God Emperor's vinegar jar is turned over again

Chapter 2074: Slap in the Face: A Group of Scattered Sand

Chapter 2074: One of the Slaps in the Face (1)

"Look, there they are!"

In the mountains and forests, crowds of people surged, and countless eyes looked at the two people on the huge rock.

The girl was playing with the imperial artifact in her hands, and a little white tiger lay quietly beside her.Behind him, a handsome man with fluttering long hair was staring at the girl with his doting eyes.

Seeing that gaze made the man's heart go numb.

But in any case, the beauty of the two of them moved everyone.

They have only seen portraits and heard descriptions by others, but they don't know that the real person is better than the painting.

The Gong family couldn't help showing a look of sudden realization.

With such a pretty girl, it's no wonder that the third envoy of their family was tempted and sent an order.

The holy envoy practiced very hard, protecting the family for so many years, and made the small Gong family grow to the height it is today.

The envoys just love sex, which is a harmless hobby. No matter what, they have to catch Yue Qingcheng and give it to the envoys.

As for other people wanting to exchange Yue Qingcheng for the bounty, hmph, after the end, it depends on whether their palace family agrees or not!

The fat leader of the Bahuang Regiment said: "How courageous! Are you actually dividing up the spoils in front of us? If I remember correctly, the spiritual weapon in her hand is an imperial sword, which is owned by a fighter from the Fighting Holy Regiment... ..."

"Yes, leader."

The warriors of the Fighting Saint Regiment who joined the Bahuang Regiment said flatteringly.

In fact, they are terrified.

At that time, Gui Xiao didn't make a move, and Yue Qingcheng beat them to pieces by himself. They knew how powerful they were.

But the Bahuang Group insisted on coming, and they had no choice.

If something goes wrong later, they still have to escape, so as not to lose their lives on such things.


Suddenly, strands of light filled the surroundings, rippling around them.

"Is it poison? Everyone cover your noses!"

The Meng family said: "Idiot! If it's poisonous, what's the use of covering your nose. Besides, aren't we taking antidote pills? It's not poison, it's a spirit array!"

"Spirit pattern array? Then leave it to your Meng family."

The Meng family raised their heads and said: "Then you all back away, don't delay us breaking the formation!"

Suddenly, their complexions changed slightly, "No, this is the spirit pattern formation that extracts the spiritual power from the warrior's body, and it is one of the evil formations!"


Hearing that it was such an evil formation, everyone was in a bad mood.

Don't say I don't feel it, let's talk about it, they feel it, and indeed the spiritual power is constantly pouring out.

"Hurry up and break the formation, what are you talking about, now is the time for your Meng family to show off!"

"I know, you guys back away first, otherwise how will we find the enemy!"

Yue Qingcheng heard it funny, and put down the last spiritual weapon in his hand.

This simple array arranged with spirit stones was just used by her to delay time.In fact, there is no need to find a formation, everyone will attack together, and it will be broken quickly.

If you have to insist on finding the formation and breaking the formation, you will waste more time.

It just so happened that their stupidity allowed her to have enough time to prepare all the spirit weapons without haste.

After a period of turmoil, the Meng family finally broke through the spirit pattern array.

Everyone also noticed the difficulty of Gui Xiao and Yue Qingcheng.

The whole field was silent.

While swallowing the elixir to restore the lost spiritual power, they prepared to attack.

With so many people, there is really no need to worry.

Yue Qingcheng will definitely fall into their hands in the end.

A moment later, the leader of the Bahuang Regiment, with his oily face full of flesh, squeezed together, and said solemnly: "Do it!"


A group of people swarmed up.


At this time, the sound of a clash of weapons came from the sky.

They looked up suddenly, and saw a shocking scene - many weapons fell from the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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