God Emperor's vinegar jar is turned over again

Chapter 5473 Sister corpse boss, spoil me!

Chapter 5473 Sister corpse boss, spoil me! (33)

A few days later, only half of the base was left.

Most of the people who left were supernatural beings.

It's not that ordinary people don't want to go, but the journey is far away and there are bound to be dangers along the way.

And there are some ordinary people who left and came back.

It is said that Changbei Base is not as tolerant of ordinary people as Qiongnan Base.

This dispels the minds of many people.

The people from the research institute did not leave.

There were quite a few people from all walks of life who came to poach the wall, but because Dr. Leng Zhan was in the Qiongnan Base, the researchers were reluctant to leave.

Although Leng Zhan is indifferent, he doesn't get close to anyone.

Even many colleagues didn't have a chance to talk to him.

But he just had that charisma.

After all, he is the god of science.

Who doesn't want to be closer to God?


"Ago, have you made up your mind?"

On a tall building in the base, General Wen looked at the man standing by the window.

Dian Ge looked into the gray distance.

General Wen suddenly invited him over and asked him to be an instructor.

The Qiongnan base is going to be fully militarized.

The people who left before were easily shaken and had no morale, but the diggers at the Changbei base helped General Wen clean up these people.

In the eyes of General Wen, those who stay are the malleable talents.

General Wen said: "With your seniority in the army, the instructor is inferior. But at least it is a starting point, take your time."

He seemed to be cultivating Dui Ge.

However, Tiaoge asked back: "The general intends to promote the artificial crystal nucleus in the Qiongnan base?"

Comprehensive militarization is to make the supernatural beings truly disciplined and conscious soldiers.

Including, comprehensively improving the combat effectiveness of soldiers.

Artificial crystal nucleus is the fastest and fiercest shortcut.

The fact that the supernatural beings have gone so far has dealt a huge blow to the overall strength of the Qiongnan base.

It is imminent to increase the strength of soldiers and make up for the loss of supernatural beings.

General Wen said unexpectedly: "You know?"

After the data was stolen, Dr. Leng Zhan had several guards around him, and all his research topics became secrets.

Unexpectedly, Tiaoge still knew about it.

General Wen did not break the casserole to ask the end, and admitted: "That's right, Dr. Leng redid a piece of data, and produced the artificial crystal nucleus before the Changbei Base."

After a pause, he said meaningfully: "Actually, the later data of Dr. Leng is more complete. The artificial crystal nucleus is also more perfect."

Such a secret, General Wen told it to Dui Ge.

You can see the trust in him.

Diange turned around in surprise.

"You mean that the previous data has flaws and loopholes. There is a problem with the crystal core produced at the Changbei Base?"

General Wen smiled with a chrysanthemum face.

Tiao Ge pondered: "Dr. Leng did it on purpose, or..."

Or he didn't research it thoroughly before, and it still needs to be perfected, and the data happened to be stolen.


Leng Zhan deliberately allowed Changbei Base to steal wrong data.

If so, it can only be said that this person is really scary.

The Changbei base will enjoy the wonderful consequences of being a thief.

General Wen shook his head, "I don't know. The data currently in the hands of Qiongnan Base is perfect, isn't that enough?"

Diange asked: "What are the defects of the artificial crystal nucleus in the Changbei base?"

General Wen said: "Actually, I really don't know. Dr. Leng hasn't revealed anything. There may be serious consequences, or nothing may happen."

Dian Ge promised to be an instructor.

Although it is fully militarized, supernatural beings are different from ordinary people and must be managed and trained separately.

He mainly takes on the side of the supernatural beings.

Of course, the base is so big, there are still tens of thousands of people halfway through, and there are hundreds of instructors alone.

Diange is just one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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