Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 110 Tianxiang Tree

Chapter 110 Tianxiang Tree

Duke Ling looked at the weapons on the ground, and asked Gong Liang, "Do you really want to exchange these weapons for something?"

"Really." Gongliang nodded.

"Do you want to change the spear?" Duke Ling pointed to the spear.

"Uh, if this is exchanged for something, it needs to be a little more." Gong Liang scratched his head, he had never thought of using a spear for something at all.

"Take a look."

Gongliang had no choice but to hand over the spear.

Mr. Ling carefully inspected the hard spear body, the sharp spear tip, and touched the spiral pattern on the spear body, then put the spear down, and said enviously: "Good thing! I didn't expect you Yanbu people to be so rich. A child like you can use such a good spear. I want this spear, you wait, I'll go back and get something in exchange."

Seeing that Duke Ling asked for a spear, the people beside him regretted it. Why didn't they see the spear just now?

With good eyesight, he quickly picked up the knife on the ground, so as not to be replaced later.

After a while, Duke Ling turned back, took out a small bag from his pocket, and handed it to Gong Liang, "There are hundreds of altars of spirit snake wine in it, and another jar of medicinal wine brewed by a thousand-year-old snake, together with the treasure bag of Nawu. I’m giving it to you, it’s a gift to thank you for saving Ava.”

Linggong came and went in a hurry. After giving the things, he picked up the spear and walked out quickly.The people in the snake manipulator privately speculated that he should have gone to try a new weapon.

At this time, Ava came out from nowhere, saw the weapons on the booth, and couldn't help but stare and said, "Ah Liang, why didn't you tell me you have such good weapons. You don't need to change them here, I want them all."


Hearing his words, the people next to the snake operator opened their eyes angrily and cast unkind looks.

When Ava saw it, his momentum suddenly weakened a bit, and he said a little wronged: "Then at least give me a hand!"

Gong Liang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I still have some. I'll give you one when I go back."

"Thank you." Awa suddenly smiled again.

In the crowd of onlookers, someone finally couldn't help but picked up the weapons on the stalls, and if there was one, there were two, and the weapons on the stalls were taken away in a blink of an eye.They got together and discussed what to exchange for Gongliang's weapon.

Awa looked at it from the side, and said, "After everyone thinks about it, bring the exchanged things to my house, so as to save the trouble of bringing them back and forth."

After hearing this, everyone nodded, feeling that this was a good idea.

Seeing that the weapons were changed, Ava took Gongliang away and walked outside the tribe.Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji hurriedly followed, followed by a group of good-natured little kids.

Gong Liang looked back at the weapons in everyone's hands, but said nothing.People in the primitive tribes are very simple, and there will never be anything that they don’t return, and they will only pay more.

The former Gongliang once read a record about King Wen's "painting the ground as a prison" in his book. In fact, it was because the ancient people were innocent, simple, and kind, and had no intrigue, insidious and cunning thoughts in their hearts.In future generations, it is absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen, it is estimated that people have already run away.

Besides, speaking of it, what King Wen painted was not just prisons, but fame.

People at that time valued fame more than life.

If you go out, you will be spurned by others, everyone will stay away from you, and you will become a stinky person who is isolated.

And if you go out, the punishment for standing there may become killing, and there is a danger of losing your head at any time.The ancients were not only tolerant, but also thunderous and thunderous.

Awa took Gongliang to a vast forest. The trees in the forest were tall, vigorous, and lush. Some of the trees bore fruit, and some of them bloomed.

"Swallow poison son".

When Awa came to the place, he yelled, and saw the accompanying spirit snake that Gongliang had seen last time protruding from a big tree.It seemed to know what he was going to do, so he quickly climbed up the tree, and when he reached the branch full of fruits, he kept slapping the fruits with his tail.

The fruit immediately fell like rain.

Awa hurriedly pocketed his clothes, one or two, and the bag was full in a short while.

Tun Zhen'er also climbed down from the tree, wrapped around Awa's body, and rubbed his head against his head flatteringly.

The little kids at the back saw it, and also shouted:

"eating poison"

"Eating Poison"

"Hitting Poison"

"Hitting the Poison"

"Hammer and Venom"

All right!The Snake Fighters and the Tianzheng have enmity, and the children also share the same enmity, so it is not surprising that they take some enmity names.When the snakes on those little kids heard their cries, they climbed off them one after another, and quickly climbed to the nearby Tianxiang tree to pick fruits.Some snakes just bounced off the kid and jumped up the tree.

Gong Liang saw a snake that was used to fly. When he looked carefully, he saw that there was a pair of fleshy wings growing in the middle of the snake, which usually don't need to be folded up to stick to the body. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference from other snakes.

"This is a flying snake. When it grows up, it can fly by the wind. It's a trivial matter to go back and forth a hundred miles a day." Ava explained beside him.

Gong Liang nodded, expressing his understanding, and turned around to see the little fat man, Snake Dan, also coming. Thinking of his little snake's name, he felt a little out of place.

So, he asked curiously: "Snake egg, everyone's snake has a zhen'er in its name, why is yours called Xiao Chongzi?"

"This is a nickname, and my little bug also has a nickname." Snake Dan explained.

"Oh, what's that called?"

"Urine Zhener." Snake Dan said arrogantly.

Gong Liang touched his face, rubbed his face, and tried not to let himself laugh.This name is really weird.

Seeing Gongliang's smiling face, Snake Dan said dissatisfiedly, "Is Xiao Shizi's snake called Smelly Zhen'er?"

All right!I finally ran out of one-word verbs and started using two-word verbs.If it continues like this, I don't know what the name of the next snake will be.It shouldn't be a poop!

Gongliang finally couldn't help laughing.

Seeing him making fun of his little worm's name, Snake Dan was a little unhappy, turned his head to ignore him, and told the little worm to pick fruit.

"Ah Liang, try it, Tianxiang fruit is delicious."

Awa brought over the fruit that Tun Zhener had knocked down, and asked Gong Liang to eat it.

Seeing that there were a lot of fruits, Gong Liang gave Yuan Gun Gun and Xiao Ji one of them, and then ate it by himself.Tianxiang is shaped like a pear, with purple-black skin, and the flesh is like a ripe black plum. It is full of purple-black juice when bitten down. The taste is as sweet as bay lotus mist, and it has the taste of pineapple and custard apples. It is very delicious.The important thing is that after eating, there is still a scent lingering in the mouth, very strange, worthy of being called Tianxiangguo.


"Tweet Tweet"

Yuangungun and Xiaoji wanted to eat again after eating, so Gongliang had to throw another one at them.

The snakes that climbed the tree also dropped their fruits, and the little kids caught them one after another and ate them, making the corners of their mouths full of juice, purple and black.

Soon, they ate up all the celestial fruit on Awa's clothes.

After eating, Ava wiped the juice-soaked hands on his clothes casually, and then continued to introduce to Gongliang, "Listen to my dad and the others, these days the fragrant trees were first transplanted from the ancestral land. , After so many years of reproduction, it has grown into a large area. The Tianxiang tree has a natural fragrance, whether it is the tree body or the branches, all have fragrance. You can smell it, even the leaves are fragrant."

Ava broke off a leafy branch from his side and handed it to Gongliang.

Gongliang crushed a leaf and put it in front of his nose. After smelling it, it was indeed very fragrant. It seemed to be a bit like the scent of Indian Laoshan sandalwood in his previous life, but it was more mellow and elegant.

PS: The word "pixiu" in front should be Yazi, but I don't know how to write it as "pixiu". It's strange.It has been changed, thank you book friend for the reminder.

Here, thank you all for your continued support.

(End of this chapter)

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