Pinnacle player

Chapter 366 Giant Bloodline and Dragon Bloodline

Chapter 366 Giant Bloodline and Dragon Bloodline

The bloodline of the giant is one of the five top bloodlines in "The Choice", and the other bloodline that can be compared with it, and the most famous bloodline is the bloodline of the dragon.

For the five top-level bloodlines, only the giant bloodline and the dragon's bloodline are announced in the official data, but there is no other information except for one name, and the names of the other three bloodlines are not even known.

In fact, if it wasn't for game promotion, even the names of these two bloodlines would not be announced.

In the official promotional video of "Choice", there is a 5-minute battle video of a Titan fighting an ancient dragon, and the game is set in a western fantasy background. Even if they don't release the information, players know that these two bloodlines must be the top blood.

Of course, for the vast majority of players, the first choice must be the blood of the dragon. After all, it is a dragon, so it feels more awesome, and most Chinese people still have a strong dragon complex.

But Yun Xiaohan carefully read all the background information and background stories of the game several times before entering the game, and he found that the background of the story of "Choice" has some shadows of Greek mythology.

In Greek mythology, the Titans are the ancient gods, the children of Gaia and Uranus, and Zeus is their grandson.The Titan Prometheus (grandson of the earth goddess Gaia, cousin of Zeus) created human beings.

Legend has it that he used holy water and mud to create a batch of clay figurines in the shape of gods, and extracted the good and evil components from the souls of other animals and injected them into the clay figurines to form flesh and soul.Athena, the goddess of wisdom, liked his clay figurines very much, and blew on them, making the clay figurines spiritual.

Although there will be no gods in "Choice", and it is impossible for players to become gods, this at least shows that Titan's compulsion is still very high.

Of course, the background in the game is independent, and it only refers to some Greek mythology. After all, this is an online game with magic and divine arts. If there is an oriental background, it will become completely different.

Although Yun Xiaohan is an angry youth, he has to admit that the Western magic system is more mature, with a clearer level of power and a higher degree of acceptance.

Humans in "Choice" have a certain blood relationship with giants, and can even be regarded as evolved from giants, while the regular creatures most closely related to dragons in blood are lizards.

After all, the giant dragon in "The Choice" is a western dragon, not an eastern dragon. The so-called dragon descendants are mixed blood, not ancestral blood.

Most of the western dragons belong to the evil camp, and even the dragons of the good camp are often greedy for money. Maybe good dragons don't kill people, but they will never refuse to plunder property.

From the perspective of the Dragon Clan, all treasures in the world should belong to the Dragon Clan. Can the Dragon Clan take back what should belong to them as stealing or robbing?Obviously not, as for the humans who were accidentally injured during the plunder, they deserved to be accidentally injured to prevent the Dragon Clan from taking back their property.

After Yun Xiaohan read all the background information, after careful consideration, he decided to give priority to the route of the giant's blood. On the one hand, it is obviously more advantageous to take the route of the giant's blood when playing shield battles. On the other hand, the blood relationship between humans and giants is closer. Maybe there will be a certain advantage in the awakening of the blood.

The number of bloodline awakenings for each player in "Choice" is limited, and the difficulty of the bloodline task becomes higher as the time goes on. You can also choose to awaken other new bloodlines that do not conflict with existing bloodlines.

However, high-level bloodlines are definitely much stronger than low-level bloodlines.For example, two players have awakened twice, one player awakened twice on one bloodline, and the other player awakened once on each of the two bloodlines, the former must be much stronger than the latter.

Yun Xiaohan returned to Xueman City, learned [Fourth Tier Physique Attribute Growth], and then went to the battlefield.

Because he wasted a little time playing the sub-giant leader of the coast before, and went to learn skills, Yun Xiaohan dragged on until 16:30 to finish today's 8-hour battlefield. Merit, nothing drops anymore.

His current military merits have reached 50260 points, reaching the Viscount standard.

Yun Xiaohan used the mysterious sapphire to contact Liya, and then sent it to Liya. Liya presided over the viscount canonization ceremony for him, but the territory promised by Liya - the city of Bastia is not yet available, and Liya needs to complete it. The plot of Ya and the city lord of Xueman City "Balgruf" jointly attacking the business alliance camp, and Yun Xiaohan has to perform in this plot to obtain a new territory.

After Yun Xiaohan was promoted to the Viscount, the plot was finally activated. Only then did Yun Xiaohan understand why it was delayed until now. This plot needs at least 100 player barons to promote, and they will call players to participate in the plot.

The battlefield was destroyed prematurely, which caused the plot flow to be greatly advanced. In the normal process, the battlefield will not be defeated until at least level 41-50. At this time, there must be many players who have the title of Baron. After activation, players with the title of baron can apply, and then the system will select 100 players to promote the plot based on the player's merit and the prestige value of the Snowman City area.

But the current situation is that, apart from Yun Xiaohan, there is no second baron among the players in Xueman City.

In the previous battle of Sardinia, the empire was at a great disadvantage, and they basically lost wildly, and few people achieved high meritorious service.

The Battle of Slatersburg was hosted by the players of Nancy City. The players of Snowman City are neither progress owners, and it is difficult to become the commander in chief. .

Now the player with the second highest merit has 9073 points of merit, and it is estimated that it will take two or three days before other barons appear. The biggest problem is that generally only the guild leader will not receive experience in the battle and receive merit. But in this way, the level is often not high, and the meritorious deeds are collected very slowly, which eventually leads to delays and delays.

After all, Lingqiong Pavilion is an elite small guild, and it adopts free-range management. For example, conflicts between members and others are resolved by themselves. Yes, if he loses, he will choose to practice hard to get back his position. No one will ever find him in the guild. Yun Xiaohan doesn't need to be too distracted by the guild's affairs.

There are really too few players with a high level and meritorious service like him.

PS: Actually, I thought about writing an online game with an oriental background, but after thinking about it, I gave up. The construction of the skill and power system alone is a huge project. My strength alone is too limited, and I am incompetent in naming. Paranoid, don't kill yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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