Pinnacle player

Chapter 252 The Value of Garibaldi

Chapter 252 The Value of Garibaldi

Such an exaggerated effect made the six guys who handed over the command of the servants a little stunned, and the other three were also a little moved, but they just refused, and they changed their minds immediately, which was a bit embarrassing. I don't have much confidence in the AI ​​command level, so I still haven't changed my mind after all.

Yun Xiaohan didn't organize any more people, instead of bringing in a stranger, ten of their acquaintances should cooperate with each other, and as the city defenders, their current occupational configuration is still acceptable, except for Yun Xiaohan and the monster-spawning lawn mower. Except for melee, the others are long-range, and there are 2 milks. This lineup is perfect for defending the city from a commanding position.

Speaking of which, since changing the plate armor, Yun Xiaohan's long-range attack spells are basically useless. The 25% success rate of casting spells is too low. One-on-one can also be cast with cloth armor, but in a large-scale battle such as a plot In team battles, spending 2 seconds to change clothes is simply looking for death, even the auxiliary and recovery spells such as [Great Power], [Wind Speed], and [Gentle Wind] are not easy to use.

Therefore, Yun Xiaohan plans to learn [Perfect Spell-casting Gesture Construction] after reaching level 33, so that the success rate of spell-casting can be brought back to 50%. In addition, the probability of spell-casting interruptions will be reduced by 25%, and the power of spells will be increased by 20%. The effect of BUFF skills is increased by 5% (directly increased in percentage).

After Garibaldi took over the command, he immediately gathered the servants he could command, saying that they were servants, but in fact these players were the elite of the elite, and their servants had all been promoted to servants. In fact, most of the players' servants in Lingqiong Pavilion have been promoted to attendants.

It's just that the acquisition of the subordinate's transformation authority requires the rescue of the target of the support task alone, and there is a time limit. At present, no one can do it except Yun Xiaohan. It is still very difficult to trigger within hours.

However, after the subordinates transform their authority, they can also be obtained through other means. They can even be bought with money after the title reaches a certain height. It is not a particularly rare authority. The difficulty is very, very high.

What makes people feel very interesting is that Garibaldi actually gave a 30-second lecture. Of course, they couldn't see what Yun Xiaohan said specifically, but they could only see the sign of "Teaching" on Garibaldi's head. Sign, the attendants also made actions to listen to the lecture.

After the training, Garibaldi reorganized the attendants, re-dividing the 58 attendants into six groups of 8 people and one group of 10 people, and he brought the only group of 10 people.

Yun Xiaohan and other teammates were a little dumbfounded.

"Old Yun, is this what you mean by higher AI? Or can all followers be like this?" Necromancer Judgment asked in surprise.

Yun Xiaohan himself was also very surprised. This was the first time he saw Garibaldi leading troops on the battlefield. Before that, he was only leading the training in the village of Ajaccio, which really gave him a big surprise.

Although I have never seen other special NPCs leading troops, Yun Xiaohan believes that it is absolutely impossible for ordinary special NPCs to achieve this step. It seems that the BUFF bonus and the super large command range are just one aspect of Garibaldi's strength, 9 stars Half of the army's command potential and 7-star management leadership potential bring high AI is another aspect, and it is still a key aspect.

Moreover, these servants are only taking over temporarily, not the troops that Garibaldi has led for a long time, and they will not enjoy the improvement of the army's command potential and management leadership potential, otherwise the combat effectiveness will be even higher.

It is only now that Yun Xiaohan truly realizes the value of Garibaldi as a legendary hero. He is Yun Xiaohan's biggest gain in the Battle of Sardinia, and his value far exceeds the other series of rewards.

Although he had already thought it through, Yun Xiaohan didn't mean to show off. It doesn't matter if some of his own skills and equipment are high-profile, anyway, other players will know about it sooner or later, and they can gain their reputation.But followers like Garibaldi are obviously impossible for other players to find information, and they can play a great role in territorial battles, making them very suitable as hidden killers.

Yun Xiaohan is still very clear about the difference, but it's not good to hide too much from Necromancer Judgment, so he just answered evasively: "I don't know, I haven't seen other followers, but I should No, the other special NPCs in my territory are not so good, I think it still depends on the quality of the NPC, the higher quality AI will be higher."

After finishing speaking, Yun Xiaohan secretly slandered: "Anyway, it's taller if it's only a little taller, and it's taller if it's more than N."

"Special NPCs are divided into grades? What grades are there? Yun Xiaohan, what grade is your follower?"

"Different templates, mine is a hero template, so the AI ​​is high. I won't say the specific grade, it's troublesome to say too much, and you will know if you can receive special NPCs in the future."

However, Yun Xiaohan is very clear that only 2 or 3 of the few people in front of him are likely to receive special NPCs, like Yixiaozui and Fa Zongtianxia. They are not even willing to do guild management work, and they are not suitable to be lords at all.

And without a territory, it is difficult to receive special NPCs. After all, most followers need the master to have a territory to swear allegiance, especially command or management followers. Players do not have a territory, and they have no room for development and advancement.

"It feels no different from a player. I'm looking forward to the command behind him!"

"Haha, Necromancer Judgment, don't let the NPC compare you later."

"From now on, I'm a fan of 'Garibaldi'. I hope he will perform better, help me get more records, and defeat Necromancer Judgment by the way. That's really welcome!"

That is to say, but a few players didn't really think that Garibaldi would be stronger than Necromancer Judgment. When have you ever seen a professional player in a real-time strategy game can't beat the computer.

Only Yun Xiaohan was a little bit looking forward to it. With the official technical level of "Choice", maybe he could make a super awesome computer?This is the special NPC of the highest legendary hero template, "Choice" shouldn't smash its own signboard, right?

The players in the Fanchen Tower nearby also noticed the abnormality here. Garibaldi's special performance was so eye-catching that it soon attracted a large group of onlookers, discussing it in a hurry.

"Is this an NPC or a player?"

"Nonsense, have you ever seen such a player?"

"An NPC that can lead troops? Where did this NPC come from? How did you get it?"

"It looks awesome, whose NPC is this?"

"Idiot, I still have to ask, haven't you seen Yun Xiaohan here? Game No. 1, and just led the team to win the historical evolution of the plot of Sardinia. It's probably a plot reward!" This player is very smart Yes, a random guess is actually close to ten.

(End of this chapter)

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