinia have a relatively strong tendency to be independent. If they are divided rashly, they will definitely receive great resistance. When Liya persuaded them, she also made many promises to ensure territorial integrity.

(End of this chapter)

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