Chapter 1056

"Papa, over there." Mi Gu pointed to a place below.

Gong Liang hurriedly drove the jade boat to the direction she said.

After a while, I came to a valley with natural cliffs on all sides, hanging vines and moss, and overgrown vegetation.To enter the valley, one had to pass through a rocky canyon tens of meters long, but at this time, the way into the valley was tightly blocked by a huge black beetle nest more than ten meters high and five or six meters wide.

In front of the nest of Xuanxuan, there are Xuanxuan flying in and out, constantly bringing the ferocious birds and beasts hunted from outside into the nest.

Gong Liang took a look, picked up a few stones from the ground, and threw them towards Xuanzhi's nest.

"bang bang bang"

A piece of stone was thrown on it, shaking the nest of Xuanxuan, alarming Xuanxuan, and immediately a group of Xuandi flew out from inside, patrolling around.The Xuanzhi group inspected and found the jade boat hovering over the lair, then vibrated its wings and flew over fiercely.

"Mi Gu, when Xuanxue flies over, I will spit them all to death." Gong Liang looked at Xuanxue flying over, and said to the little guy.

"Yeah, Baba, I know." Mi Gu nodded in response.

The unicorn and fairy horn screamed "Chi Chi" beside him, saying that he could help, and was kicked away by Mi Gu.How could she give up this opportunity to show off how powerful she is to others.


Xuan Jie flew over quickly, and was about to shoot out the black needle at the tail.

How could Mi Gu let them succeed, and immediately spit out a big mouthful of saliva, the saliva turned into rain, poured on Xuanjie's body, and escaped into the body.Xuanzhu was hit and fell down one after another.Gongliang swept it away, collected the dead Xuanxuan into the space, threw it into the small black pool to decompose, and turned it into nutrients for space growth.

"Babababa, the bugs are dead."

Spraying Xuanxuan to death, the little guy flicked his nine-colored tail, and happily flapped his wings to ask for credit to Papa.

"Well, our Migu is the best."

Gong Liang praised him, and then said: "Later, Dad will lure out the Xuanlings later, you have to spray them all to death, don't let them run away."

"Yeah, Papa, I'm the best." Mi Gu was very excited when he heard that he could help Papa.

So, Gongliang repeated his old trick, picked up stones from the ground, and threw them to the huge blackbird's nest blocking the entrance of the valley.Not surprisingly, another group of Xuanxuan came out and rushed towards Yuzhou.After several times like this, no more xuanzhi came out of the xuanzhi nest, only a few xuanzhi flew around the huge nest.

Gongliang looked at it, put away the jade boat, flew down to the ground with Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun, and killed a few black beetles.

So far, there is no more Xuanxuan outside the nest.

Gong Liang unleashed his consciousness to look left and right, and found no one, so he put Xuanzhi's nest into the fruit space, and walked in with Mi Gu, Yuan Gun Gun, and the one-horned fairy horn.

In the space, a group of people from Uncle Long were sitting on the grass and eating the freshly picked spiritual fruit, when they suddenly saw a huge nest of black worms appearing in front of them, they couldn't help but look over curiously.

Gong Liang came in to have a look, and asked them to break open the Xuanxuan's nest.

The people of the Longbo country did as they said, and divided the nests of the black beetles into several sections, and there were still some black beetles inside. Some saw the nests being destroyed, and immediately raised their tails fiercely and shot out the black needles, but the people of the Longbo country had rough skin and thick flesh. The Xuan needle couldn't go in at all, and was immediately slapped to death by a man from the Longbo country.

Seeing that the situation was not good, King Xuanxuan flew away with the rest of Xuanxuan.

Gongliang didn't care, he just looked towards Xuanxuan's nest.

The nests of black beetles are like Hu Feng's nests, one layer after another, in which the adult black beetles fly away, leaving only snow-white young beetle pupae without honey.You can tell it's something that can't make honey at first glance, but the pupae of this kind of bee are particularly large and delicious, which is also the purpose of Gongliang to harm Xuanzhu.

Like this kind of bee that cannot make honey, there will not be only one king in the nest, but one to three.

The queen bee is usually female, but what Gongliang sees is male. It seems that this group of bees is also a patriarchal society, and men rule the sky.

Gong Liang looked at it for a while, then asked Long Bo Qianhong and others to set up an oil pan, and asked Long Bo Qianqiu and the others to pour out the pupae, and then asked some people to move tables and chairs, and take out things for serving vegetables.

There are layers and layers of black twigs in the black twig nest, and the young slug twigs stick out their heads from the small holes in the black twig nest, wriggling.

Yuan Gun Gun lay on the side and watched stupidly.Mi Gu flew over and grabbed a chrysalis pupae, pinched it in his hand, it felt soft and soft, very fun.Gong Liang glanced at it, saw the body of the chrysalis chrysalis pinched like noodles, and mourned its miserable life in his heart.

The twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi sensed their good friend, and immediately escaped from the ground, shouting and dancing around the good friend "Yi Ya Ya Ya Ya" happily.

When Mi Gu saw his good friend, he also jumped up and down holding the chrysalis pupae, very happy.

After a while, the oil in the pan was hot, and Gong Liang personally poured out the pupae from the Longbo people, washed them and dried them, and put them into the pan for frying.


As soon as it was put into the frying pan, the snow-white chrysalis pupae changed color rapidly, and a scent wafted out.Gong Liang hastily used his claws to stir the chrysalis pupae, allowing them to be fried evenly.

The gluttonous little guy smelled the scent and stopped playing with his good friends. He flapped his wings and flew to Papa's side, staring straight at the chrysalis chrysalis in the pot.Yuan Gungun sat on the edge of the frying pan, drooling unbearably.

In just a few moments, the pupae of Xuanxuan were cooked.

Gong Liang scooped up the pupae with claws and drained them, put them on a large wooden tray, sprinkled them with crystal salt powder, mixed them well, grabbed one and tasted it.

The salty salt of the crystal salt and the sweetness of the chrysalis explode in the mouth instantly. It is so delicious, so unforgettable, and addictive for a while.

Seeing Baba eating insects, Mi Gu also grabbed one to eat, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he started eating quickly.

Yuan Gungun was already very hungry. Seeing Gongliang eating, he immediately grabbed a chrysalis pupae and threw it into his mouth, then grabbed another one with each hand, ready to eat again.If Gongliang hadn't put away the food when he was not allowed to eat, he would have dumped the whole plate of chrysalis chrysalis into the storage ring.

The people of Uncle Long didn't dare to be as presumptuous as Mi Gu and Yuan Gungun. When they saw Gongliang eating, they just watched from the side.

It was just the sound of "Gulu Gulu" swallowing their saliva, which betrayed their hearts.

Gongliang was awakened by the sound, and seeing them, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Try it too."

Hearing his words, the people of Long Bo country rushed to grab the pupae and ate them, screaming happily.Although these guys look big, some of them are actually children, and the biggest one is just a teenager.

Gong Liang said to Long Bo Qianhong again: "Just now I fried the chrysalis pupae and you all watched it, just fry it like this, and you can do the rest!"

Long Bo Qianhong quickly threw the chrysalis in her mouth into her mouth, grabbed the claws and exploded.

It is easy to fry the chrysalis chrysalis, and to Long Bo Qianhong, who is used to cooking, it is a child's play.

After a while, a large number of chrysalis pupae were blown out.

There were a lot of chrysalis chrysalis, and Gong Liang didn't spare them, so he asked the captured Dongtu people to come and eat them together, and they all had a great time eating.

After eating, he left the space with Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun still left.

(End of this chapter)

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