Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 100 The Star Comes from the Sea

Chapter 100 The Star Comes from the Sea


Yuan Gungun pointed to a large plate of steamed white pheasants on the table with a spoon, indicating that it wanted to eat.

Gongliang poured some more on it.

Not to be outdone, the little chicken yelled at a plate of braised pork.

Gongliang had no choice but to pour a little for it too.

Only then did he feel something was wrong.

Why do I look a bit like the "shit shoveler" in my previous life?Originally, they ate on the ground and left after eating.Now when they finish eating, they bark when they see something on the table, but they have to get something for them instead.After eating, the two guys patted their butts and left. They had to wash the dishes and cook for them. They didn't feel like a boss, but became the super nanny of the two guys.

The more I think about it, the more it is wrong, I have to find something for the two guys to do, otherwise how can I bring out the presence of my boss?

So, from this day on, after eating every day, Gongliang asked the two of them to wash the dishes and clean the table, and asked them to mop the floor every few days.

Yuangungun and Xiaoji only felt that the sky was covered with dark clouds, and they both felt that their lives were miserable and unhappy.

However, under Gongliang's threat not to give them food, they could only do as he said.After getting used to it, it doesn't feel like a big deal.

The afternoon sun is always so refreshing. Today, Gongliang rarely gave himself a vacation, so he took the two little guys to the beach to play.

Lying on the beach, looking at the clouds and clouds, is so comfortable and so leisurely.Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji were completely taken away by him, and they also lay down like him, completely forgetting their identities in the world of beasts.The sky was blue and boundless, and a few silly white clouds slowly drifted past, bringing some shade to the people below.

A ferocious bird flew from the forest in the distance, hovered on the sea for a while, then suddenly lowered its head and fell towards the sea.

Suddenly, a water column drilled out from the sea surface, covered the vicious bird, fell down immediately, and disappeared.

Gong Liang sat up immediately when he saw it, and Yuan Gun Gun hurriedly hid behind him in fright, and then sneaked out his head to look forward.The little chicken stood by and watched stupidly.

What was that just now?

He seemed to see something coming out of the sea, but it was too fast to see what it was.

Anyway, he also lived by the sea for several months, but he had never seen such a big thing.He still has to wait here for Yuanqiao to appear, and he is really worried if he doesn't figure it out, the risk factor is too high, what if this thing suddenly emerges from the sea one day?I thought the seaside was full of peace and tranquility, but I didn't expect it to be so dangerous.

At that moment, he quickly got up and walked to the shore, and then took out a large piece of pickled animal meat from the fruit space.

Looking at the direction where the fierce bird fell just now, he threw it hard.

The strength of the hand was just right, the animal meat reached the position of the fierce bird just now, lost its forward momentum and fell into the sea.At this moment, a shadow suddenly drilled out of the sea, bit the animal meat, and quickly sank into the sea.

Gong Liang stared at the shadow closely, and finally saw what it was.

It should be the giant turtle he caught in Yanbu, but it looks different, it is white-headed.It's also strange, but I've never seen this kind of giant white-headed turtle here before. Could it be that it just came here recently?He suddenly remembered what the former shaman said in his notes, "On a full moon day, the stars in the sea will come, and the turtle bridge will appear."

Could it be that the "Yellow Turtle Bridge" mentioned in it is the giant bald-headed turtle.

If so, then be prepared to leave.Because looking at the moon last night, it was not far from the full moon.

In order to prevent the former witch from saying that the full moon was this time, in the next few days, he went to hunt and kill some beast meat as food storage.

It is worth mentioning that the three-color rice in the fruit space is already ripe, but he found a very serious problem, that is, he does not have a mortar and pestle for pounding rice.Originally, he could make one temporarily, but this time the full moon may be the time to leave.He didn't dare to be careless, so he could only wait until he had time to talk about it later.

But since the thing is cooked, how can you not taste it.

He rubbed some three-color rice with his hands, and after throwing away the husks, it was just enough for a bowl.

After cooking, there are a lot of them.Smell it, it tastes delicious, and it makes people appetite.

Unexpectedly, after seeing that idiot Yuan Gun Gun, he clamored to eat it too.With it taking the lead, the chick chirped and chirped.I had no choice but to score some of them. In the end, I only had less than one bowl left, which was not enough to satisfy my greed.

You said that he worked so hard to rub rice, cook rice and stir-fry vegetables, but in the end the food he cooked was not enough for himself, so what's the point of him rubbing that rice.

So, he stopped rubbing at all, turned over the ground with a hoe, and after planting the three-color rice, he saved the remaining three-color rice.

Yuan Gungun liked the smell of fragrant rice, but Gongliang didn't do it, which made him resentful, and he had to cry a few times to protest his dissatisfaction when eating every day.

Time passed quickly, and it was almost time for the full moon.Today, Gongliang finished his meal early, and while it was still dark, he went to wait by the seaside to see if there was any turtle bridge.

As the last bright red sunset sank into the sea, the sky gradually darkened, and the shadow of a full moon began to appear on the far side of the mountain.

At this time, the surface of the sea suddenly changed, and I saw little by little blue lights slowly swimming from a distance, at first there were one or two, then a group of two groups, and finally a piece of two pieces.After a while, the blue light filled the entire sea surface.Looking from a distance, it looks like the stars in the sky have fallen into the sea, and the sea surface becomes fantastic and gorgeous, making people feel like they are in a fairyland.

According to the knowledge Gongliang obtained in his previous life, those blue lights are actually a bioluminescent phenomenon.

The so-called bioluminescence phenomenon refers to the process in which organisms convert chemical energy into light energy and release it through certain chemical reactions in the body.

The glow of fireflies is the best-known form of bioluminescence.There are quite a variety of bioluminescent organisms in seawater, from single-celled dinoflagellates to coelenterates such as luminescent jellyfish, annelids such as marine polychaetes, molluscs such as various luminous cephalopods, and even arthropod krill and Hai Ying et al.

Gongliang didn't know what the blue light was, so he went to the beach curiously to have a look. It turned out to be a luminous jellyfish.

Yuan Gungun was very curious about the glowing things in the sea, and stretched out his paws to grab it, but was kicked by Gong Liang.

These things are said to be poisonous, what if they are poisoned to death?

Yuan Gungun didn't know his kindness, and screamed angrily and dissatisfied.

While he wasn't paying attention, the chick grabbed one and got up, opened its intestines two or three times, and seemed to be dead, but the meat was still wriggling on the beach, looking so pitiful.

After a while, the full moon finally rose from the side of the mountain, blooming with infinite splendor.

(End of this chapter)

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