Chapter 5077 The queen of entertainment (23)

Half an hour later, Jiang Tianbao handed in the papers ahead of time, and ran away in embarrassment under the eyes of the whole room, which was considered guilty of guilt.

Reporting cheating is not a big deal, but it will definitely affect the friendship of classmates.

Yue Qingcheng also handed in the paper.

He left with his schoolbag.

At this scene, even the invigilator was stunned.

They won't run out to fight, right?

The teacher flipped through the papers casually, and Jiang Tianbao's paper was largely empty, while Su Wei's paper was completely filled, and the handwriting was pretty neat.


He raised his eyes and scanned the audience.

Many people didn't even turn the pages of the test papers.

Is it cheating or a top student?

Just as he was thinking, another test paper was handed in, but before the teacher saw it clearly, the man ran away in a hurry.

The exam paper was even more empty. It must be a make-up exam. The invigilator shook his head.


Ding Yan chased him out, Jiang Tianbao had long since disappeared, but Su Wei walked slowly.

Yue Qingcheng asked in surprise: "Have you finished the exam?"

Ding Yan: "No... I thought you guys..."

Yue Qingcheng smiled, "Think I'm going to fight with her? It's no use, you have to demerit for fighting, and if I make another demerit, I might be expelled from school."

Ding Yan was embarrassed.

Had he known this, he would not have come out.

I haven't finished copying yet!

"Yi Yun, where's your cheat sheet?"

Ding Yan was also curious about this matter.

He almost killed Wu Yun at that time.

If he was caught, he would definitely lose his temper.

Yue Qingcheng said: "I threw it out of the window a long time ago. I said that I am studying hard, don't you believe it? I don't need a cheat sheet, so don't prepare it for me next time."

Ding Yan was surprised.


He thought that Su Wei was lying to him by saying that he was studying hard, and it was an excuse for not wanting to contact him. Could it be true?

It turned out to be a misunderstanding, and Ding Yan's restless mood for many days suddenly cooled down, and his heart became sweeter.

"Yi Yun, do you want to go to your parents' place?"

Yue Qingcheng bowed her head, "Ding about you find a way to tell them to go back to the countryside earlier."

Ding Yan asked in surprise, "Why?"

Yue Qingcheng said: "Actually, you can see it? They have never seen the world, and they have just arrived in a big city. I am afraid they will get your idea."

Ding Yan's heart warmed up: "I see. I heard that you have a younger brother who doesn't go to school or get married, and needs money very much..."

Yue Qingcheng said: "You don't care about them. What happens to my family has nothing to do with you. They want money, and I will work hard to make money by singing."

Ding Yan didn't answer, he changed the subject and said, "It's almost noon, let's go eat."

Yue Qingcheng refused: "I have to go back to review, there is an elective exam in the afternoon."

Ding Yan had no choice but to let her go.


"This Jiang Tianbao has so many things to do."

During lunch, Chen Xingxing commented on Jiang Tianbao in this way.

She has now taken off her mask.

The horrible crosses on both sides of the cheeks turned out to be disfigured.I moved out of the house because I was in a bad mood.

I plan to wait for the wound to heal before going abroad for plastic surgery.

But she lived here for a while, and the wound has healed long ago, and she probably hasn't recovered yet, and the matter of going abroad has been put on hold.

The reason why I took off the mask was that the wound suddenly became lighter for some reason, and the color was lighter than before.

Fearing that something would happen if he was bored any longer, he took off his mask.

Of course, this is also the reason why she was not afraid or disgusted when she observed Yue Qingcheng and saw her true face.

Now hearing what Yue Qingcheng said about the examination room, Chen Xingxing was filled with righteous indignation.

She said, "I'm going to post this on Weibo and let everyone comment on it."

(End of this chapter)

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