Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1076 Kui Xiong wants to be a Taoist soldier

Chapter 1076 Kui Xiong wants to be a Taoist soldier

A few days later, Kai Xiong and others retrieved the property from Daxia, and when they heard that Gongliang had returned, they all came to visit.

They followed Gongliang from the Great Wilderness to the Miaodao Immortal Sect. Apart from practicing, they traveled between Daxia and the Miaodao Immortal Sect. They brought things from the valley to the tribal camp of the Daxia Temple and exchanged them for products from the Great Wilderness.In addition, sometimes you will do tasks in exchange for contribution points.

It's just that their status as followers is destined to not be able to exchange for good things, they can only get some superficial exercises, and they can't get more advanced ones at all.

Kai Xiong briefly told Gongliang what he had done in the past three years, and talked about the changes in the tribe.

After finishing speaking, he was silent for a moment and said, "Gongliang, what do you think of being a Taoist soldier? Can we participate?"

"It is possible to participate."

Gong Liang nodded, looked at him and asked, "Why do you want to become Taoist soldiers? Isn't it good to practice here?"

The Taoist training he participated in three years ago was actually the second stage of selection, otherwise he would be bombarded by thunderbolts as soon as he entered, and no one could stand it.

The initial selection of Dao soldiers is relatively simple, mainly based on physique, blood and heart. As for the roots and talents, they are not important to Dao soldiers.After passing the selection, those who participate in the Taoist soldiers will be taught body training methods, exercise their physique, take pills to practice, quench their bodies with medicinal liquid, wash their hair and cut their marrow, and the second round of selection will not begin until their physical fitness reaches a certain level .

Only those who pass the selection can participate in the next round of training.

If you fail to pass, you will have to serve the Miaodao Xianzong for ten years.

After all, the elixirs, precious medicines, exercises and other things of Miaodao Xianzong are not obtained for nothing, and you have to give something if you get it.

Kui Xiong and others accompanied Gongliang to Miaodao Xianzong, and were taught by him the 12-Yuanchen Golden Armor Bodyguard Art and the Tongtian Divine Hammer that he had exchanged from Zangshu Pavilion, and their skills improved by leaps and bounds.It's just that now it seems to be stuck in a bottleneck, and there is no way to advance.

They also wanted to obtain contribution points for doing tasks in exchange for practicing exercises.

But they are not disciples of Miaodao Xianzong, and the chance of obtaining advanced exercises is very small, and in the end they only exchanged for some superficial exercises.

Later, when I saw Gongliang participating in Taoist training, I thought of the reborn performance of tribal elites who entered the sect to participate in Taoist soldiers, so I wanted to give it a try.

Gongliang didn't have any good ways to practice the exercises.

Although he is a disciple of Changwu and the younger brother of the current suzerain Cai Xianchu, he can't do whatever he wants, let alone he never thought of obtaining exercises in the name of the two.But if relying on one's own strength, the skills that can be exchanged are very limited, and the more advanced methods are basically sect secrets, and there is absolutely no reason to show them to others.

When he participated in the final trial of Taoist soldiers, he also obtained some exercises, but unfortunately it was completely incomparable with the 12th Yuanchen Golden Armor Bodyguard Art.

It seems that if Kaixiong and the others want to continue to practice, they can only pass the Taoist training, otherwise they have to go back to the temple.

However, judging by their appearance, it seems that they have no plans to return to the temple.

After hearing what Kai Xiong said, Gong Liang said, "If so, you can try it, but you have to be mentally prepared, the training of Dao soldiers is extremely difficult. Even I can't stand it. The training is okay. After the training is completed, I will become Dao soldiers fight for the sect, the danger really begins, you have to think carefully."

"Don't worry, we have already prepared. What's more, fighting for the sect, is it dangerous to hunt in the wilderness?" Kai Xiong said indifferently.

Gongliang heard the words and didn't try to persuade him any more.

The mountains of the Great Wilderness are stretching, the jungle is vast and boundless, and there are many poisonous substances in it, and there are endless vicious birds and beasts. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of death.

Relatively speaking, although Dao soldiers are dangerous, they are much safer with the powerful forces of the sect guarding them behind them.

After a moment of silence, Gong Liang asked: "Then you are gone, who will do the business of going to Daxia to exchange things? Is it going to stop?"

"How come? If you dare to stop this matter, the elders stationed at the Daxia Temple will come here immediately to settle accounts with me. In the past few years since you were absent, another group of people came out from the tribe. Last year, the various sects selected disciples. At that time, some people were selected to enter the sect to practice, and the rest stayed at the Daxia Temple. The selection of Taoist soldiers will start next year. I want to take this time to familiarize those people with the route, and then I will exchange things Leave it to them. We may not all be able to pass the selection of Taoist soldiers, and then let those who have not entered bring them to do things together. However, it is up to you to let these people enter and exit the Miaodao Xianzong."

"It's easy to say."

The Miaodao Xianzong has very strict management on the personnel coming and going, and temporary entry and exit must have a token on the body.If there is no token, once found, the light ones will be driven away, and the heavy ones will be thrown into the dungeon.

The newcomers from the Great Yan Department wanted to come and go freely in the Miaodao Xianzong, but they definitely couldn't with the temporary token.

Gong Liang wanted to bring them into the valley and become followers like Kai Xiong and the others. Anyway, the valley did not lack a few of them, so they could practice in it and enjoy some benefits.

"Then when will you go to Daxia again?" Gongliang asked again.

"Since we want them to be familiar with the situation on both sides, naturally the sooner the better, I will take people there tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow! I haven't been back to the Great Wilderness for several years. I want to go back and have a look when I'm free. I'll take you there." Gong Liang thought for a while and said.

Kaixiong and the others went back to the tribe earlier, but they were not interested in it.Hearing what he said, he nodded, anyway, it's not a day or two away.

Counting it, it has been seven or eight years since Gongliang left Yanbu to Dahuang, and then to Dongtu, how time flies, how time flies.

In fact, he doesn't miss anything about Dahuang and Yanbu.Because these two places are just the places where he came to this world to live temporarily, just like changing jobs and changing environments.Although sometimes he misses the place where he used to work, but it is not enough to make him think about it day and night. What really makes him miss is the previous world.

But after so many years, no matter how obsessed with it, it is enough to dilute everything.

What's more, his elder brother took care of his parents in his previous life, so he didn't have to worry about what would happen if his parents left him.

Sometimes I have to worry about staying at home, whether the two elderly people will have gray hair because they are old and have no wives.

This time he wanted to go back to the Great Wilderness, not on a whim, mainly because the valley has been selling the Great Wilderness products from the Great Yan Department for the past few years.Although it is said to be barter, it actually takes a lot of money.

After all, the things he exchanged were not worth much, but the products of the Great Wilderness benefited him a lot.

If this matter is not dealt with, I will inevitably feel sorry for it, and it will be detrimental to my practice in the future.

Not only that, the people of Long Bo country have been with me for so many years, after they came to Miaodao Xianzong, but because they were afraid of being discovered by others, they stayed in the fruit space and did not come out.He probably got tired of staying there for the past few years, and he wanted to take them home to have a look while he was free during this time.

And Yan Jingshu and the others have been practicing on the mountain since they followed her, and they don't know if there is anything they are nostalgic for in the secular world.

If there is, you have to solve it quickly, otherwise you will be worried, and it will be very dangerous to break into a high-level realm in the future.

Gong Liang told the three sisters of the Yan family about the news that he was going back to the Great Wilderness, and asked them if they wanted to go for a walk.

How could the three of them not want to, they screamed happily, and even Jing Shu, who had always been steady, was jumping for joy like a little girl.

Since you want to leave, you have to arrange things in the valley first.

Jing Shu followed and left, and someone had to take charge of the affairs in the valley.Neither Wangxialou nor Xiawo Supermarket has such talents.Fortunately, Mr. Gongjia in the valley is a management talent, and he is more than capable of handling these matters, so Gongliang entrusted him to take care of all the affairs of the valley.

If he is competent, he intends to let Mr. Gongjia be in charge of all the affairs of the valley in the future.

Because of this, Jing Shu can also spare a little more time to practice, instead of being tied up in these vulgar things.

Although Gongliang had three months to spare, it was not a short journey back to the Great Wilderness.So he went to talk to the master, and after visiting all the senior brothers and familiar friends, he took the jade boat and left the Miaodao Xianzong early so as not to come back late.

Being able to hang out with Papa, the happiest thing is Migu, and the happiest is her friends.

Finally, someone can play with them, tell them stories, and eat and drink for free.I didn't expect the good times to end in a few days, how can I make them happy?

Migu didn't care about these things, he flapped his wings excitedly and flew around on the jade boat, and when he was tired from flying, he lay in Papa's arms and fell asleep comfortably.

Seeing her carefree appearance, Gong Liang couldn't help but gently tapped her small nose with his fingers.

Migu felt it, and immediately opened her beautiful big eyes to look at Papa, and the nine-colored tail kept flicking, very happy.Papa likes her the most, and she also likes Papa the most.

Jing Shu, Yan Shu and Yu Shu couldn't help laughing when they saw her cute appearance.

Everything is so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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