God Emperor's vinegar jar is turned over again

6520 - My little cutie and the big devil

Chapter 6520 My little cutie and the big devil (27)

What a temper tantrum.

Yue Qingcheng was directly pulled over by him.

There is no one to wait on the meal.

Probably because the ghost king Changcheng didn't want to show his face.

But the meals are all set.

The two ghost kings are here, and the food is quite delicious.

Yue Qingcheng chatted with Ghost King Hu Nian while analyzing the recipes of these meals.

The chopsticks held by Ghost King Changcheng were suspected to be deformed.

"I can't eat!"

he said with great patience.

Yue Qingcheng and Ghost King Humian ignored him.

But in fact, there is no real content to talk about. After all, Yue Qingcheng has a special status. He is neither a fairy official nor a person from the devil world. It means that he has traveled outside the three realms.

But she was once a fairy official.

With this layer of scruples, it is impossible for Ghost King Humian to talk too intimately with her.

Besides, without these things, it seems that a person of his level would not talk about important things with her.So, they are just talking about the weather, the customs and the people.

Even so, the ghost king Changcheng still couldn't bear it.

Tell her to stop talking!

Is it so difficult to control your mouth?

"You guys interrupted my meal."

Ghost King Changcheng once again issued a runaway warning.

Yue Qingcheng: "Okay, okay."

Look soft.

The brows of the ghost king Chang Cheng slightly lowered, which means she is acquainted.

However, Yue Qingcheng's next sentence told him to grind his teeth.

She said: "Master Fox Face, let's talk in detail later, huh?"

Ghost King Changcheng: "!!!"

While eating, Yue Qingcheng looked at the Ghost King Fox Noodles.

She was sure he felt the same way she did.

Looking at her, he will be unable to extricate himself.

Ghost King Fox has a good face, allowing her to look at her, even if he looks at her unintentionally, there will be no embarrassment.

In the eyes of Chang Cheng, this scene is so dazzling.

Want to gouge out their eyes!

In front of his face, make eye contact, huh?

After dinner, several people drank tea to remove the smell.

Yue Qingcheng chatted with Ghost King Humian again.

And they have already found something to talk about, which is medicinal materials.

As the master of the Nether Forest, Ghost King Humian has a good understanding of medicinal materials, and because there are many medicinal materials that Yue Qingcheng has never touched, but she is very familiar with pharmacology, it is worth talking about.

The two chatted with relish.

Ghost King Changcheng didn't say a word.

Of course, he doesn't bother!


After a while, he slammed the teacup on the table and got up, "I'm leaving!"

Yue Qingcheng waved her hand, "Walk slowly and don't see you off."

Continue to look at Ghost King Humian, as if wanting to have an in-depth chat.

Ghost King Changcheng opened his eyes.

The flames burned vigorously.

Humian smiled dumbly, and said, "Ah Yue, I still have business to deal with, otherwise, the Changcheng will burn down my entire palace."

Yue Qingcheng had no choice but to get up and say goodbye.

And said whether he could come to be a guest next time.

Ghost King Humian naturally agreed.

The ghost king Changcheng walked in front, and Yue Qingcheng was behind.

He seems to be losing his temper.

However, Yue Qingcheng didn't seem to have any reason to coax him, she just thought it was funny.

At the gate, the ghost king took a long ride to stop.

At this moment, his face was already shrouded in red mist, making it hard to see clearly.

Yue Qingcheng passed by him, thought for a while, and nodded to him politely, "We will meet later, Lord Ghost King."

Then, leave calmly.

After walking a few steps and looking back, the ghost king Changcheng was gone.

"Tianshu, why are you here?"

Don't tell him to stay away, after all, it's too close to Ghost King Humian's territory, so it's not safe.

Tianshu said: "I don't trust you."

If she doesn't come out again, he's going in.

Yue Qingcheng said: "Yuan Jie got it, let's go back."

She took out Yuan Jie and shook it.

Suddenly, a big hand came over and snatched Yuan Yu away.

As soon as Yue Qingcheng turned sideways, she saw a chariot floating in the air, and the ghost king Changcheng was holding the Yuanzhu plant.

(End of this chapter)

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