Chapter 4437 Do you pay or not!

Han Tianling was stunned.

What ancestors, forget all about the back of your head.


A sudden bang!

It was the sound of punching into the flesh.


It doesn't hurt!

Han Tianling suddenly opened his eyes, looked back, and there was a person lying on the ground who was vomiting blood.

Yue Qingcheng said coldly: "What are you still doing?"

The cold sky is like falling into an ice cave.

Also fully awake.



"Master, let me help you!"

Han Tianling sacrificed his weapon.

Su Xi pulls him back.

"Okay, why don't you make more trouble, why don't you let Sai Ji out quickly?"

Han Tianling was furious, "I don't!"


his body!

"Hurry up!"

Su Xi glared at him, cautiously guarding her surroundings, her tone a little anxious.

Han Tianling was taken aback.

Then, I discovered that there seemed to be a water curtain hole behind the waterfall, and a bunch of people rushed out.

Slowly, people appeared around.

They come around.

so many people……

"Mother, Sai Ji! Sai Ji! It's you!"

He quickly changed.

Yue Qingcheng looked around leisurely.

The battle is not small.

There are hundreds of people.

More than half of them have spiritual root level cultivation.

The rest are not low in cultivation, but they seem to be relatively young.

Su Xi said angrily: "Miss Yue, some of them are divine guards and bodyguards! Others seem to be demon cultivators."

Yue Qingcheng was a little surprised.

It wasn't an accident that God Tianwei came to encircle and suppress them.


"There are so many gods and guards?"

And, everyone betrayed the God Emperor?

Yue Qingcheng couldn't help but slander, what the hell did the God Emperor do, and is there any way to control him, so many people betrayed.

Sai Hin rubbed his eyebrows.

"No, there are quite a few we don't know."

That is to say...

"Most of them were recruited later. The original gods and heaven guards were all from the fairy world, but now..."

His gaze turned and settled on someone.

"Only this person is the original God and Heavenly Guard."

The others are all from Wufangtian, or from the Three Thousand Realms.

Yue Qingcheng followed his line of sight and looked over.

It's a man with nothing special.

It is neither arrogant, domineering, nor ferocious, nor does it have any villainous temperament.

She looked away uninterestedly.

Secretly said: "Don't lie in ambush outside the city of Guilin, but come here instead? How do they know that we will pass here?"

Could it be that someone has long been guarding outside Guilin City, following them?

Her spiritual sense didn't realize that she was being followed.

Instead, it was only when I went to the waterfall that I realized it.

The man said: "Commander Sai, we have laid a net... They want me to kill you, but if you hand over the map, I can make the decision and let you go."

Sai Xie taunted: "Let us go? Are you not afraid of being questioned by them?"

That person: "Commander Sai... You have a high level of cultivation, and you handed over the map if you don't fight head-to-head. Thinking about it, everyone is satisfied with the result. When you were hunted down because of this, hand over the map. Wouldn't it be better to change it?"

Sai Xie said: "Okay, but first you answer my question."

The man stared intently.


Sai Xi: "Didn't you hear the Heavenly Clock?"

The man's complexion changed suddenly.

Pale quickly, as if faded.

The body also trembled.

He knew the subtext of Sai Ji.

Lord God Emperor...

He gritted his teeth, "That's why we have no way out. Commander Sai, we haven't seen Lord God Emperor, but don't you know his temper? Betrayers have no way out. They can only go to the dark." "

"Emperor Heaven's Secret Book, do you want to hand it in or not!"

His demeanor changed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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