Chapter 972 Feng Ling Auction (2)

The arrival of these people caused quite a commotion.

Yue Qingcheng and Di Bugu sat in front, so they didn't care.

However, the strong fragrance of those people made Yue Qingcheng feel a little uncomfortable. What kind of woman is dressed so flamboyantly?

Moreover, that smell seems to have been smelled somewhere.

Looking back, I was a little stunned.

How many men are there?

At this time, those people looked at her inexplicably, smiled and nodded at her.

Yue Qingcheng: "..."

The air conditioner suddenly appeared beside him.

Holding Yue Qingcheng's petite face with both hands, she turned her head away.

Yue Qingcheng blinked her eyes, and looked at a certain jealous man in puzzlement.

Di Bugu smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, and he glanced in the direction of those people.


It was only at a close distance that one could see how handsome the man was, but his stern temperament made him unable to lift his head.

Those people looked away with pale faces and looked elsewhere.

Di Bugu withdrew his gaze lightly.

Yue Qingcheng: "..."

The scene of jealousy here naturally fell into the eyes of many people at the banquet.

Like Yue Qingcheng, they were a little embarrassed.

Is that man with a handsome appearance like a god, jealous because the petite boy glanced at those people, or is he simply not used to their attitude?

If it's the former, it's unbelievable.

The one who should be jealous should be that petite boy, everyone knows that the handsome man is the focus!

If it wasn't for him, who would pay attention to that pretty young man?

If it is the latter, it is reasonable.

Those men with "quiet" demeanor, as long as they are from the city, they all know their true identities!

They don't like it either!

The girls in the arena spontaneously obeyed their wishes and would rather believe the latter.

Their gazes swept across Yue Qingcheng's slightly protruding throat and her flat chest, confirming her man's identity.

If that handsome man likes that petite boy, they should poke their eyes. They are still pretty, what face do they have to live in this world?

The whispering voice made Yue Qingcheng feel a little weird and slightly displeased.

Her cultivation base was getting higher and higher, and because of her spiritual power, her hearing power was also beyond ordinary people, and those discussions that lowered her voice naturally fell into her ears intact.

"Don't pay attention to those idlers."

Di Bugu patted her head habitually.

What does he like and what does it matter to others?

He is willing to pick the stars and the moon for her, and he will not cast even an unintentional glance at those ordinary people.

Yue Qingcheng didn't speak, and the auction started.

One after another, the rare and rare treasures were carried out for auction, diverting everyone's attention from Di Bugu.

Those who bid are naturally mostly from the powerful families of Feng Kingdom.

Yue Qingcheng slowly revealed the things about Fengguo that Hu Shuixian had told her, bit by bit. The relatively powerful family in Fengguo left a clear impression in her heart.

As for the items auctioned on the stage, they also overlapped with the knowledge she saw in the library, which increased her knowledge a lot.

However, it wasn't enough to get her excited enough to make an offer.

Finally, with the passage of time, just when the interested people thought they were just taking a look and would not bid, Yue Qingcheng finally saw something that moved her heart!

In other words, he finally saw what the strange fire needed!

"want to?"

Di Bugu asked softly.

Others couldn't see the abnormality in her body, but Di Bugu, who was always on her body and was extremely sensitive to her body temperature, could feel it very clearly because of that little bit of warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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