Chapter 1084

After staying in the temple for a day, Gong Liang took Mi Gu, Jing Shu and the others to fly to the Great Yan Department the next day.

In the tribe, Kaixiong and the others who are friends with him are still in the Miaodao Xianzong, and Aruna and the others who are more familiar with him are said to have brought a group of girls to the ancestral land.

So when he returned to the tribe, he couldn't see any familiar faces.

But when the tribal leader saw him coming back, he came to visit him.

I haven't been back for a long time, the outer walls of the stone house built before are covered with ivy and silk, the house is covered with thick dust, and the yard outside the stone house is overgrown with weeds and shrubs, which has lost its beautiful appearance before.Fortunately, this little thing is nothing to practitioners.

Jing Shu led Yanshu and Yushu around, one used Xiaoyunyujue, the other used Duchenjue, and the other used real fire to burn the vines attached to the outer wall.

And Gongliang also took Migu, the black mammoth Dorji, and Xiaoji to weed and cut down trees outside the house.

Not long after, the inside and outside of the stone house became clean and extremely clean.

At night, they stayed in the stone house.

Gong Liang didn't stay long in the Great Yan Department. He stayed for one night and visited the foundry master Lang Jian, the leader Meng, and the elders Meng and Wu who took care of him when he was in the tribe. After the gift brought back by the soil, he left the tribe and flew forward along the straight road.

The straight road leading from the temple to the ancestral land of hundreds of tribes in the wilderness is very wide, and can accommodate more than a dozen vehicles to gallop on it.

Gongliang's Yuzhou is flying across the sky, looking down from above, he can see people coming and going on the straight road, people riding animals and birds and chariots can be found everywhere, and there are flying boats and colorful cloud chariots flying over it from time to time.

Some of these people went to their ancestral land, and some went to their own tribe along the straight road.

Obviously, this straight road has become the main travel channel for nearby tribes.

In order not to stay in the wilderness for too long, it was too late to go back to take over as the guard of the Yanzi Kingdom, Gongliang Yuzhou moved forward at a high speed, and the top-grade spirit stone was swallowed by the jade boat's core circle like no money, turning it into a driving force.However, he didn't dare to fly too high, too far away from the straight road, but Yu Zhou flew a few hundred meters above the ground.

You must know that there are many ferocious birds and beasts in the wilderness. If you fly too high and too far away from the straight road, you will be regarded as a provocation by some wild beasts entrenched in the nearby forests, and you will inevitably have to fight a battle.

He was so busy on his way that he was really not interested in this senseless killing.

On the straight road, from time to time, people from the nearby tribes led people and rode beasts to patrol. With their protection, the straight road was much more peaceful.

In the past, there were many herds of beasts living near the straight road, and they often clashed with the barren people passing by.Fortunately, there are patrol teams to kill these wild beasts in time, otherwise some barren people with relatively low cultivation levels will suffer.

After coming and going, the nearby herds of beasts were also killed and frightened, and they moved to the depths of the jungle one after another.

With these herds gone, the straight road became safer and safer.

The straight road connecting the temple and the ancestral land is extremely long. It takes an ordinary person at least three months to get from one end to the other by riding a beast, and seven days by flying car. sea ​​of ​​giant turtles.

Looking from a distance, under the sunlight, the sea of ​​giant tortoises glistens with sparkling light, which is extremely beautiful.

On the surface of the sea, giant white-headed turtles kept carrying people back and forth between the ancestral land and the wilderness.

Ferocious seabirds flew over the giant bald-headed turtle, sang, and flapped their wings from time to time, rushing into the sea to pick up a big fish.

The giant white-headed tortoise turned a blind eye to the seabirds swirling overhead, and just carried people forward.

Gong Liang looked at it from a distance, then turned around and flew towards the snake manipulator.

It's just that when they waited for the Snake Manipulator, they found that the Snake Manipulator was gone, as if some great existence had taken action to erase them from the land, and there was no trace of the Snake Manipulator's existence.

Fortunately, the snake operation department is close to the straight road and relatively close to the Giant Turtle Sea. Many people will take a rest on the shore before crossing the sea, so that people can often be seen nearby.

Gong Liang asked someone to ask, and only then did he know about the move of the Snake Clan to the opposite spiritual land.

After hearing the news, he didn't go to the Snake Manipulation Department immediately, but continued to fly forward with Mi Gu and Jing Shu.

Not long after, I came to the place where I met Fire Lady before.Unexpectedly, when I looked at the place, there was only an extinct volcanic crater left, and the fire mouse, fire tree and fire lady all disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

Gongliang was very surprised, and didn't know what happened in the past few years, so that such a big fire tree and so many people disappeared without saying goodbye?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't think of a reason, so he stopped thinking about it and continued to fly forward with Mi Gu and Jing Shu.

Not far ahead is the Maoren tribe. When Gongliang was a fledgling, the head of the Maoren tribe gave him some Wanguo wine, which benefited him a lot.

When I come back this time, it is inevitable to pay a visit and send some East local specialties.

The head of the Maoren tribe looked at the top-grade spiritual grains, spiritual salt, marinated monster meat, sea crabs, big abalone and other things he brought out, and he was delighted from ear to ear, feeling that he really saw the right person back then.

After staying in the Maoren tribe for a while and buying some naturally brewed Wanguo wine, Gong Liang bid farewell to the Maoren tribe chief and flew to the Qingsang tribe.

After the Qingsang tribe was promoted to a medium-sized tribe, there was actually not much change. The tribe's population is so large, and it is impossible to expand.However, more and more people came to buy and sell green mulberry fruit, green mulberry wine, and silk, so that the green mulberry department specially built several wooden houses to receive people who came to the tribe to do business.

When Gongliang passed by the Qingsang Department, he benefited a lot.In the current space, the green mulberry fruit still occupies a place among the top-grade spiritual objects.

So, he took Mi Gu, Jing Shu and the others to the Qingsang tribe to visit the patriarch Canniang, and by the way gave him gifts from the east.

After staying in the Qingsang Department for a while, and having a meal by the way, Gongliang said goodbye and left, flying to Guifangguo.

After Guifang Kingdom was promoted to a superior tribe, the leader of Guifang Kingdom immediately summoned people to repair the road to the vassal tribe.

As the old saying goes, "If you want to get rich, build roads first." After the road was opened, the unique products of various ministries gathered in Guifang Kingdom and sold to the Great Desolation East.The ministries became richer and richer, and Guifang Kingdom prospered as a result.

Gongliang enters Guifang Kingdom and finds that Guifang Kingdom seems to be bigger, the city area has more than doubled in size.

The previously desolate streets were full of people coming and going, with shops lined up on both sides and hawking constantly.

Seeing these scenes, Gong Liang suddenly felt that everything was wrong.

Feeling deeply, he went to Guifang Academy.I just waited until I looked around, only to find that the former small school had turned into an academy, and there were many students in it, not only people from Guifang Kingdom, but also people from Guifang Kingdom's vassal tribes.

After looking at it, Gong Liang went to Master Qin and handed him the letter written by his son Qin Liang.

"Thank you."

After reading his son's letter, Mrs. Qin burst into tears. Obviously, Qin Liang had already told about their family's affairs in the letter.

"It's all a matter of little effort, you don't need to be polite."

Even though he said so, Mr. Qin had to express that he wanted to give him the gold he had obtained over the years.

It's just that there is still a pile of gold in the space, and it's useless for Gongliang to come, so he shook his head and refused.Suddenly remembering the scene of mining day and night in order to obtain gold, I couldn't help but feel deeply, "Last night the stars were not this night, and when I look back, it's been a hundred years."

(End of this chapter)

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