Chapter 2352

Gui Xiao patted her hand and said softly, "Little wife, I really don't mind."

Not only did he not mind, he was also very happy!

Sleep is dispensable to him, but in fact, since he slept with Yue Qingcheng, he has never slept, just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Yue Qingcheng covered her face in embarrassment.

That day, Dan Buer's voice that screamed at me in disbelief, lingered in her ears like the reappearance of the magic voice.

The retribution came too fast, and she also wanted to shout: That's not me!I don't believe it either! ! !

Gui Xiao took her hand down, and saw that her face was hot to rosy, and she looked very good.

"What's the matter, old couple, are you still shy?"

Who, who, who is your old husband and wife!

Yue Qingcheng's face was not only hot, it was as if she had been put in a frying pan, her whole body was extremely hot.

She ran out of bed.

"It must be a fake bead!"

Gui Xiao turned sideways, propped his head, looked at her and smiled without saying a word.

The evidence is all there, daughter-in-law, if you insist on not admitting it... well, well, you are the biggest in the family, it depends on you, everything depends on you, whatever you say, it is what you say.

Yue Qingcheng has never had such a guilty moment.

She said in a panic: "By the way, I suddenly remembered that I still need to find Dan Buer to refine medicine, so let's go first."

The ghost owl's voice came from behind.

"Daughter-in-law, let's have breakfast first. Look at the time now, the person who asked for the medicine didn't come, and Dan Buer probably didn't get up either. Who did you ask to refine the medicine?"

Yue Qingcheng ran faster: Who cares about this! ! !

Outside the alchemy room, she was still hot.

Nose, can't tell whether it's dew or sweat.

She casually fanned the big leaves that had been folded along the way to cool off a little.

"Didn't you say you wanted to spoil me, and you actually exposed me? It seems that my understanding of 'pet' is wrong."

After snorting twice, she walked to the door and was about to open it.

The room is still dark, and if you want to come, as Gui Xiao said, Dan Buer hasn't come yet.

Suddenly at this time, someone in the room was talking?

Yue Qingcheng frowned and took two steps closer.

"My dear darling, no, no, don't move around, take a little bit, it will be comfortable."

"Go up a little bit, go up a little bit, your posture is wrong! Yes, yes, you are comfortable."

It was Dan Fuji's voice.

He breathed a sigh of relief, extremely happy.

Yue Qingcheng squinted her eyes, and there was a hint of cold danger in the depths of her eyes.

Could it be that the old thing Dan Buer, who is still a treasured sword, is exchanging songs with women in this pharmacy?

"I won't come, I won't come, I'm an old bone, my energy is limited, how can I stand up to your tossing like this. Hehehe, naughty, huh? You too, you are all the same, naughty!"

Yue Qingcheng's face turned black, but there was more than one?

Okay, Dan Buer, you have another handle in my hands!

She smiled and opened the door suddenly.


The movement really made the house disappear.


Dan Buer's voice was a little cold, and Dan's fire burned up, illuminating the visitor.

"Girl, it's you, why are you working so hard today, you came too early!"

Yue Qingcheng was also dumbfounded.

Dan Buer sat on the ground, although his sitting posture was indecent, but his clothes were intact, and there was no one else in the room.

There were only some pills floating beside him.

Jianyue Qingcheng looked over, those pills suddenly fell to the ground as if they were pretending to be dead.

Dan Buer waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, come on, baby, sweetheart, come to me."

The pills rolled back into his hands.

Yue Qingcheng recognized it. These were the pills that Dan Buer refined to make his mind.

The elixir he refined was more intelligent than the one he refined, which has always been a mystery in Yue Qingcheng's mind.

Yue Qingcheng asked calmly: "What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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