God Emperor's vinegar jar is turned over again

Chapter 5489 Sister corpse boss, spoil me!

Chapter 5489 Sister corpse boss, spoil me! (49)

Three months later, the giant wall was half built.

The towering stone walls are very spectacular.

People with supernatural powers may not be able to climb rocks and rush up, let alone zombies with stiff movements.

Everyone is excited.

They really believed that when the giant wall was built, the base could become a paradise.

Of course...

They were too happy.


No, biological mutations broke out in another round.

For example, mosquitoes become as big as palms!

For example, long-legged fish leave the water and come to land.

For example, a giant python as tall as a small building drilled out of the ground!

For example, even the birds have become big, flying down from the sky, with sharp mouthparts that can stab people!

There are many, many more.

The basic feature is that the body size has become larger and the attack power has become stronger.

Also, they are infected states.

It looks scarier.

Someone said in horror: "It turns out that what we experienced before was not the real doomsday, what is happening now is..."

"The legend has been confirmed."

At the beginning of the outbreak of the last days, some people predicted that the arrival of the last days is the self-healing activity of the wounded earth.

Human beings who wantonly destroy the earth must pay the price. They will eventually suffer from being cleansed and extinct on the earth.

The earth will sleep, rest and restore prehistory.When it rests enough, a new round of the law of the chain of life will restart.

Now, rumors are becoming reality step by step.

"Dinosaurs have long been extinct, but creatures that can replace dinosaurs are being bred, and may have already been born."

If it is the earth itself that dominates all of this, then what is the point of the struggle of the tiny human beings now?

Countless people fell into despair.

At the same time, there was another voice——

"The earth did not intend to exterminate human beings, everything is its unconscious actions. Otherwise, the earth would not be able to endow humans with supernatural powers!"

"As long as human beings survive this round of cleansing of the earth, they will surely usher in a better tomorrow!"

However, this kind of argument fell into the sea, and it was so unconvincing amidst more and more terrifying biological mutations.

Not to mention that the huge wall of the Qiongnan base has not been built, so what if it is built.

Man is not as good as God, who would have thought that even flying creatures such as mosquitoes and birds would mutate?

If human beings want to escape this catastrophe, they can only go to outer space!

What about Noah's Ark?

does not exist!

Humanity is doomed.

The Qiongnan base has always had the best atmosphere in several bases, and now, it has also fallen into extreme addiction.

General Wen had to come forward and said on the radio: "According to research, biological zombies are different from human zombies. The timeliness of biological zombies is very limited, which seriously overdraws the functions of living things. Their lifespan is very short..."

For example, a mutated mosquito, if it does not eat, it cannot survive for three days.

just get through it...

Someone roared: "There are so many creatures in the world, but there are not many human beings, but can the size of human beings compare with all the creatures on the earth!"

"Humans have become the bottom of the food chain, and all mutated creatures feed on humans!"

"Damn it, I've become an old bacon. I never thought that there would be a day when zombies would treat me like a fresh meat..."

In order for God to destroy him, he must first make him mad.

Countless people will be driven crazy.


In such a manic atmosphere, Diange and his group traveled more and more frequently.

There are more and more zombies outside the base.

Not just on the ground, but in the air as well.

A mutated python, Tiao Ge and Fang Ping spent half an hour trying to get rid of it, and was thrown back and forth by the giant python's tail.

In the end, Yue Qingcheng killed it with mental power.

(End of this chapter)

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