Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1 Wedges

Chapter 1 Wedges

The south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery is old.At sunrise, the river flowers are more red than fire, and in spring, the river water is as green as blue.Can you not remember Jiangnan?

The beauty of Jiangnan is known all over the world, and no one needs to comment on it.

But no matter how good the place is, staying for a long time will make people feel boring, and Gongliang is like this.

Gongliang studied at Zhejiang University before, and wandered in this city after graduation.

He went to college at twenty and graduated at twenty-four.In a blink of an eye, at the age of 24, he has grown from a ignorant rookie to a veteran, but still achieves nothing and has nothing.


Some people say that when a person reaches [-], if he does not have hundreds of thousands of savings in his pocket, a house, a car, or a girl, then his life will be a failure.

Very helpless, he is this kind of person.

Most of the reasons for this have to do with his character.

He is lazy, introverted, quiet and doesn't move, and likes an unrestrained life.So, as soon as he graduated, he started his career in writing novels.His novels are lukewarm, and he earns 4000 to [-] yuan a month. If he saves a little, he still has a few cents left to spend on drinking and drinking.

In this way, he is very content.

Because he is introverted and doesn't like to socialize, he doesn't have much contact with friends.

So his daily life is basically getting up in the morning, washing his face, cooking, eating, and writing novels; going to bed at noon, getting up, writing novels until the last supper at night.It's like this every day, it's the same, there's nothing redeeming about it.However, occasionally when he gets tired, he will go out for a stroll and travel to a farther place. Sometimes he feels that his health is getting worse and he will exercise, but unfortunately it does not last long.

His life is like a glass of plain water, plain and without any bright spots.

Thirty, in the eyes of the young man, he is already an old man.

Most of the hearts of old men are sullen and wild.

If counting the 90 years of a person's life, Gong Liang has already spent one-third of his life.

One third!

Gong Liang opened the curtains, and it was a sunny day outside. He turned his head to look at the bed, computer, wardrobe, and bookshelf inside. These were all he had.It's okay to mix life like this.He could have gone on like this forever, but he suddenly didn't want to.He felt that he could change to another way of life, instead of being as boring as he is now, living like a pool of stagnant water.

He wants to leave the city, he wants to wander around and imprint his footprints in every corner of the world.

He thought that he could write novels to earn money while traveling. If he was in a good mood, he would find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live in; The snail lives in this square inch.

It's decided, it's time to go.

Early the next morning, he took a car to Yanguan Town, Haining. It was the time of the astronomical tide, and the waves kept hitting the shore, splashing countless water splashes.After admiring it for a moment, he packed his bags and headed south.

He set off from here to walk along the seashore with both feet.

He didn't know if he would return to the original point. Maybe this journey was very tiring and bitter, but it didn't matter. He didn't want to regret that his life had no wonderful things when he was old.

He wanted to say that he had no regrets.

Half a month later, he came to Weijiao, Zhangzhou Town, Fujian.

The scenery here is different from that of Zhejiang. From a distance, a cluster of dark shadows can be seen in the misty place, which should be Wanwan!According to local elders, the two sides of the Strait are very close. In the past, some people floated down the river to the bay in a wooden pot covered with a large pot of rice. I don't know if it is true or not.

At night, he slept in a forest by the sea, listening to the sound of the waves, and his heart was peaceful.

Outside the earth, the meteorological satellites suddenly monitored the sudden change of clouds over Fujian, forming a vortex.

The sleeping Gong Liang suddenly woke up from his dream. He had just dreamed that he was sleeping on the edge of a cliff and accidentally fell off.Walking out of the woods, he saw an astonishing scene.In the night, a white line hangs down from the sky, and a vortex bulges on the sea surface, and the water flows straight into the sky with the vortex, forming a swirling water column.

Dragons suck water.

He didn't expect that he was so lucky that he could see the dragon sucking water, so he quickly picked up his mobile phone to take a picture.

Damn, I suddenly realized something was wrong, that thing seemed to be coming to my side.

He hurriedly ran away, but it was a pity that man was no match for the force of nature after all, the dragon sucked water and quickly approached him and sucked him up.He spun in the water column absorbed by the dragon, turning higher and higher, straight up to the sky.Only then did he realize that the night sky was so beautiful, and the stars were blinking at him like innocent fairies.

But these are not what he wants to see. Even if he wants to see them, he has to stand on the ground instead of floating in the sky.

help!Daoist Sanqing, Jade Emperor, Sister Mo Niang, the Holy Mother of Heaven, Emperor Baosheng, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who saves suffering and suffering, help!Otherwise, foreign gods, gods, and the Virgin Mary can come and save them.

It's over now, will it be smashed into meat sauce, and there won't be even ashes left by then!

Thinking wildly, the power of the dragon to absorb water was gradually weakening, and his body fell sharply because of this.

"Help, help!"

He danced with his hands and feet, and yelled in embarrassment.

Suddenly, he found that there was a vast jungle below. In the forest, there was a sunken canyon like an extinct volcano. There was no tree around it, and a huge rock stood in the middle, and the direction he fell happened to be that rock.

"It's over."

Gong Liang muttered to himself and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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