Pinnacle player

Chapter 369 Leading the Team to Level 35 World Book 2

Chapter 369 Leading the Team to Level 35 World Book 2

Without a shield warrior, you can only take the knights who take the defensive route in the club. Brother Yang's second transfer is a templar knight. A paladin can be transferred to a templar knight or a light knight. Players who take this route can learn light or life magic , but you can't wear plate armor with magical magic, you can only wear heavy armor, so he is the life of a deputy T.

The dark knight can learn the magic of darkness or death.

Paladins or dark knights wearing heavy armor will actually reduce the success rate of casting spells, but paladins or dark knights have exclusive skills that can increase the success rate of divine spells, so that they can cast spells normally when wearing heavy armor, but learning After mastering this skill, the player can only learn the relevant magic skills, and cannot learn other spells or magic skills.

Only pure defensive knights who follow the shield knight route will wear plate armor, but in this way they will give up magic.

The knights who take this route are actually not much different from the shield battle, that is, the physical defense of the shield battle grows a little higher, and the magic defense of the shield knight grows a little higher, but players can adjust it by themselves by learning skills , so anything can happen.

Yun Xiaohan himself definitely wants to participate, so he can only bring one more melee at most, so he chose Brother Yang. Although he can't be the master T, he can milk and resist. It is still very easy to be the deputy T.

Then I chose the dragon in the rain. The profession is Moonlight Ranger. This profession is the most comprehensive profession in the archer department. When players PK, Moonlight Ranger is still very powerful, with a high winning rate.

There are already two players with healing abilities in the team, and the priest doesn't need a lot of milk. Yun Xiaohan chose the blood sacrifice, and his second job is a sage.

Sage is a rare class, and it is very difficult to change jobs. In addition to having a good healing ability, it is also quite powerful in terms of output. It is not a bragging to say that it is the second-turn job with the strongest output among priests.

The remaining two people are both mages, one is corpse abuser, and his second job is necromancer; the other is timeless, and his second job is earth mage.

The output ability of this team is even worse. Although the Corpse Explosion Technique of Zombie World is very useful, it will accidentally injure teammates, which is still a bit annoying, and this skill is useless when fighting bosses.

The operation of time is not abandoned is very good, especially the use of non-pointing skills is very good, the combination of prediction and control is very good, but he has more control skills, and the output ability is relatively average compared to other mage players.

The output of the two legal systems is like this, needless to say, in this team, the strongest output is Yun Xiaohan.

In fact, even compared with Yixiaozui and Fa Zongtianxia, ​​Yun Xiaohan's output ability is not much inferior, but Yun Xiaohan's attack skills are limited, and the physical output effect is not as good as the spell output, plus he often has to block for defense. In many cases, the output cannot be fully performed, so the actual output is relatively low.

But in this team, Yun Xiaohan can't do without output, not only him, but also the blood sacrifice as a nanny must participate in the output.

It took this team 1 hour and 15 minutes to pass the third level. The efficiency is not as good as that of the second team. The key is that the area output is much lower than that of the first two groups. It will feel different immediately if there are fewer mages. Blood Sacrifice is a single-target skill. Master, there are very few range skills, usually there is no problem with leveling and PK, but it is not good enough to brush up the book, but he is a priest after all, so the pursuit of range skills is a bit crooked.

This time the luck was a bit unlucky, only 6 pieces were dropped, exactly one for each person, and Yun Xiaohan got another level 35 blue plate armor, but unfortunately it was not the shoes he wanted, but another piece of clothing.

Then came the third dungeon. Yun Xiaohan didn't choose carefully this time. After a little consideration, he chose 5 people to form a team together. These 5 players are:

A savage savage, his second job is a berserk warrior.

Words follow, the second job is Mist Mage, a job that combines air and water.

Zhuge Mingchen, the second-turn career is a summoner.

Qingkong, the second job change is a magic shooter.

Slightly Leng Yulin, the second job is a shaman, and the priest is a job change.

Wei Leng Yulin is an active member of the guild. As a small team leader, he often organizes people in the guild to log in, brush up on the battlefield, etc. He has a certain command ability and a good reputation of character. Yun Xiaohan specially chose him to form a team. Just look at the meaning of fineness, if he is indeed talented, Yun Xiaohan intends to take him with him.

This team is the weakest team so far, lacking in all aspects. Although the barbaric savages have high output, they are also melee output. When fighting bosses, they will inevitably be hit by ranged attacks. They need to be healed. The team has the ability to heal The only ones who speak out are easy-going and slightly cold Yulin, and among them, the words are easy-going and have only a weak healing ability.

Wei Lengyulin's shaman has a certain output ability, but there are two melee fighters in the team, so the healing ability is somewhat insufficient. It is appropriate to ask the rhythm of the boss's hatred to get out of control.

Although savages are more likely to be injured and not easy to fight against bosses, they are still very powerful when spawning mobs, even stronger than mages. They can be violent, and their stamina recovery is much faster than mana recovery.

But Zhuge Mingchen's output is a bit low, the former has learned a lot of control spells, and there are a few illusion-type spells, while the latter is mainly about summoning, and he is very good at leveling, but the group brush is very good. It's not working anymore.

Qingkong is the biggest surprise in the team in terms of output. The magic archer profession is also easy to understand. Archers who also practice spells have relatively good group attack ability, and many skills have magic damage and attribute damage. The output of the team has been added to the fire.

This kind of team is relatively smooth when clearing the mobs, faster than the team that the corpse abuses the world, but it is more difficult when fighting the boss.

The savage savages didn't dare to go berserk when they were fighting the boss, they would be seriously injured if they got hit, and the team's healing ability was not enough, Wei Lengyulin had to give priority to taking care of Yun Xiaohan.

That's why this kind of situation often happens, the savage savage beats the boss, and then he is hit to half blood by the range skill for no reason, and then he can only retreat to recover. Wei Leng Yulin's healing is not particularly powerful, many times He has no skills to take care of him at all, so he can only add blood to him if he speaks out.

But the healing ability of the one who speaks the law is better than nothing, which is about the same level as Yun Xiaohan's healing. If you want to get back to full, you can wait, but if you don't get back to full, the savages don't dare to use it. During this period of time, A team is equal to a few individuals.

(End of this chapter)

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