God Emperor's vinegar jar is turned over again

Chapter 5243 Women pretend to be men: I take the imperial examination as a favorite

Chapter 5243 Women pretend to be men: I take the imperial examination as a favorite (30)

Yue Qingcheng said: "This... Let's talk about it later. Marriage is not as interesting as being an official. Marriage is governed by the husband, the mother-in-law, the clan, and in the future, the children. There are countless moral constraints. If I When I become an official, I feel relaxed, and I will take care of others."

In fact, being an official is not very interesting, but if you choose one of the two, Yue Qingcheng will definitely be happy to be an official.

Of course, this is the case without the old ghost.

Since the old ghost is...

Oh, I don't know if he has a family yet!

If you get married, hehehehehe...

Yun Mengqing's eyes were complicated.

In this world, women come here like this, and it is a bit extreme for Saburo to say so.But it's all her own fault, who let her develop Saburo's temperament.

Now I'm afraid that when she regains her daughter's body, she will be different from other women.


While Yunmengqing was getting more and more anxious day by day, a month passed quickly, and soon it was time for the imperial examination.

Candidates enter the Golden Temple in sequence.

Tables and futons were set up in the hall, and the white test papers were pressed by inkstones.

The chief examiner in this field is the emperor.

Yue Qingcheng finally had a chance to meet the new emperor.

This person was unknown a few years ago, but he suddenly stood out and made his way to the throne, and he was still sitting firmly on the throne. He must be a ruthless character.


Yue Qingcheng: "???"

Shen Sui also saw her.

Seeing her looking over in surprise, he felt complacent, so he raised his chin slightly, and looked away from her without a trace.

Yue Qingcheng: "..."

Everyone saluted the emperor in unison.

Then according to the procedure, the emperor cared for them a few words, and then the exam started.

Yue Qingcheng is like a piece of bamboo, sitting upright and flipping through the test questions, it really is all classics, history and current policies.

It is about two to three hundred characters in eight-legged essay format, with four questions on the sentences of the Four Books and Five Classics.

However, the test questions that Yue Qingcheng encountered today were very sharp.

People's livelihood and state affairs.

Even one of the questions discusses the tax law, which greatly shakes the interests of the family.Another question asked how to be a good emperor in the hearts of the people.

How dare you answer this kind of question casually.

Furthermore, due to the limited vision, it is really not good to answer.

Yue Qingcheng is different, she has knowledge of 5000 years of history and culture.

After reading the title, she knew that what the emperor wanted at the moment was thoughtful, even radical talents, who could compete with the court's veterans who practiced the golden mean.

Trying to figure out the mind of the questioner is the quality of the respondent. After thinking about it, she knew how to answer.

With a draft in my heart, I started to solve the problem.

There are two empty spaces, starting with "I heard from my ministers", and at the end, I wrote "I am a new student, I don't know taboos, I am strict in doing things, I am invincible, and I am dying. I am right."

Start writing the answer to the first question.

"There is a saying in the policy of Fudu..."

The second, third, and fourth questions start with the four characters "system and policy". If it is more troublesome, if you encounter sensitive words such as emperor, you need to write it separately.

These are all templates, basically everyone is the same.

Yue Qingcheng was answering the question.

Suddenly, a pair of Liuyun golden boots stopped beside her, and she saw it out of the corner of her eye.

Yue Qingcheng looked up at him.

Shen Sui raised his eyebrows.

He glanced at ten lines, and found that this kid not only wrote well, but also had novel and bold content, which caught people's eyes.

Shen Sui signaled her to continue writing with his eyes.

Yue Qingcheng stopped writing.

Shen Sui: "?"

Sure enough, the words are like the person, very bold!

Shen Sui just couldn't get angry, and there were several ministers following him. If he showed displeasure, it would be detrimental to this kid's performance.After all, his attitude had a great influence on the examiners.

Shen left with a black face.

After walking a few steps and looking back, the brat started writing again.

Shen Sui: "!!!"

This kid, is he showing his face!

(End of this chapter)

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