Pinnacle player

Chapter 297 The Answer to the Five-Character Jue 5

Chapter 297 Answer 3 of the five-character formula (theoretical chapter)

PS: For purely theoretical chapters, readers who are not interested, please do not subscribe.This section ends the command theory chapter. This chapter is almost 3000 words long, and I don’t want to charge more money.So made a mistake.


It is not wrong to understand "drum" as encouragement, but it is very one-sided. "Drum" includes various psychological adjustment methods.

In most online games, the player's character does not have the concept of morale, but the player himself, as a normal human being, is very affected by psychological factors.

For example, there are two players A and B in PK. A has never won, but in fact the strength and operation level of the two are very close. A is entirely because he has lost a lot in the past. He was thinking about how he lost in the past, and he was always on guard against B's methods, and he was timid when fighting, but he couldn't show his true level, and the more he lost, the more he lost, the more cowardly he became.

Another example is that there are many players. When it comes to group battles, there are dozens of skills, and he repeatedly uses three or four of them. I spend all my time watching how others play, and I don’t even know when my skills are on CD.

At this time, the commander needs to decompress and relieve the tension of the players on his side.

In fact, 99% of players don't know the difference between PVE dungeon command and PVP battlefield command in terms of command requirements.

To put it simply, the PVE commander's requirement for team players is to make fewer mistakes and try not to make mistakes.The PVP command is not afraid of team players making mistakes, but is afraid that team players will be timid when they fight, they will not be able to make it, and the overall pace will be inconsistent.

On the PVP battlefield, a player making a mistake has little impact on the overall situation. Unlike in the dungeon, making a mistake may lead to the destruction of the group. The fault tolerance rate of the battlefield is very high. Even if you stand there and don’t release your skills, the players on both sides They may not even notice you.

But if the players on the battlefield are not at the same pace, the consequences will be very serious. If one group of players joins and one group does not, the other group of players will be sold out.

On the contrary, if everyone fights together, there will be enough players to share and output damage, and the result may be completely different, so we often hear the commander shouting "don't be afraid, don't be cowardly, just go up" on the battlefield.

These commanders may not have a clear understanding of the importance of being in step, but experienced commanders will have a lot of resentment when they can't call players.

Commanders should promote their own advantages as reasonably as possible before the battle, such as introducing their own victories against the enemy and belittling their opponents appropriately. exaggerate.

The purpose of this kind of advocacy is to make the players on their side believe that they can easily win, so that they can decompress and relieve their tension, so that they can play more normally on the battlefield.

As long as players feel that they can lie down and win, they can often play better.

A more down-to-earth saying is: I am not afraid of your wave, but I am afraid of your cowardice.

Of course, if there is a limit to the number of resurrections, the intensity of advocacy needs to be controlled depending on the specific situation.

In addition, advocacy needs a certain degree of rationality, and you can't blow it too much. If you blow it up, it will be embarrassing, and it will have the opposite effect.

When advocating, you should also pay attention to avoid directly advocating the specific strengths of the two players, because this exaggeration is easy to be dismantled, and once dismantled, it will cause the players' self-doubt.

For example, the commander said that our players are stronger, and the opponent's kill record is higher than ours in the fight, or publicize how our side fought and how to win before. This kind of advocacy is naturally useful when the situation is favorable, but against the wind. Sometimes, players will doubt whether their own strength is holding back, they will become more nervous, and they will not be able to exert their strength even more.

You can brag about the historical battle results in other games, or brag about our victory in the regular conflicts of the game. Anyway, it is those contents that are difficult to prove and dispel.

Derogatory content can include the other party's commander, organizational level, guild management, and even a collection of scandals about the guild leader.

You don't have to worry so much about camp battles, you can directly promote the superior record of your camp.

Needless to say, the situation where our side has the upper hand in the battle, in this case, as long as the command is not too stupid, it can basically win.

But our side is headed against the wind, and we can't win a frontal battle in a battle, so we need to make psychological adjustments.

Psychological adjustment under headwinds is to firstly decompress and encourage players. You can moderately exaggerate the enemy’s advantages in a certain aspect, such as the number advantage, or the defender’s terrain advantage, so as to weaken the gap in the player’s personal strength and reduce the player’s frustration. feel, let them relax.

To put it simply, it is to help players find reasons and shirk their responsibilities. Even in a few cases, the commander must be brave enough to resist the blame, shoulder the responsibility for the disadvantages of the battle, and self-reflect to relieve the players.

What needs to be reminded here is that the commander has to shirk responsibility for ordinary players, but he needs to dare to take responsibility. A commander who does not take responsibility has no future to speak of.

But how to take responsibility is a very knowledgeable thing. For example, you can take responsibility by making fun of it, or deliberately find a less important responsibility to resist, which not only has the effect of reducing stress, but also does not make people Really question the level of the commander.

But when it comes to the real post-war summary, the commander has to make a serious summary, and he has to take the blame that should be blamed, and he can't just look for reasons.

Of course, if the commander's prestige is high enough, there are no challengers, and his status is unshakable, it will be most effective to directly and sincerely take responsibility during wartime.

In addition, if it is indeed the commander's fault, and it is clear and undeniable, it is better to memorize it earlier, and it will appear honest. As for keeping the commander's position, don't think too much about it. You can face up to your mistakes In order to improve the level of command, it is useless even if you have no ability to occupy the position, but you will be hacked to death.

The above content is still a relatively minor part of headwind psychological adjustment. The most important thing is to adjust the players' thinking, let them face up to the current unfavorable situation, change the overall tactics, and switch from frontal battles to partial team battles.

In online games, it is extremely difficult for the disadvantaged side to turn the tables. Even if the commander wants to use some tricks, it often has no effect. This is not necessarily because the commander's thinking is wrong, but because the players lack the most basic ability to execute tactics. The so-called intrigue or deceitful tactical means are completely reduced to empty talk.

The commander's idea is the commander's idea. If the idea cannot be fully and clearly conveyed to the players in charge of execution and accepted by them, then no matter how good the idea is, it is useless, so it is extremely important to convey and adjust the player's thinking .

Only after the vast majority of players accept the point of view that it is difficult to win in the frontal battlefield, and successfully instill the commander's views, can the players truly implement the commander's plan.

In one sentence: communication is more important than tactical level, execution is more critical than ideas.

One thing that needs to be made clear is that the various "schemes" in online games to avoid frontal combat are not tactics worth relying on, but just desperate means of gambling.

Not thinking about how to win in the frontal battlefield, always thinking about relying on tactical changes to gain the upper hand is a very absurd thing in itself, because it is impossible for players to have such a high tactical execution ability.

If you want to have a high tactical execution ability, you can only adopt the two-headed dragon command model, divide the command power, and train a large number of grassroots cadres. No matter how powerful a person is, the scope of influence and interference is limited. A sound organizational structure and a sufficient number of people are the greatest magic weapon to win.

If the situation of a battle is [-]-[-], this side is at a disadvantage.But if the commander doesn't change his tactics, the three-point victory may not actually exist. Only by changing his tactics can he take a chance on the three-point possibility.

In online games, a three-point victory may be good if one point is executed. It is very, very difficult to come back. In most cases, the weaker side has no choice but to risk their lives.

A really good commander will try to avoid engaging the enemy in an unfavorable situation, or simply give up the battle. The key is to choose a suitable opponent, and choose a place and timing that is beneficial to the side, and this aspect of work is the most important. Fortunately, the "general dispatcher" can be in charge, which is why the "general dispatcher" is the most important part of the command iron triangle.

In large-scale team battles, players will not be able to perform normally due to various reasons, such as network speed, machine configuration, psychological factors, etc., among which psychological factors have the highest impact.

Generally speaking, in actual combat, it is quite good for a player to achieve [-]% or [-]% of their strength in actual combat. Things without shadows.

Therefore, psychological adjustment is a very critical part of commanding.

In the five-character formula of the basic command, "advance" is the bone, "retreat" is the skin, "stop" is the garment, "strike" is the limb, and "drum" is the soul.

"Advance" constructs the basic structure of command, "Retreat" is the fundamental defense, "Stop" is the interval for self-strengthening and adjustment, "Strike" is the means of attack, and "Drum" is the communication skill throughout.

There is no real defense in the online game battlefield. Attack is always the priority. Even if it is a defensive battle, you must kill the opponent's vital forces as much as possible. Blindly defending is meaningless. Attacking and killing is what matters to one's own side. The best means of defense.

Communication is the top priority of command and the foundation of everything.

(End of this chapter)

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