God Emperor's vinegar jar is turned over again

Chapter 6359 Bold male concubine, proud of being favored!

Chapter 6359 Bold male concubine, proud of being favored! (33)

Shi Jing thought that I had the antidote in my pocket.

It's a pity that His Royal Highness the Third Princess never left her, even though he had the antidote at hand and couldn't take it at will.

She wouldn't have seen through his tricks and tricks long ago, and deliberately lured the enemy into deep, to take him down in one fell swoop, right?

Shi Jing was uneasy.

Fortunately, things did not develop as he imagined.

Yue Qingcheng ordered people to pour water on him to detoxify him desperately, and at the same time ordered them to rush to find a doctor.

After making a fuss for a long time, Shi Jing was finally pulled back from the gate of hell.

Because of this, Yue Qingcheng was unable to return to the palace.

He simply lived outside and guarded Shi Jing all night.

Only he himself knew how painful the poisoned Shi Jing was that night.

When she left the next day, the people in the courtyard became chaotic.


The leader is poisoned!

Although the doctor had detoxified the leader last night, they were worried after all.

"Fortunately, the leader has deep internal strength, otherwise, how can he survive?"

The subordinates said with lingering fear.

Neither of them could have imagined that the third princess is invulnerable to all poisons.Poisoning her is useless!

Even if Huahua successfully poisoned her last time, it's useless.

If I knew it earlier, why did the leader take the trick of poisoning.Instead of hustling away the third princess, she hustled herself.

They discussed in a few words.

Shi Jing was feeling annoyed, he had always planned everything out, but every time he met the third princess, everything would go wrong.

He was furious when he heard it, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Finally got rid of the poison.

"Boss, the third princess has ordered a thorough investigation of this matter, what should we do?"

Shi Jing wiped the blood stains from the corners of his lips, and said in a cold voice: "Blood cannot be shed in vain, it would be a pity not to use this matter...and plant it on the eldest princess!"

"Could it be that the leader wants...to make the eldest princess and the third princess have conflicts?"

Shi Jing nodded lightly.

The eldest princess is defiant, and the third princess has been a little domineering recently, so let these two touch each other first.

As for how to frame and frame the eldest princess, it is not something that can be done just by talking.

Only after careful calculation and the use of various false evidences can this lie be realized and the finger of the matter be pointed at the Eldest Empress.

This is not difficult for the men's army.

They have long experience, not the first time to do this kind of thing.

The third princess really believed it!

"I didn't expect it to be big sister! I don't have any conflict of interest with her, why would she treat me like this. It doesn't matter if you hurt me, but if you hurt you, Shi Jing, I won't forgive her."

Shi Jing's heart: What's the use of not forgiving, get up and kill the woman who poisoned your concubine!

He sighed, and said: "Third Highness, the eldest princess may not be targeting you, maybe she is targeting me..."

Yue Qingcheng: "Huh? Could it be that she knows that you are a descendant of the Yan family?"

Shi Jing shook her head, "No. It's just that I have some personal enmity with her."

Yue Qingcheng: "What?"

After his explanation, Yue Qingcheng finally knew that he had a twin brother who had served the empress dowager in the palace.

After that, he went to serve the eldest princess.

Then die.

The male waiter was the one who caused the dispute between the empress dowager and the empress dowager earlier, Yue Qingcheng wanted to see him, because the empress dowager admired his appearance too much.

It's a pity that Yue Qingcheng went to the military camp to exercise for half a month, and then he heard that the male servant was fragrant, so he didn't see him.

Yue Qingcheng sighed and said, "So he is your elder brother."

But I was thinking in my heart, I am afraid that this is the same as the "I Have a Friend" series, the so-called elder brother is yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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