Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1042 Spirit Valley Ball Competition

Chapter 1042 Spirit Valley Ball Competition ([-])

The little six-legged mackerel has six legs, and it must be very powerful if it is used to play football.

It's a pity that the Linggu Ball is rushing towards the opponent's position with its hands, and its extra feet are useless here.

Of course, that doesn't mean it's useless, at least it runs fast.In the forbidden formation, his running speed is about the same as Li'er.Therefore, it was arranged by the daughter to deal with Li'er.It's just that Li'er not only runs fast, but is also alive and kicking. He is here and there at one moment, making it hard to guard against.


Suddenly, the Spirit Valley Ball landed in front of it.

Xiao Liuzi felt that luck had come, and immediately stood up, holding the ball with two front feet and rushing towards the opponent's field.

It's a pity that after running a few steps, it was tripped by someone, and it staggered to the ground, and then kicked by someone who didn't know who kicked it to the side.The spirit valley ball held on both feet also fell to the ground.

The murderer who caused all this was Mi Gu.

She had been staring at the falling spirit grain ball, but she didn't expect that it would succeed if it was taken away by the six-legged fish, so she immediately snatched it back unceremoniously.

In the rugby games that Gong Liang had watched before, the little guy would have been banned by a red card for his behavior, but in this playful game, who cares about you, it’s just fun.

Seeing that it was Mi Gu, Little Six could only roll to the side helplessly, it couldn't deal with Mi Gu.

As soon as Migu got the ball, he rushed to the opponent's position.

Although she is small, she has a strong body and hard armor. She runs like a tiger out of the gate, almost unstoppable.

When the ink turtle saw it, it retracted its head and tail claws into the shell, and rolled over.

The hard tortoise shell blocked Mi Gu's front, finally stopping her rushing body.Mi Gu glanced around, his good friends were all outside, unable to support him, he could only rely on himself.Immediately, he jumped up, stepped on the turtle shell, and continued to rush forward.

But after running a few steps, his body was entangled by the long claws of the octopus that came after him.

Looking down, Xiao Mao Maotou from the same team was right next to him, and quickly threw the ball over.

Little Maomao caught the ball and threw it to Li'er beside him.

After Li'er caught it, he immediately grabbed the ball and rushed towards the opponent's goal.People from the same team rushed over to surround him and protect him.

The female and female aquarium caught up quickly, and the octopus also let go of its long claws that were entangled with Migu, and followed.

Seeing this guy again, Mi Gu made a mark in his heart and ran over quickly.

Li'er rushed out of the goal, didn't rush to throw the ball, first directed his companions to rush towards the goal, and then grabbed the Linggu ball and threw it over.The ball fell slowly, and it was about to hit the net, but I saw the little white dragon whale swiping towards it, and slapped the Linggu ball out.

Nunnv and the others just caught up, quickly caught the Linggu ball, and threw it back.

Li'er and the others quickly chased after him, and Mi Gu, who was about to chase him, also hurriedly turned back.

Hu Channa, who was always behind, caught the Linggu ball and pushed it towards the opponent's position.In front of the goal, the tiger snakehead moved its tail and swept the Linggu ball to the left.

Wang quickly moved to the left, but unfortunately, although the snakehead's tail slapped the Linggu ball, it only touched it lightly, then turned around and slapped towards the lower right corner of the goal.

Seeing the Linggu ball flying towards the goal, it was too late to run over.With a swoop, the finger just reached the Linggu ball.It's a pity that it's useless, the Linggu ball flew past its finger, and got into the net.

"Whoa, we won, we won."

The women and the other aquariums shouted excitedly.

Mi Gu pouted, very unhappy.

The same goes for Li'er and others.

Suddenly, the little guy rolled his eyes, walked into the aquarium with air, and spit out a mouthful of water at the octopus.

The poisonous saliva fell on the body and penetrated into the octopus's body, making it unable to move.What's even more frightening is that it feels as if countless ants and insects are gnawing on its body, which is painful and itchy.For a moment, his whole body twitched, looking very painful.

"Gu Gu, how can you spit out a little bit of water?" the girl said in amazement.

"It grabs its tail."

Mi Gu explained solemnly: "Only Papa can catch my tail, no one else can."

"We are a competition, and the competition cannot spit water."

"You can't catch your tail in a game."

Gong Liang saw the two teams huddled together as if they were arguing, so he came over and asked, "What's going on?"

"Gongliang, Gu Gu spits on the little one." The daughter and daughter complained.

"Huh..." Mi Gu raised his chin proudly, not afraid at all.

Gongliang looked at the octopus, which was twitching in pain, and said, "Migu, why are you spitting water on it? You are friends, good friends can't spitting water."

When Migu heard what Papa said, he said innocently: "Papa, it grabs my tail, and I spit water on it. Only Papa can catch my tail, and no one can catch my tail."

"Okay, okay, just let them stop grabbing your tail in the future, detoxify it quickly."

Gongliang felt that this little guy was playing the game as an excuse after losing the game, how could this work, no one would be willing to play with her in the future.But he didn't know that the little guy didn't treat these aquariums as friends in his heart, especially the octopus that grabbed her tail, and she almost wanted to roast her.The only one she likes most is papa, and papa also likes her the most.

When Mi Gu heard Papa's words, he reluctantly detoxified the octopus.

Once detoxified, the octopus collapsed to the ground, and a foul-smelling liquid kept coming out of its body, probably sweat.

In order to appease it, his daughter and other aquariums, Gong Liang took out a top-grade Spirit Beast Pill and gave it a drink, and promised to make a bunch of delicious things to celebrate their victory in the competition.

The women and the others screamed happily, and immediately forgot about this little bit of unpleasantness.

Only Mi Gu still pouted, very unhappy.

However, she is also a human being, seeing that the morale of her good friends on the same team is not good, she immediately takes out a bunch of delicious things from the storage ring to share with her good friends.Children don't know what, as soon as they have something to eat, they forget all the unpleasantness.

The girls and the others were starving.

Gong Liang gave them a bunch of food, took them away from the field, and let them go to the field, which had been preparing for a long time and was eager to try.

Yuan Gun Gun has a lot of good friends in Miao Dao Xianzong, but for the competition, most of the good friends he found this time are from the bear family that looks similar to him, including the ancient earth bear, Xuanyue gray bear, Chigai black bear, white bear, and yellow bear , red 罴, Yao Ling Jin 罴 and so on.And its opponent is a team composed of spiritual pets such as golden lions led by white lions, lions, tigers, leopards and wolves.

The two teams are about the same size, and if they want to win, it probably depends on a little brains and luck.


Suddenly, Gong Liang saw the huge black mammoth Dorji behind the chubby team, and behind the white lion team was a huge ancient bear that was as big as a hill.

"Go away, why did you ask Duoji to come over?" Gong Liang wondered.

"Gatekeeper." Yuan Gungun yelled.

Gong Liang rolled his eyes when he heard that, with Duoji's size, he could block the goal in the past, so he asked someone to throw the ball, and said quickly: "Duoji is too big to keep the goal. The goalkeeper needs to be about the same size as you, Otherwise, how do people throw the ball?"

Yuan Gungun thought for a while and felt that it made sense, so he asked Duoji to go back and find someone else to guard the gate.

The white lion also let the giant bear go.

When the two teams were ready, Gong Liang walked to the middle of the arena, ready to start the game.

 the second



(End of this chapter)

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