Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1071 3 years

1071 Three Years

Flash forward three years.

The years are quiet, the valley is as usual, and the Miaodao Xianzong is still the same, and it does not change because of the absence of anyone.

Under the eaves of the Feixia Building, Yan Jingshu was holding a storage ring to calculate this month's harvest.

Because Xiawo Supermarket and Wangxialou are both self-owned stores, and a pure-hearted girl from the wilderness is invited to watch the store, so Gongliang does not keep accounts, but only counts the harvest at the end of each month.In the past when he was around, he would occasionally do the inventory by himself, but now he can only rely on Yan Jingshu herself.

On the long table next to her, Yan Yanshu was drawing with a brush.

Now that she has just completed her painting skills, the scenery in her brush is lifelike, the mountains are like mountains, the water is like water, and the animals are like animals. If you don't look carefully, you will think it is the real thing.

Yan Yushu leaned on a dragon mastiff and watched her sister draw. After a while, she suddenly frowned and said, "I don't know when the young master will come back. It's been several years, and there is no news."

"Didn't you just use the Consonance Mirror to talk to Migu a few days ago?" Yan Yanshu said while drawing.

"Calling is so boring." Yan Yushu said quietly.

Yan Yanshu paused slightly when she heard her sister's words, so why didn't she think so.In the past, the young master was fine at home, but he missed him every day when he was away, but it was very annoying.Yan Jingshu stopped counting the Lingshi for a moment, then started counting again.

"Sister Yushu, sister Yushu, are you inside?" Suddenly, there was a cry from outside.

"come in!"

Hearing the sound, Yu Shu, who was leaning on the dragon mastiff, did not move, and directly opened the guardian formation.

After a while, a girl with dragon horns on her forehead, who looked to be about ten years old, flew over with a few weird-looking little guys.

Yushu glanced at the young girl and said, "Daughter, what are you doing instead of practicing with your mother?"

"Mother said that I have been practicing very well recently, and she specially gave me two days off to play, saying that I should combine work and rest, otherwise I will restrict my nature and cannot cultivate the Tao." The daughter said seriously.

Yushu rolled her eyes straight away, she ran out to play, she ran out to play, what did she say so nicely, it's not like she never came out to play.

The person who came was the daughter of Aoqi, the God of Wangyuan River.After Gongliang took Migu away, he was also forced by his mother to practice, and finally took shape a year ago.Although it changes shape, it behaves as before. It has a wide range of friends and likes to mix with many aquariums.Somehow a few years ago, he was favored by the elders of the sect and took him under his sect.Since then, Miaodao Xianzong has been regarded as her family, and she can come and leave whenever she wants.

"Sister Yushu, do you still have the elixirs you made last time? Give me some. The little six are so slow in their cultivation, they need to take more elixirs." The woman said again.

The elixir she was talking about was the Jade Beast Pill refined by Yan Yushu to improve the cultivation of animals and birds. She saw it when she was refining the alchemy last time, and Yushu gave a bottle.

Yushu didn't notice this, and directly took out a bottle of elixir from the storage ring and gave it to her, "Although the elixir is good, you should take it less, so as not to get erysipelas."

"Don't worry, I know." The girl took the bottle, poured out the pill and distributed it to her good friend who came with her.

The aquariums were not polite to her either, they took one and ate one, and kept the rest to eat slowly.

After distributing the pills, the daughter and daughter said to Yan Yushu: "Sister Yushu, we found another fairy cave at the mouth of the sea. Would you like to go exploring with us?"

Yushu thought that staying at home would be fine, so she nodded in agreement.

A mysterious sea of ​​bamboo, sitting in the corridor of the bamboo house, eating the freshly warmed roasted black grouse, while saying: "The black grouse is becoming more and more unpalatable, and it doesn't taste as good as before. "

"Hmm," Xiao Xiangxiang felt the same way.

"No! It's delicious!" Xiaoyuanzi said while gnawing on the black grouse.

After Xiao Yuanzi came back to the clan plumply, the clan matched it with a servant girl and a nanny, both of whom were from the panda clan.

Yuan GunGun put down the black grouse, looked at the green bamboo fluttering in the wind, and said with emotion: "That is the tastiest thing you have ever eaten. These things have been stored in the storage ring for a long time, and the taste has changed. They are not in Gongliang. The food around is delicious."

Upon hearing what it said, Xiaoyuanzi asked curiously, "Holy Son, I keep hearing you mention Gongliang, is he fine?"

"It's not very good, but the dishes are delicious."

Inexplicably, Yuan Gungun couldn't help but feel melancholy when he thought of the scene when he met Gongliang earlier, when they were companions.

It regrets a little now, regretting whether it should listen to Gongliang's words, what kind of skills the Hui people should learn, how good it is to eat and drink in the Miaodao Xianzong.But now that he has come, there is nothing he can do. He can only hope that he can practice the exercises well and leave this place soon.

On the Wangyuan River, a Mingbo dragon ship cut through the waves and headed for Miaodao Xianzong at high speed.

A Taoist soldier in a battle armor with a divine pattern and holding a spear with a divine pattern sat on the ground in the ship, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

There was a long silence, and as soon as they arrived at the Miaodao Xianzong, a Taoist soldier wearing a divine pattern armor asked a Taoist soldier next to him, "Gong Liang, don't you want to be a Taoist soldier?"

Gong Liang shook his head and said, "No, I really can't bear this kind of suffering with my lazy nature."

"I wanted to form a team with you, but it seems hopeless." Dao Bing said melancholy.

Gongliang didn't even know how he survived these past few years.The training of this Taoist soldier is simply horrible. After being selected as a Taoist soldier, the first training is to sit collectively in the Leiming Gorge of Leizu Cave and be struck by lightning. Daoist ranks.

Of course, this sky thunder is not a real sky thunder, but the power of the sky thunder absorbed by the thunder gorge.

Even so, the power of thunder cannot be underestimated.

Fortunately, Gongliang practiced the Divine Thunder of Absolute Beginning, and the power of heavenly thunder is not only harmless to him, but also beneficial.But if you think that's all it takes, then you've lost.

Bombarded by the power of thunder from Leizu Cave, followed by the impact of water flow from the water world of Jellyfish Cave, the cold invasion of Ice Cave, the roaring wind of Bottomless Pit, and the supreme flames of Yanhuo Cavern.After passing these five tests, they will be sent to various places to practice. Only by passing can they become Dao soldiers.The hardships and pains involved are beyond imagination for ordinary people.

Although it is horrific pain, but the benefits are good.

In daily practice, there are not only a lot of pills that can be taken, but also the medicine soup made from heaven and earth elixir to temper the muscles and bones, as well as advanced kung fu techniques to practice, and the most important thing is that there are also spiritual stones, magic weapons, magic talismans and other things that can be taken.

These things may not be seen by Gongliang, but for some practitioners with little wealth, they are fatal temptations.

Therefore, a large number of people from Miaodao Xianzong voluntarily become Taoist soldiers every year, but there are not a few who are eliminated.

This is typical, as much as you pay, you will get as much return.

(End of this chapter)

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