Lemony is a little cute

Chapter 620 That's Shemale?

Chapter 620 That's Shemale?
Xia Ningmeng wanted to sit on the big sofa, so Jian Jichen just let her go, since he was by her side anyway, who would dare to snatch his woman?

The minority obeyed the majority, and finally they sat on the sofa in the scattered hall, and Xiu Jie lit a bottle of royal salute.

Of course, Jian Jichen would not let Xia Ningmeng drink, so he ordered her a bottle of freshly squeezed juice!
Sure enough, free popcorn and dried fruit plate along with whiskey.

Ding Yiyun sent Xuxiu to his mother so she could drink some wine.

Jiang Tianheng joked while pouring the wine: "My wife is huge, you two be careful!"

Xiu Jie said boldly: "Jian Shao treats guests, it's okay, drink to your heart's content, anyone who is not drunk today is not allowed to leave!"

Slow down. The atmosphere is quite good. Today, two big orders were signed, worth millions of dollars in Europe. The purchase and sales contract was signed by telephone and email. Therefore, Jian Jichen, Xiu Jieyu, and Jiang Tianheng are in a particularly good mood!Whiskey is more superior, and everyone relaxes a lot after drinking for three rounds.Let go of your restraint and blend into the crazy music.

It happened that there was a big dance on the colorful stage, and the lead dancer was a coquettish woman. Many people came to join her and sent a lot of wine, so Jiang Tianheng asked the waiter to bring the wine!

Everyone gave beer, which was cheap, about 35 yuan a bottle, and what Jiang Tianheng sent was a glass of whiskey, 300 yuan.

He, an old driver with countless flirtatious looks, naturally knows what can attract the attention of a beautiful woman. Sure enough, the beautiful woman leading the dance looked over at their table and cast an extremely charming electric eye.

Xia Ningmeng said: "This woman is so beautiful!"

Unexpectedly, Xiu Jieyu who was beside her threw her a sentence: "What kind of eyes, there is no distinction between men and women!"

"how do I say this?"

"It's not suitable for children, children, don't ask questions!"

Xia Ningmeng threw Xiu Jie and a proud look, Jian Jichen's arms tightened, and she was hugged tightly.

After an exquisite sex dance, the lead dancer drank all five or six bottles of beer on the stage in one go, and Xia Ningmeng burped for her!
After the warm applause, she took a curtain call and left the stage, and the spotlight turned to the pole dancing stage.

Xia Ningmeng couldn't appreciate pole dancing, so she drank a drink.After a while, the lead dancer actually came to their sofa.

With a bottle of beer in her hand, she smiled charmingly and said, "Thank you for your support." When she spoke, my God, she sounded like a man!

Jiang Tianheng stood up and clinked glasses with her, and replied politely, he should have joined her more than once, they seemed to know each other.

The man saw that there was a lady present, and she looked like a woman from a good family. He gave a delicate mousse cake. When the cake was served, there were still fireworks on it!

After a few polite words, the lead dancer left.

Xia Ning was so cute that she didn't think this was an episode, but thought it was a good deal to get a piece of cake for a glass of wine.

She cut the cake into three pieces, and after passing it to Ding Ding, she gave it to Lu Ying. At this moment, she realized that Lu Ying's face was a bit ugly, and she glared at Jiang Tianheng angrily, and said, "You wait for me to go back and clean you up!"

Xia Ningmeng put down the cake and obediently returned to Jian Jichen's side. He didn't seem to be interested in pole dancing either, he was watching the performance of the bartender.

"Would you like a cocktail?"

Xia Ningmeng is casual, she is only responsible for watching the prosperity of the world with Jian Jichen!

The two got up and came to the bar. Jian Jichen hugged Xia Ningmeng tightly all the time, for fear that anyone would bump into her.

After sitting down, Jian Jichen took out one hundred yuan, and the bartender mixed the drink. Xia Ningmeng asked, "Is that person just now a shemale?"

 These are the foreshadowing of the later story!
(End of this chapter)

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