Pinnacle player

Chapter 335 Mathematics and Scheduling

Chapter 335 Mathematics and Scheduling

At 20:00, the battle officially started, Yun Xiaohan quickly determined that this time the opponent was not as strong as that of the Aoyou Guild, and the siege weapons and troops were much less than the enemy in the last video.

The Northern Kingdom did not attack fiercely in the opening stage, and the 510 servants commanded by Garibaldi could also play a big role. Yun Xiaohan didn't go to the battle at all, but concentrated on testing the reinforcement efficiency of the Grizzly Legion.

After testing for about 20 minutes, the data is almost calculated. The reinforcement limit of the Grizzlies changes according to the time, and the maximum reinforcement limit is increased by 1 per second.

In other words, no matter how heavy the casualties are, the three gates in 10 minutes can only add up to 600 reinforcements. Once the casualty efficiency is higher than this level, the defense will slowly collapse.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to collapse easily, because players can be resurrected, just go up the city wall after death, as long as the wall exceeds the standard number recognized by the system, the Grizzly Legion will not go up for reinforcements, even if there is space. Will reinforce.

But once there are not enough defenders on the tower and there is a vacancy for reinforcements, then the Grizzlies will go up to reinforce, but this reinforcement also has a limit efficiency. Each gate is one second to reinforce two people, and three gates is one second. six people.

In this case, there are 30 reinforcements in the first 1800 minutes, and the Grizzlies with a completion rate of 105% have more than 15000 troops. Such a low reinforcement efficiency is obviously impossible, so there is only one explanation, the reinforcement efficiency will be based on time. Higher and higher.

There were 1800 people in the first half hour, and maybe 2400 or 3600 in the second half hour.

It has to be admitted that the data party has an obvious advantage in the game. After deducing the basic reinforcement data, Yun Xiaohan had a solid foundation in his mind. He began to methodically mobilize the troops at the north gate, withdraw them to the city, and at the same time let Zero Move the players from the east and west gates to the north gate.

In the first half hour, there were 1800 draft quotas. Because of Garibaldi's relationship, 126 of them (including Yun Xiaohan) were pure players who did not need to bring minions, and everyone else needed to bring their minions.

(1800-126)/9=186 people. In theory, 186 players and their servants can be deployed. Of course, the number of players that can be mobilized must exceed this number, because after more than 20 minutes of fighting, the servants There must be casualties. The servants in the battle have only one life. If they die, they will not be resurrected until after the battle.

Yun Xiaohan calculated quickly, and at the same time presided over the transfer of the three doors. The transfer required not only calculations, but also the allocation of personnel and other small details.

But the underlying principles are clear.

Prioritize the selection of mages and long-range occupations with range attacks, and then according to this number, draw healing occupations at a ratio of 3:1, and at the same time match a certain number of auxiliary occupations, front row meat shields, and the 10 selected by Yun Xiaohan Top naval players.

On this basis, priority is given to recruiting servants who die more, so that more players can be recruited. The strength of the servants actually needs to be considered, but Yun Yanhan is doing this job alone, and he is not a computer. Obviously it can't be taken care of.

Yun Xiaohan not only needs to do a lot of calculations, but also needs to select the players. If he hadn't got the list of participants in the Zero guild a long time ago and made a certain draft, he really couldn't handle it.

But because Yun Xiaohan had to arrange the personnel within 7 or 8 minutes, the time was tight and the workload was heavy, it was impossible for him to have time to explain to others.

So regarding Yun Xiaohan's work, Zero Zero and Zero Hongyue said that they were completely confused and could not help much, they could only help Yun Xiaohan pass on the message and run errands.

Compared to Yun Xiaohan's busyness, these two people still have time to chat beside.

Zero sighed: "Thanks to Yun Xiaohan, the world of science dogs is really too complicated, thanks to the fact that I majored in liberal arts."

"What the teacher said still makes sense. If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world. Mathematics is still a basic subject after all." As a math scumbag, Zero Miyue still has a certain amount of admiration for this kind of data control.

"You have to take a math test to play ***, how can you mess around? This world is too crazy!" Zero couldn't help typing in the chat room to express his despair.

By 20:30, Yun Xiaohan had completed the first step of deployment. A total of 126+202=328 players and 1465 servants were retreated to the city, and most of them were concentrated near the southern city, 1800 meters away. The theoretical number of people is only seven.

It can be said that Yun Xiaohan performed supernormally this time, and made the "general dispatch" work to the extreme.In addition, I have to admit that Garibaldi's role is huge. He has increased the number of players who can be mobilized by 1/3.

Next, Zero Zero and they will continue to transfer people down, leaving only a small number of players to observe the situation on the city wall, but because they do not have the ability to do so, they still need to accept Yun Xiaohan's remote command.

Of course, if the battle with the rebels goes well, maybe there is no need to deploy too many players.

At this time, the system prompt also came as expected: "The Earl of Alsace suddenly betrayed, and his elite troops controlled the river bank on the south side of Slatersburg, and continued to transport troops through the Rhine River. Attacking violently, unable to mobilize troops for a while, the head of the Grizzly Legion——Viscount Insigne ordered the player legion to solve this big trouble."

As soon as this system prompt came out, the southern urban area that was originally impassable was immediately opened to traffic, and Yun Xiaohan immediately led the players who were already ready to go straight to the river bank in the south of the city.

When the players ran near the river bank. The 200-member Guard of the Earl of Alsace and the city garrison of 300 people have gathered together, but the Earl of Alsace was not seen, and the leader was a Viscount.

The 200 personal guards are melee troops with champion-level combat power, while most of the 300 city garrisons have long-range capabilities, but their combat power is only powerful, which is 2 grades lower than the personal guards.

Yun Xiaohan didn't lead the players straight up immediately. Eighty percent of these players had long-range capabilities. It happened that the enemy army was going to guard the river bank. Naturally, he had to use this opportunity to cover a few rounds with long-range.

Under Yun Xiaohan's command, all players with long-range capabilities began to fire, those with range attacks gave priority to using range attacks, and those without long-range capabilities stood in the front row to prepare for the enemy's counterattack.

The same is true for the servants, the only difference is that the servants mainly attack the 300 city garrisons.

(End of this chapter)

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