Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 102 The Ancient Star Tree

Chapter 102 The Ancient Star Tree

After a while, Gongliang woke up, and the feeling of dizziness disappeared, replaced by a freshness that he had never felt before.

The mind is even clearer, and the gradually forgotten images of the previous life are now like a movie film, passing by frame by frame.


Suddenly, he discovered a strange scene, he could actually see his own blood vessels, flesh, internal organs, and the meridians running Qi and blood.

Looking carefully, there is an air between Ren Du, the upper one goes up, and the lower one goes down, like rivers and rivers, moving slowly and continuously.Observing for a while along the direction of the flow of zhenqi, he found that there seemed to be a glimmer of light at the position between the eyebrows in front of his forehead, so he cast his eyes unconsciously.

Suddenly eyes darkened.

When the light was restored again, consciousness had already appeared in a misty space, with a ball of flames floating in it, and a circle of ice crystals and jade dew surrounding it.

Gongliang thought: What is this place? How does Yanhuo look like the ancestral god Yanhuo I saw in the tribe.

Curious in my heart, I couldn't help but look at Yanhuo, and suddenly, a picture appeared in my mind.

Between a drowsy world.There is confusion in the sky, and a forest on the ground. In the forest, a giant beast is chasing a group of wolves and hunters.Then, a ball of flames fell from the muddy sky, hitting the giant beast just in time.The flames were extremely hot, and the giant beast was burned to death instantly, leaving only a forest of ashes and a pile of white ashes.The hunters were grateful for Dade's kowtow and worship, and brought the remaining sparks back to the family to worship.

From then on, the flame that fell from the sky became the totem ancestor god of the hunter clan.

"Isn't this the relief mural I saw in the ancestral temple?" Gong Liang asked in surprise.

The screen continues.

In the open space of His Majesty the Ancestor God, a huge group of blue flames floated on the dark black wood. Suddenly, a large amount of green smoke poured in. After absorbing the green smoke, the dark blue flames became bigger and bigger, and finally burst open, splitting into a large area. A small or two flames.The small ones inhabit the dark wood, while the large ones float in the empty space underground, wandering around.

At this time, Gongliang who was in the ancestral temple just had a glimmer of consciousness.It immediately flew over curiously following the consciousness, and arrived in the space between the eyebrows.

Seeing this picture, Gongliang couldn't help but smile wryly. It turned out that it was his own fault.

Yanhuo settled in the space between the eyebrows, but he was also safe, and even helped the tribe survive the catastrophe.Through its perspective, Gongliang saw everything he had experienced, as well as the formation of ice crystals and jade dew.

It's just that he is very strange, ice crystal jade dew is something that makes people become smarter after eating, so how could it appear in his mind?There is such a miraculous change, which is really strange.

One picture after another flew by quickly, making Gong Liang re-read his own experience.

Suddenly, the screen turned, and the consciousness appeared in the empty underground space again. The Youlan flame clone living on the dark black wood became bigger, absorbing the wisps of green smoke floating down from above, as if feeling something, Youlan The flame kept swaying his body, and Gongliang could actually feel joy from it.

The screen changed, and a picture of worshiping Yanhuo in the ancestral temple appeared.

The witches and tribal warriors danced the wild ancient dance, and the old man beside him sang the passionate ancient tunes passed down from generation to generation.

Seeing that Wu's aging body danced as lightly as a young boy, Gongliang felt for the first time that being a tribe's witch not only required a wealth of knowledge, it seemed that it was also a physical job.

After a while, the worship was over and the crowd dispersed.He could even hear everyone whispering.I don't think it's weird, could it be that I really came to a sacrificial ceremony in person, and I'm clearly here, how did I get there?Suddenly, the screen turned, and I returned to the original misty space. For some reason, there was a slight connection between myself and Yanhuo, and I seemed to be able to feel what it was thinking.

Looking at its swaying posture at this time, it is clearly full of infinite joy.

Gong Liang quietly raised his consciousness as if he was treating Yuan Gun Gun and the chick, touched it, and instantly felt a sense of joy from Yan Huo, just like Yuan Gun Gun was when he was a child.

He was also lucky to get it before Yan Huo Chu became conscious.The current Yanhuo is like a baby, a piece of white paper; if Yanhuo waits until he grows up, contacts countless creatures, and generates his own complete consciousness before he touches it, he will definitely be burned to death by Yanhuo.

After touching it, Gongliang looked at the ice crystal jade dew surrounding Yanhuo.

At this time, the ice crystal jade dew has condensed to as many as eleven drops, overlapping each other, forming an ice crystal jade terrace like a lotus platform.

When Gongliang touched it lightly, it was icy cold, and his consciousness became a little clearer.

There is nothing in the misty space except Yanhuo and ice crystal jade dew.After staying there for a while, Gongliang felt bad and wanted to go out, but how?Thinking about it in my heart, suddenly it went dark, and I came out of the misty space, and the picture of internally looking at the meridians of flesh and blood still appeared in front of my eyes.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the two-leaf tree and the fruit space that had been staying in the dantian, so he looked at the dantian.

In the dantian, the two-leaf tree is rooted in nothingness, and the fruit hangs under a leaf.He found that the two-leaf tree seemed to be much older than the last time he saw it, and the fruit seemed to be a little bigger.

I don't know if it's an illusion.Looking carefully, a whirlpool suddenly came from the two-leaf tree, sucking him in.My eyes suddenly went dark, and I couldn't see anything anymore.

When he woke up again, he found himself floating in chaos, surrounded by haze, like the beginning of the world, beside him was a vigorous old tree with two leaves connecting the sky and the earth, on which hung a fruit that was much bigger than the fruit in his dantian .

Perhaps, this can no longer be called a fruit, but a planet.

Suddenly, a ray of cold light spread from a very far away, filling the entire land of chaos in an instant.Wherever the ray of light passes, all things are wiped out, and the clouds disappear.

The two-leaf tree was no exception, and was swept away by the cold light, leaving only the big fruit of the planet.The fruit just floated in the void like this, and for some reason, it became smaller and smaller, turning into a black bead.Later, there were creatures, trees, and rivers in the chaos, and the black beads fell from the void and were buried by the soil until they met Gongliang.

This is the past and present of Two Leaf Tree. Like Yanhuo, he told Gongliang about his experience through perception.

The black bead is actually the essence seed condensed from the planet-sized fruit of the previous two-leaf tree. Its mission is to breed the two-leaf tree again, and the mission of the two-leaf tree that grows is to produce fruit and feed it with its own nutrients. Let it grow.When the fruit grows up, it will be absorbed by the fruit and disappear, just like the black bead seed.

If one day, the fruit space is shattered, the fruit will turn into black bead seeds again, wandering in the mundane world until it is discovered by people.

The two-leaf tree has a name, the ancient star tree.The fruit above also has a name, called star seeds.

As long as there is enough energy to provide growth, the space inside the fruit can grow infinitely until it becomes a real star.

The growth of star seeds requires plundering a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, which is why they were tabooed by the world and fell into the mortal world. I don't know how many epochs passed, but they were actually obtained by Gongliang.

Coming out of the ancient tree of stars, Gong Liang sighed endlessly. Although the picture of the ancient tree of stars only records its life, why isn't it telling the growth story of an ordinary person?

(End of this chapter)

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