God Emperor's vinegar jar is turned over again

Chapter 5610 My female ghost is super fierce!

Chapter 5610 My female ghost is super fierce! (4)

When Yue Qingcheng arrived, Jiang Cuihua was eating Lu Qian's tofu.

She spoke earnestly, but the point is that she held his hand "lovingly".

Yue Qingcheng really wanted to chop off her hand.

As a result, as soon as she entered, Jiang Cuihua exclaimed like being burned, and hurriedly pulled out the amulet around her neck.

The amulet turned black.

Jiang Cuihua looked horrified.

She looked around suspiciously, trembling with fright, she couldn't care about Lu Qian anymore, and let him go in a bad tone.

Yue Qingcheng followed Lu Qian to the bathroom.

Look at him washing his hands at least a hundred times.

Almost broke my hands.

"Why don't I kill her for you?"

Yue Qingcheng's eyes were gloomy, and she played with his bangs.

I don't mind if people can't hear you.

Lu Qian washed his face again, and returned to the laboratory with a gloomy expression.

The experiment lasted another morning.

Yue Qingcheng was really bored reading his books on structure, so she went to chat with Laohuaishu again.

"Give me one of your fine woods, and I will help you cultivate."

The old locust tree was frightened to death.

Its fine wood is so valuable, it only grows one centimeter a year.One can be more than 100 years old.

The old locust tree was unwilling.

Yue Qingcheng said: "If you're lucky, you can recover within a year. If you refuse, I'll go find the loquat tree at the east gate."

The old pagoda tree found her very insidious.

In the whole school, it and the old loquat are old things, and they are fighting for the position of the boss, and no one accepts the other.

"How do you know how to practice? It's still our weird way of cultivation."

It still lived for a long time before it gave birth to sanity.

There is no inheritance at all.

Only by accumulating strength little by little can we have today's wisdom.

It also didn't see any special cultivation methods of other ghosts.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, not many spirits have appeared.In fact, there were not many before the founding of the People's Republic of China.

It wants to learn something, but there is no place to learn it.

Yue Qingcheng: "A fine piece of wood."

The old locust tree struggled for a moment, and gave her a piece of fine wood in pain.

Yue Qingcheng got in immediately.

Sure enough, it was much more comfortable than being in Su Mei's ghost body.

Jingmu flew up, and there was a miniature spirit gathering array on the trunk of the old locust tree.

Yue Qingcheng said: "Okay, this is the Spirit Gathering Formation, you grow some leaves to cover it, so that those metaphysicians don't see it."

The old locust tree looked deceived, "I don't feel anything at all. I thought you would teach me some secrets!"

Yue Qingcheng: "Take your time, there is little aura in the world. At night, you can see the strength you have accumulated in a day, and it must be more than you usually accumulate in ten days."

Simple old pagoda tree: "...Oh."

After saying this, Yue Qingcheng asked it about Lu Qian and Jiang Cuihua.

The old locust tree said: "That good man of the tenth life is always taken advantage of by that old woman. It's an unspoken rule, you understand? If a good man doesn't act as her periphery, she won't let him graduate."

Yue Qingcheng: "You know a lot of little words. The old woman carries amulets with her everywhere. Usually, few normal people do this. Does she always do bad things, afraid of being found by ghosts?"

The old pagoda tree said: "No? Bad is pretty bad, and the character is not good, otherwise we can't embarrass a male student like this. But no one was killed. It's just that she has been very unlucky recently, and she often has accidents, maybe because of this , to wear the amulet."

Yue Qingcheng thought about it, and she really didn't see any traces of being entangled by ghosts on Jiang Cuihua's body.

As for being unlucky...

Could it be that he was punished by heaven because he offended the good people of the ten generations?

(End of this chapter)

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