Chapter 2739 What You Want

"No, Master Aizawa, you can't..."

Hei Sa was sad and begged Lan Ze.

Lan Ze opened a pair of dragon eyes, looking at her as always, neither cold nor hot.

Hei Sa cried and said, "Mr. Lan Ze, are you so affectionate on the surface, but actually so heartless?"

Lan Ze frowned and said, "I'll give you another chance, give me the compass."

The black robe made the trees entangled, and she was also entangled in it, how to escape?

She shook her head, "There will be no chance, that friend of yours, Yue Qingcheng, will not let me go."

We are all smart people, so we naturally know how smart people deal with it.

She may not be a hidden danger to Yue Qingcheng, but even the slightest hidden danger, they will kill the grass and get rid of it.She is so, and thinks that Yue Qingcheng is also the same.

Lan Ze said naively: "How will you know if you don't try?"

Hei Sha begged him, "Don't kill me... If this is the case, I might as well kill myself!"

Aozawa waited for her to move.

Seeing that he was determined, Heisha bit his tongue in disappointment, and blood flowed out.

Suicide by biting your tongue?

Lan Ze looked at her and felt a little pity for her. Rather than that, it would be more satisfying for him to kill her.

However, seeing the black vines inside suddenly charcoalized, sparks flashed, as if they had set themselves on fire...

His face changed suddenly.

"Sure enough, you can't believe what a woman says!"

Heisha wants to blow himself up!

Talking so much is just wasting time to gain momentum.

He was inside, facing the storm of power.He thought that Hei Sha would rather turn himself into powder than insist on not letting him take the compass?

But this compass, he really has to decide!

He rushed over at an extremely fast speed, and rushed out again, with an arm biting in his mouth.


A huge air wave sweeps all directions.

At the critical moment, Yue Qingcheng finally took out the Nine Layer Mie Shilian.If Lan Ze hadn't suddenly rushed into the bronze figure, she would have done so long ago.

I waited until now because I was afraid of accidentally hurting him.


The power of the sacred weapon suppressed the violent wave of the bronze man's self-explosion, greatly reducing its lethality.

But Lan Ze was too close to the truth, and it was inevitable that he would be affected and fly out.

The huge dragon body fell into the sea, stirring up a burst of waves, which quickly dyed the sea area red.

Yue Qingcheng rushed to him.

His tail was hurt.

With a flash of light, he turned into a human form, with a naked upper body, and bloody wounds extending from the mermaid line into the trousers, from the side to the ankle.

He lay on the ground, pulled out the storage ring from Hei Sha's hand with a pale face, and handed it to Yue Qingcheng.

"Here, what you want..."

The waves crashed, and the noise just now was so loud that it should have scared away all the nearby fish.

But the blood of Jiaolong is fatally tempting to them, risking their lives to scramble for them from a distance, not daring to get too close to Lan Ze, just swimming crazily in the blood water.

Yue Qingcheng frowned, and took the blood-stained storage ring.

Seeing that he was about to faint at any moment, Yue Qingcheng said to Feng Xiaobai: "Take him to the spirit boat first."

Feng Xiaobai nodded, "What about you?"

Lan Ze said: "Hei Sha should be dead, right? He broke his arm and blew himself up, isn't he dead?"

He was a bit ruthless at the time, and half of Heisha's body was torn apart.

However, he did not tell this.

Yue Qingcheng said flatly: "It's hard to say. I've seen people who blew themselves up and died before."

She jumped out, looking around.

Lan Ze, on the other hand, looked at her back and fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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