God Emperor's vinegar jar is turned over again

Chapter 1106 Emperor of Feng Kingdom

Chapter 1106 Emperor of Feng Kingdom

This is not the first time Yue Qingcheng has seen spirit patterns.

When she was refining tools, she could draw spirit lines.

However, this is the first time she has seen the state of casting spirit patterns like the crown.

This reminded her of the very modern lamp in her previous life.

It was as if there was a wick hidden in the crown, and when the switch was pressed, the wick would light up and cast a virtual shadow of the crown on the ground, and the purple awn was its wick.


Yue Qingcheng spread her hands, her soul power lingered around the crown.

Huang Guan has not yet recognized her master, but after staying by her side for a long time, she got used to her breath, immediately put away the spirit pattern and dropped it back into her palm.

Yue Qingcheng was a little relieved.

The crown is more powerful than the red lotus, and the spirit weapon should look like a spirit weapon!

At this moment, the underground cave was silent.

Zimang just broke through a small hole, and the fine iron that has been around for thousands of years can still support the ground.

These fine irons are a treasure house for Yue Qingcheng.

But after thinking about it, she decided to go outside to see what was going on.

Walking to the iron gate, with the experience of being in the death cell in Huaguo, she quickly found the not-so-secret mechanism.

turn on.

It was a drowsy room.

The smell of decay came to his face.

Yue Qingcheng frowned, sprinkled the powder forward, and the smell of corpse gas dissipated.

"Hey, did you hear the sound?"

"Hush, His Royal Highness is here again, don't talk too much."

"...shut up and work hard..."

Outside the house, the sound of discussion came from far and near.

Soon, those palace people left at the same time.

"His Royal Highness?"

Yue Qingcheng's face was calm, wondering if Feng Buzhan often came to this place?

The house is big and big, but very simple.

Except for a bed, there was nothing left, and it looked empty and desolate.

Those bad smells are coming from the people on the bed.

People who are not dead, but seriously ill, and not cared for properly, will emit such a corrupt atmosphere, and many beggars have it.

Yue Qingcheng took a closer look, her eyes shrinking slightly.

This middle-aged man, covered in new and old whip wounds, has made his original face difficult to distinguish, and is so emaciated that only bones remain.

But in the eyebrows and eyes, you can still see some similarities with Feng Buzhan.

"Emperor Feng Kingdom?"

Yue Qingcheng raised her cool lips.

Some of the news in Fengguo passed through her mind, and the most important thing was the information revealed by Hu Shuixian, which made her quickly understand the reason.

The emperor of Feng Kingdom was usurped by the crown prince Feng Buzhan!

But the people of Feng Kingdom should not know that the emperor is not just under house arrest to live the leisurely life of the Supreme Emperor in advance, but is imprisoned in the palace and beaten by Feng Buzhan, right?

Yue Qingcheng looked at him carefully, this person was already terminally ill, if he hadn't been hanged by medicine, he must have died.

Iron spoon, opened his lips.

Sure enough, there were still medicine dregs inside.

Suddenly her ears moved, as if someone was sneaking in here.

After a while, a beautiful girl climbed in from the window.

She looked panicked, a little scared, and ran to the bed like a kitten.

Yue Qingcheng in the dark raised her eyebrows.

This person knows where to stand and there will be less movement, it seems that he has come here a lot.

And this person, she happened to know.

Princess Yi'an squeezed open the emperor's mouth and put the pill in, "Father, you must not die..."

She was a little choked up, but she didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the palace people outside.

After wiping off the traces of the emperor's lips, she was about to leave along the same path.

"In my opinion, you should take him away, otherwise, he must die if he doesn't die."

A cold voice successfully made Princess Yi'an's body stiff, and she dared not turn her head for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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