Pinnacle player

Chapter 636 First Battle with Thunderclaw Kobold King

Chapter 636 First Battle with Thunderclaw Kobold King

Then it is about brushing the favorability of the Nok tribe. It is necessary to raise the favorability from acquaintance to friendship as quickly as possible.This should still be easy, because the progress of friendship has already gone by nearly 85%. Even if Yun Xiaohan doesn't intervene, let the player choose daily tasks to do at most, and it can be promoted to friendship in up to 5 days. And with Yun Xiaohan's intervention, it is estimated that it only takes 2 or 3 days to be promoted to friendship.

Yun Xiaohan himself has issued a territory announcement, and other managers will also inform and urge the players in the territory to choose tasks that can increase the favorability of the Nok tribe as much as possible.

After talking about the work arrangement of collecting coins and brushing the favorability of the Nok tribe, Yun Xiaohan reopened a chat room and brought in the core management to talk about the heart of the city.After roughly introducing the function of the heart of the city and how to obtain it, Yun Xiaohan directly informed them of his chosen target—the King of the Thunderclaw Kobold.There was no discussion or discussion, Yun Xiaohan had already made a decision.

Yun Xiaohan asked the core management to issue an announcement to notify the players of each guild, and do some organizational work in advance, but don't specify the specific boss to be fought. He is still worried that other guilds will make trouble, so he plans to wait until he gathers good people.

After the meeting, Yun Xiaohan himself issued a territory announcement, informing all combat professional players above level 40 to gather outside the Adventurer's Guild of Snowman City at 19:00 tonight to participate in territory activities. All online players, if there are no special circumstances, , must be present.

Although the territory announcement is for all territory players, it is inevitable that some sloppy ghosts will not see it, and some people may not care very much if they see it. After all, they do not belong to the same guild, and they are not under the direct jurisdiction of Yun Xiaohan. That's when those player management can come in handy, and they can highlight it in their respective guilds.

After completing the daily routine of the territory, Yun Xiaohan began to lead people to download the book. Today, he brought groups 9, 10, and 13. Groups 11 and 12 have already cleared the customs.

These three groups all start from the seventh level, but only the ninth group is still in the progress of land reclamation, and all the teams behind are the second time.

The three levels from 7-9 are mainly cloth armor and leather armor, which are rarely used by Izumo Hanhan, and the drop rate of the latter two groups is low, so after finishing the dungeon with three groups, Yun Hanhan has nothing can get it.

It was already 18:20 after finishing the book, Yun Xiaohan went to do the task for a while, and arrived outside the Adventurer's Guild in Xueman City when it was almost 18:50.

The reason why I chose the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild is because it is not far from the teleportation circle, and there are relatively few players who choose the adventurer's sub-job, even fewer people come to the Adventurer's Guild to receive tasks, and a considerable number of them are gold Members of the city guild, in this way, they will not attract much attention, and they will be more concealed.

If you don’t choose to gather in the territory, you’re afraid that some fools will use up the CD for Hearthstone’s return to Snowman City, which would be embarrassing, and they will have to spend an extra sum of money to teleport from the territory to Snowman City. Snowman City has assembled.

When Yun Xiaohan arrived at the meeting point, a lot of people had already come, so Yun Xiaohan built a group and started to form a team, and then other players above level 40 also arrived one after another. By 19:00, Yun Xiaohan Han and the management ordered the servants. Except for 167 people who didn't know there was an event because they had been offline for a while, or who really couldn't come because they had something to do and had already asked for leave, all the other 2102 people were present.

This ratio is very high. In fact, it is also the light of the third act of the Mannheim Delta battle that will start at 20:00. Many people are waiting to participate in the battle, so they are all online, otherwise it will be another day when there is no battle , the online rate cannot be so high.

After all the people arrived, the team set off. At this time, Yun Xiaohan announced the location of the teleportation in the team channel, so that the confidentiality was higher. Although some players had noticed their large group of people, they did not Knowing where they teleported is impossible to track.

Thunderclaw Kobold King is the target boss selected by the system, so it is not far from Snowman City, and it only costs 15 silver to teleport to the vicinity of the boss, and Yun Xiaohan, who is the quest receiver, can get some guidance on the map.

Because it is not far from Xueman City, this teleportation point is not very remote. It is located in a large forest, and there are two leveling areas nearby. There are so many people in Yun Xiaohan's team, and there is such a big movement, it is impossible not to be noticed.But even if they are discovered, those guilds that are hostile to Yun Xiaohan's territory still need to react, and they are still safe in a short time.

The teleportation point is not remote, but the location of the Thunderclaw Kobold King is still a bit remote, and the king-level bosses are not always there, they appear at random locations at random times, and may appear randomly within 3 days 1 In 2 hours, it does not appear in a fixed area, and the appearance of the king-level boss must meet some specific conditions, so it often takes very good luck to hit it.

Then it takes time to call people and pull the team. It is very likely that the people will be organized and run to the BOSS. This king-level BOSS does not have much time left.

However, Yun Xiaohan is currently on a mission, so he has preferential treatment. When Yun Xiaohan was still some distance away from the guiding location of the king-level boss, he saw a regional announcement: The King of the Thunderclaw Kobold appeared at coordinates XXX, XXX .

Yun Xiaohan quickly asked the other players in the team, and they all received this area announcement, Yun Xiaohan immediately felt that something was wrong, because Ajaccio Village was his personal territory, and he took the task alone , other players in the team can receive this system prompt, which means that all players in this area can see this announcement.

Yun Xiaohan's heart is bittersweet, the bitter thing is that with this announcement, their trip to the boss this time will not be smooth sailing, someone will definitely come to make trouble or take advantage of it; but the joy is the King of the Thunderclaw Kobold It can't be regarded as a pure task boss. Except for the heart of the city, there are probably normal drops. For such a domain-level boss, it is impossible to drop badly.

After clearing up his mood, Yun Xiaohan led the team to move on. When they reached the depths of the forest, Yun Xiaohan's team finally saw the King of the Thunderclaw Kobold.

The sunlight here is blocked by the dense branches and leaves, and only a few light spots pass through. The trees here are all very big trees. Although the sunlight is very tightly blocked, the number of trees is not large, which seems surprising. spacious.The appearance of the King of Thunderpaw kobolds here is in line with its habits, because kobolds are photophobic and afraid of bright light.

(End of this chapter)

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